"Your Majesty, the border is lost."

At the same time, a burst of hurried words came into Qianlong's ears.

As the rush of words reached Qianlong's ears, Qianlong at this moment flashed a deep heaviness.

"Lost border?"

"What is Altai for?!"

"Why is he such a waste?!"

In an instant, I saw an unprecedented anger flash in Qianlong's eyes.

For the current Qianlong, if the army led by A Gui was annihilated by the army of the Daming Empire, then even if their Qing Empire would not have a crisis because of the collapse of this army.

But now?

Altai's army of 200,000 was destroyed again.

Then their Great Qing Empire lost these hundreds of thousands of troops in one fell swoop, even if their Great "Three One Three" Qing Empire is one of the nine great empires, but now it is no joke to lose hundreds of thousands of troops in this moment.

It is precisely because of this that Qianlong feels heavy one after another.

Facing the heaviness in Qianlong's gaze, the civil and military officials in the hall looked at each other like this.

They don't know what they're going to do next.

Because this is clearly a matter of war between the two countries.

Just when the civil and military officials in the hall felt a burst of heaviness, and they didn't know what to do.

A burst of hurried footsteps began to enter the hall.

"Tread, tread..."

After a while, accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, a rush of words came into the hall: "800 li urgent!" "

In an instant, as the rush of words spread into the hall, the group of civil and military officials in the hall fell into a daze.


"800 li urgent?!"

All the civil and military officials in the hall fell into a burst of confusion.

Although some of them were not particularly concerned about the war, they could understand what the 800-league rush was about.

As long as it is 800 li rush news, then to some extent, it can be regarded as news that can subvert the empire.

The most important thing is that the war between them and the Daming Empire is here, and at this juncture there is a news of 800 li urgent, which has to make the civil and military officials feel a burst of caution.

Facing the caution in the eyes of the civil and military officials, Qianlong, who was sitting on the dragon chair, directly and eagerly spoke: "Hurry up, what happened?" "

"Where is the major crisis?"

At this moment, a rush of urging came out of Qianlong's mouth.

In the face of Qianlong's words, the soldier who came to report swallowed deeply: "Boom..."

"See Your Majesty, the Great Tang Empire and the Daming Empire have joined hands to jointly attack our Great Qing Empire."

"Our Great Qin Empire is now under the combined attack of the two empires."

I saw that the soldier who came to report directly said everything he knew.

In the face of the current soldier's words, the civil and military officials in the entire hall and Qianlong sitting on the dragon chair showed a confused and even incredulous look at the soldier who came to report.


"The two great empires of the Great Tang Empire and the Daming Empire joined forces to attack the Great Qing?"

At the same time, I saw Qianlong at this moment showing an incredible gaze towards the soldier below.

In the face of Qianlong's words, a deep serious opening appeared in the eyes of the soldier below: "See Your Majesty, although the border has been completely lost, after all, it is still the territory that once belonged to the rule of our Great Qing Empire. "

"So naturally we can learn the news that happened in the border, and the armies of the Daming Empire and the Tang Empire both appeared in the Great Qing Empire."

"And the most important thing is that the emperor of the Daming Empire personally led the army to appear in our Great Qing Empire."

At this moment, the soldier who saw this moment just said everything he knew so far. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That is, at the same time that the army of the Great Tang Empire appeared in their Great Qing Empire, the emperor from the Great Ming Empire also appeared in their Great Qing Empire.

In the face of the attack of these two empires, the group of guys in the border could only begin to rush to Kyoto in the face of this news.

There is no way, they can only pass this request to Kyoto, hoping that the emperor in Kyoto can send a large army to solve that group of guys...

Anyway, the guys in their border are right if they don't have extra strength.

After receiving an affirmative answer, there was a deep solemnity in the eyes of Qianlong in the hall and the civil and military officials.

"This, this is bad."

At this moment, one guy after another said to himself with a silent look in their eyes.

Obviously, for the army of the Daming Empire to appear in their Daming Empire, especially the Daming Emperor who led the Daming army, although this may sound a little strange, it is not impossible.

After all, the emperor of the Daming Empire had already done something to drive his family and kill their Qing Empire's Agui.

Now the emperor of the Daming Empire is leading a large army to drive his own army, which is not something that cannot happen.

However, the appearance of the army from the Great Tang Empire really made them feel incredible for a while.

Without him, the armies of the Great Tang Empire have appeared, which means that the Great Tang Empire is also preparing to invade their Great Qing Empire.

At the same time, it also represents the union between the Great Tang Empire and the Daming Empire.

The Great Tang Empire and the Daming Empire are united, which is not a good thing.

It can even be said that the alliance between the Daming Empire and the Tang Empire made all the countries on the entire Kyushu continent feel a burst of caution in 4.1.

Not to mention their Great Qing Empire, even the Great Qin and the Great Yuan Empire had to be cautious about the union between the Great Ming and the Great Tang.

"This, this..."

Qianlong, who was sitting on the dragon chair, showed a deep despair.

"Could it be that the Great Qing Empire will die at the hands of Xuan?"

I saw a deep heaviness flash in Qianlong's gaze.

Just when a deep heaviness flashed in Qianlong's gaze, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"No, the Great Qing Empire definitely can't play in Xuan's hands!"


"You must resist!"

In an instant, I saw a trace of firmness flash in Long's eyes and said.


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