Comprehensive Manga: You Just Time Traveled, Rebelle Retires Her Engagement

Chapter 92 Upgrade Materials, Go To The Eleventh Floor

Twenty-fifth floor.

So far, 99% of the players who have come to the twenty-fifth floor are first-line players of the strategy team, and there are not many people on the street.

"I found the information you want about the upgrade materials of the Moon Shadow Gale Sable. It's in the Black Mist Forest to the north of the 11th floor. You can find it there yourself."

When Xia Yan came to the main street, Panareze, a message from Argo came.

——Moon Shadow Wind Mink.

When this pet reached the tenth floor, Xia finally managed to get it.

It also represented how cumbersome and lengthy the task this pet got was, and it didn't end until the tenth floor.

In order to get this pet, Xia Yan spent nearly two months before capturing it.

After the capture, it took a lot of resources to cultivate.

If these resources were used on ordinary players, it would be enough to pile up three first-line Raiders players.

It can be seen from this that it also affects the extent of resource consumption by Galewind Mink.

In the entire SAO, it is estimated that only a few top players can afford pets of this level.

What's more, even if you really want to raise this pet well, the few players who stand at the top will have to fall behind.

However, Xia Yan will not.

Because of the establishment of the [Garden of Roses] guild that focuses on supporting professions, Xia Yan can use much more resources than other players.

Therefore, Xia Yan can be at the forefront of player 22 without leaving behind other processes on the premise of cultivating pets.

After spending such a huge amount of resources, the attributes of the Moon Shadow Storm Sable did not disappoint Xia Yan.

In terms of level, Moon Shadow Galewind Mink is already level 39.

In terms of attack power, it is not as good as the first-line players of the same level.

However, every tenth level, with some special resources to feed, the Moon Shadow Storm Mink can unlock a skill.

So far, Shadow Wind Sable has three skills.

They are Gale, Tear, and Docked Tail.

Gale is an acceleration skill, which can accelerate Xia Yan and the pet itself at the same time.

Tear is an attack skill, which can cause damage to the enemy and at the same time form a bleeding damage that lasts for 30 seconds.

Tail docking is a rare skill.

Some boss monsters have very powerful skills. If they are accidentally hit, it is enough to clear the blood bar of a first-line player with one blow.

And this level of attack can be resisted by using the skill of docking the tail.

Of course, the effect is only once.

The price is to sacrifice the level of the Moon Shadow Storm Mink, clear the level to zero, and need to be re-trained, and when it is trained again, the tail-docking skill will not appear again.

Xia Yan has never announced this skill to the public. In the game of death, such a skill is too outrageous.

Now, Moon Shadow Galewind Mink's level is already thirty-nine, and the experience value is almost full, as long as it transforms once, it can get a new skill.

After closing the message in the friend column, Xia Yan walked towards the portal in the center of the town.

When Xia Yan came to the portal, he happened to meet Tuzawa Fukasumi who came out of the portal.

"The room of the guarding boss on the twenty-fifth floor has been found, why don't you go to the strategy meeting? Kirito and the others have already summoned the players from the strategy group."

Seeing that Xia Yan was going to use the portal to leave, Manze Fukasumi asked curiously.

She just received the news, so she went from the 23rd floor

"I got the message."

Xia Yan nodded, someone had already notified him before.

"Then where are you going now?"

Tuzawa Fukasumi asked doubtfully.

Judging by Xia Yan's appearance, she intends to use the portal to go to other floors.

"The difficulty of defending the boss on the twenty-fifth floor should be very high, I plan to raise the level of the pet first, and then consider the strategy of the boss.

Xia Yan remembers that in the plot, it seems to have been mentioned, that is, when the number of floors is 25, 50, and 75, the difficulty of defending the boss will be greatly increased, causing heavy losses to the strategy team.

Especially on the twenty-fifth floor, the players didn't realize that the monsters would be greatly enhanced, so many first-line players were lost.

"Will it be very difficult?"

Tusawa Fukasumi felt puzzled.

In fact, according to estimates, it should be at the thirtieth floor that the difficulty will increase to a certain extent.

Because, when the strategy group attacked the tenth floor guarding boss before, they obviously felt the difficulty increase.

As for the guarding boss on the twentieth floor, because Xia Yan fought alone, we can only infer from his mouth that the difficulty of guarding the boss has increased a bit.

"I have this hunch. After all, the twenty-fifth floor is a quarter of SAO's progress."

Of course, Xia Yan can't say that it was mentioned in the plot, but she found a reason to explain: "The idea of ​​Kayaba Akihiko designing this game is obviously based on the routine of the brave and the devil in the previous traditional games. So like this special layer , will definitely greatly increase the difficulty. It is the same as killing the four heavenly kings under the demon king before the crusade against the demon king**

"What you said also makes sense."

Tusawa Fukasumi nodded approvingly, as a senior game lover, of course he also understands the routine of the game SAO.

Most importantly, Xia Yan's deduction, at least so far, has not been wrong.

"When you go to the strategy meeting, tell the group of guys in the strategy group not to challenge the boss at the first thought, wait until I come back."

Xia Yan said emphatically.

"Understood, I will explain it at the strategy meeting."

Tuzawa Fukasumi agreed, and then asked: "How long will it take you to collect the materials before you come back?"

"About two days."

Xia Yan estimated the time, and found that the materials needed were very special, and it took a lot of time.

After speaking, Xia Yan stepped onto the portal and headed to the first floor.

SAO Eleventh Floor, Tafto.

This is the main block of the eleventh floor that floats into Aincrad.

Today, the first-line players are all struggling on the 25th floor, and this place has become a stronghold for middle-level players.

However, no matter which game, the lower-level players have always been the mainstream.

Therefore, compared to the deserted twenty-fifth floor, this place is actually very lively. There are people coming and going on the street, and players can be seen coming out of the portal from time to time.

Only today, a player who walked out of the portal immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding players.

"what is that?"

"Is it a monster?"

"so cute!"

"No, there can't be monsters in the town!"

"Could it be a familiar?"

"This monster looks like a mink, could it be...!"

The players around were all attracted by the Moon Shadow Galewind Mink, and then widened their eyes with astonishment on their faces, but soon someone seemed to have discovered something, and their expressions became shocked.


Xia Yan shook his head helplessly, and quickly left the portal with Moon Shadow Galewind Mink, walked towards the city gate, and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The name for pets in SAO——familiar.

Just like the literal meaning, it is a monster that can be controlled.

However, there is a troublesome thing about familiars in SAO, that is, there is no such thing as a pet package.

Pets cannot be received in the inventory, they can only be taken outside.

Probably to satisfy the evil setting of "combat partner".

"Would that player just now be the president of [Dawn]?"

"White mink, only the president [Dawn] has such a pet!"

"How could such a big shot come to the eleventh floor?"

Looking at Xia Yan's back, the players around the portal had different emotions, excitement, confusion, and dumbness mixed together, causing a burst of noise, which calmed down after a long time.

Although the only ones who have really seen Xia Yan's face are probably those in the strategy team.

But there are only a handful of people in SAO who own pets.

Through the appearance of Moon Shadow Galewind Mink, many people have judged Xia Yan's identity.

"When the tailors and blacksmiths in [Garden of Roses] have similar professional levels, they must order a set of special clothes."

Xia Yan looked at the Moon Shadow Galewind Mink at his feet, and thought to himself.

At that time, a special storage device can be specially customized on the armor, so as not to swagger across the street with Moon Shadow Gale.

For example, the reminder of Yue 390 Shadow Galewind Mink is good, you can wrap it around your waist as a belt.

Bringing the Moon Shadow Galewind Mink with him, and as fast as possible, Xia Yan headed out of the city.

The monsters on the eleventh floor basically couldn't do any harm to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan's goal was very clear. After leaving Taft, she ran to the north.

Almost without any obstacles, Xia Yan ran with all his strength, and soon came to a forest located in the north of Tafto.

"It's here."

Xia Yan looked at the map and found that the black fog forest was in front of him.

According to Argo's information, it seems that in the central area of ​​the Black Mist Forest, the upgrade materials needed by the Moon Shadow Storm Sable can be obtained.

After Xia Yan took a look at the overall terrain, he stepped directly into the Heiyuan forest.

This kind of similar forest exists on many floors, and its characteristic is that the roads inside are winding and winding, which is very complicated.

It is also very in line with the characteristics of the large forest outside.

Xia Yan never came here to level up when he reached the eleventh floor.

For players in the frontline strategy group, the maze on each floor is the best place for leveling.

Wild monsters, and only wild bosses are a bit attractive.

Therefore, Xia Yan is not familiar with the roads in the Black Mist Forest, and wandered around in it for a long time, but did not find any upgrade materials.

"I can only find it slowly."

Xia Yan was not in a hurry, and marked the places he walked in the Black Mist Forest to avoid repeated walking, and sooner or later he would be able to find what he needed.

At this time, the sound of fighting came from Xia Yan's ear.

Xia Yan didn't find it strange, it was just a player leveling in the wild.

However, the next moment, the sound of fighting turned into an exclamation.

Xia Yan stopped, and rushed towards the place where the exclamation sound came from.

After passing through a block of trees, the source of the 'exclamation sound' appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

This is a team of players who are leveling in the Black Mist Forest. Judging by the buoy of the characters, they should be members of a guild.

A combination of four men and one woman.

At this moment, he was surrounded by monsters and fell into danger. .

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