"Mr. Li!!!"

The officers and soldiers of the County Sheriff's Office outside Li's Mansion shouted.

They wanted to rescue but it was too late.

"Do you dare to kill me?"

Looking at Cheng Blind Man's terrifying knife strike, the old head of the Li family roared with a ferocious look.

He was filled with terrifying gang energy. He was obviously ready to fight desperately.

Boom - at this moment, the old head of the Li family burned the gang energy in his body. He used his energy and vitality to activate the forbidden technique and the blind man died together.

However, although his strength had reached the Innate Perfection, he was still far away from being a martial arts master. His forbidden technique could not harm the blind man at all.

On the contrary, he himself Excessively burning the vitality and essence in his body caused his body to age directly, his hair turned white, and his face was as dry as bark.

In the blink of an eye, the old head of the Li family seemed to have aged dozens of years all of a sudden. All vitality and longevity were exhausted, and they fell completely to the sword of the blind man.

Seeing that the old head of the Li family, the overlord of Deyang Town, was killed by the blind man with one sword.

The remaining servants of the Li family were all killed one by one. They all had dumbfounded expressions.

It all seemed like a dream.

The Li family, the majestic head of the three major families in Deyang Town.

Its head was known as one of the three masters in Deyang Town.

As a result, even this powerful martial arts master He couldn't resist the attack and was killed with one knife.

This simply subverted all their cognitions.

At this time, the blind man put away his weapon and walked out of the Li Mansion.

He glanced at the officers and soldiers of the county guard, and waved the Tingfeng Knife. As soon as he beheaded him.

In the blink of an eye, the Li family of hundreds of people was now left with the blind man and a pile of corpses in the Li family mansion.

At this time, what happened here quickly spread throughout Deyang City.

Various people in Deyang City The Fang forces were shocked when they heard the news that the Li family was destroyed.

Then these forces rushed to the Li family one after another.

They were afraid, and they did not dare to look directly at the miserable Li family.

After all, the strength of the Li family lies there.

Everyone knows that the Li family is backed by a peak innate powerhouse.

Even if the county guard comes in person, there is nothing they can do to the Li family.

But now they see that the Li family has been wiped out. How can they not be shocked?

"Who destroyed the Li family?"

For a time, all forces had questions. They all speculated whether it was some peerless master hiding in the dark.

Otherwise, how could the Li family, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, be wiped out in a short period of time.

At this time, this Cheng Xiazi had already walked to a restaurant opposite Li's house. He wiped the bloody knife in his hand with cold eyes.

Huang Rong opposite said with a shocked look on his face.

"Destroy the family... Mr. Blind, you are too fierce, and you have wiped out the whole Li family again."

Huang Rong looked at the blind man with admiration and adoration.

"Just a trivial matter"

"I said, I want my enemies to disappear from this world forever"

"Now it's only half done"

"There is only one left...the Sheriff!"

"There is also a snare!"

The blind man said in a deep voice

"How long has it been since?"

"Blind Master, you have slaughtered all the big and small forces in Deyang."

Huang Rong said as she looked at the blind man with an expression of admiration and awe.

At this time, in the county magistrate's mansion, in the room of the magistrate, a group of officials from the magistrate's palace were all kneeling on the ground.

The magistrate sitting on the bed looked pale. lying on the bed

"See the Sheriff!!!"

This group of officials shouted in unison.

"The Li family... was destroyed!"

The Sheriff, who was lying on the bed, murmured to himself, looking in disbelief.

"Sir, it is said that a blind man went to kill the Li family single-handedly."

The group of people said.


Immediately, the Sheriff slapped his palm directly on the armrest on the edge of the bed.


Suddenly the extremely hard armrest was directly broken by his palm.

This The Lord Sheriff's eyes flashed with a cold and angry look.

"Becoming blind, is it you again? How dare you be so bold?"

"court death!!!"

The Lord Sheriff roared with a ferocious expression.

"Send the order, dispatch the county guards, and kill this blind man for me."

"In addition, I will send someone to find out where he lives, and I will completely eliminate him!"

The Lord Sheriff shouted word by word, and he got up from the bed directly.


The officials immediately nodded respectfully and left the room.

"Hum, you become a blind man, let me see how you die this time"

"I offended the county governor and tried to take revenge."

"You are so tired of living!!!"

The county guard said with a cold expression. In a secret room in a villa in Deyang County, a middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged and practicing.

Suddenly, the man's eyes opened.

"Become blind!!!"

"That’s you!! Killed my son!"

The man shouted coldly.

He blasted out with a palm.

There was a roar in the void, and a terrifying palm print tore through the space and exploded in a certain direction.

Deep in the mountains.

A huge rock suddenly exploded.

This The figure of the middle-aged man emerged with an indifferent expression.

Swish swish!!!

In an instant, eight men in black robes appeared around them.

They exuded terrible pressure, and each one was a late-stage innate being.

"Lord! That blind man is making a big fuss in Deyang. Should we intervene?"

Their master is Ouyang Feng who witnessed the murder of his son Ouyang Ke!

Ouyang Feng frowned when he looked at these eight people and said coldly.

"Go to Deyang County!!!"

"I want to kill him with my own hands!"

"I will use his blood to worship my son’s spirit in heaven!!!"

Ouyang Feng's face was distorted and he shouted with a ferocious expression.


The eight people shouted in unison.

Immediately they rushed directly into the county town of Deyang County.


The other side.

The blind man is immersed in the joy of system rewards

【You killed a late-stage innate warrior and gained 1,400 experience points! Secrets of Pure Yang Palm!】

【You killed an innate peak warrior and gained 1,600 experience points! Obtain the embryo of the magic sword!】

【You killed six innate warriors and gained 6,000 experience! Obtained the Guyuan Pill, the Body Strengthening Pill, and ten thousand taels of silver.……】

【You killed fifteen acquired warriors, gained 10,000 experience, ten bottles of Drunken Immortal Brew, a forging hammer, and a thousand taels of silver^]

After wiping out the Li family, a century-old family, Cheng Blind gained nearly 20,000 experience. , and his Grandmaster level has also begun to break through!

The pinnacle of Grandmaster!! now! breakthrough!

At this moment, he stepped into the first level of land fairyland!!!

If others knew that he was blind, it would only take him less than a month to reach the level of a land god.

It's probably enough to make them horrified.

This is beyond common sense!!!

At this moment, the blind man's eyes burst out with a captivating light.

He stood there, his whole demeanor changing drastically.

It seems like a different person

"Is this what it feels like to be a land fairy?"

"A whole new level!!"

"Really good."

Cheng Blind said calmly at this moment.

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