
I saw the blind man rushing out with a butcher's knife in his hand.

He slashed out with a knife, and the sharp blade cut across the sky.

Bringing up the shadow of swords in the sky.

Rumble-- a deafening explosion came out.

In the blink of an eye, the ground where the blind man was standing was slashed with his knife, creating a ravine several feet deep!!!

This sword contains unparalleled power, enough to tear steel and shatter rocks!!!

Hiss - the soldiers around him couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

There was fear and horror in their eyes.

This blind man is simply too cruel.

They killed their county lieutenant and deputy lieutenant in one encounter.

【You kill a first-rate warrior and gain 100 experience】

【You kill a second-rate warrior and gain 50 experience】

【You kill a third-rate warrior and gain 30 experience】


A series of system prompts kept ringing in the blind man's mind.

"Haha, that’s cool."

Cheng Blind was extremely excited.

In just a few moments, he killed dozens of soldiers, and also beheaded a Wudu County lieutenant and a group of deputy lieutenants.

The harvest was extremely rich.

"let's go!!!"

Cheng Xiazi did not stay.

He took the little cook Huang Rong and quickly rushed out of the government office.

Although the government was guarded by many guards, how could they be Cheng Xiazi's opponents.

He quickly killed him and left with a bloody path. He entered the Wudu County government.

On that day, he was wearing blood-stained clothes and his Tingfeng knife was stained with blood.

He slaughtered dozens of Wudu County soldiers and became famous as Wudu County in one battle!

"Blind uncle, you are finally back!!!"

"How's it going? How much bounty have you received?"

When the blind man returned to the inn, the shopkeeper hurriedly came to greet him.

"Bounty? That's not true. I'm only here to kill people."

"Well, shopkeeper, do you have anything to eat at home? I'm hungry."

The blind man looked around the inn and asked

"Yes, I have. Sir, please come with me."

The shopkeeper quickly brought Cheng Xiazi into the guest room.

The food in the inn was delicious and reasonably priced.

Therefore, the business was very prosperous.

Cheng Xiazi and the little cook sat at the table and started eating.

However, Cheng Xiazi did not know that after he left After that, the news from the Wudu County government quickly spread throughout Wudu County...

Late at night, the blind man sat alone on the bed, and he checked the rewards in his system package.

Today, he got nearly a thousand dollars after killing in one day. Qian Ersan's experience is only a few hundred experience points away from the master level.

In addition, there are more than a dozen bottles of Drunken Immortal Brew and dozens of taels of silver as rewards.

The most important thing is a pill for killing the acquired warrior.

He took out the body-building pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

In an instant, a trace of coolness flowed from his throat into his abdomen.

Then it spread throughout the body of the blind man, tempering the internal organs of the blind man.

And he felt His whole body felt warm and comfortable.

But at this moment.


A dazzling purple light burst out from the muscles and bones in the blind man's body.

It gathered crazily towards his Dantian, making his Dantian even more dazzling.

A powerful and unparalleled force. The breath of the blind man filled the body

"This is……"

"Could it be……"

The blind man's heart trembled.

He felt as if half a star was born in his dantian.

This is the symbol of condensing the innate true energy!

This is a sign of breaking through to the master realm!

However, the star core has not been completely condensed in the dantian yet.

"I want to improve my strength quickly!!!"

Thinking of this, a bright light burst out from the blind man's eyes.

When he was about to go to bed, there was a knock on the door outside the room. After opening the door, he found the little cook Huang Rong standing in front of the door through his sense of smell, holding a pillow. forward

"Miss Huang Rong, why are you coming to my place if you're not in your room?" said the blind man

"Hee hee, I can't sleep and want to find a man to chat with me. Huang

Rong smiled playfully.

She squeezed in and closed the door at the same time.

"I don't like girls getting so close."

The blind man said indifferently

"You are really boring."

Huang Rong curled her lips and couldn't help but complain.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, go back to sleep quickly, we have to leave here tomorrow."

Cheng blind man urged.

"I'm just here to tell you, you won't be able to sleep tonight!!!"

At this moment, Huang Rong smiled slyly, and she lay directly next to Blind Cheng.

And one of her jade arms was still hooked on Blind Cheng's shoulder. It was a look that made people feel pitiful.

Blind Cheng's face was gloomy.

He He didn't say anything.

But his eyes were closed.

Obviously he didn't intend to pay attention to Huang Rong.

"Oops, did you really fall asleep? You are so dull and have no sentimentality at all. I am so sad!!!"

"Woo hoo, can't you coax me like those slutty young men coaxing women?"

"A wooden man like you is so annoying!!!"

Huang Rong looked at Cheng Blind Man pretending to be sad and crying, and she muttered.


At this time, Cheng Blind Man opened his eyes.

Then, he stared at Huang Rong quietly and looked directly at her. Sighed and said

"If you are not afraid of danger, then lie on my bed"

"Huh, I'm not afraid"

"I, Huang Rong, have never seen anything like this, so what’s the big deal? Huang

Rong hummed, then she took off her shoes and lay on the blind man's bed.


He saw Huang Rong lying on his bed.

The blind man sighed.

He said nothing more.

After all, this woman will have to cook for herself in the future. next day

"Oops, why did I really fall asleep?"

When Huang Rong woke up, she found herself lying in Cheng Blind Man's arms.

She suddenly felt extremely shy and got up suddenly.

As a result, she accidentally fell to the ground.


Cheng Blind Man stood up and sat up straight, Huang Rong's embarrassing falling action was naturally captured by him.


The blind man took action


When Huang Rong turned his eyes, he saw the blind man looking down at him and grabbing his buttocks with his hands.

There's no way, a blind man's sense of energy can't distinguish too many special locations.

Huang Rong screamed, her face flushed, and she ran out of the house in panic. boom!!!

Then she closed the door hard

"How could this girl, at such a young age, become so unreserved?"

The blind man shook his head.

Then, he packed up his luggage and walked outside the inn.

He killed so many people from the government yesterday, and if he didn't leave, he would be captured by the people of the Tang Dynasty.

And his next destination is It's Deyang County in Hanzhou of the Tang Dynasty!!!

Came to the inn.

Many guests from Wudu County had appeared in the early morning, and they were discussing what happened yesterday!

The Wudu County officials! They were massacred!

The governor of Wudu County, The county magistrates were all slaughtered!!!

This was simply appalling and shocked the whole city.

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