"Kill !!"

With a wave of Qianlong's big hand, the mighty army began to continue to shout loudly: "Kill, kill, kill!! "

Listening to the bursts of shouts and killings, the group of ordinary people in Kyoto of the Great Qing Empire looked at each other like this.

Some of the guys in the Huaxia clan couldn't help but speak: "This is the Daming Empire calling. "

"Do we have any hope to become a common man of the Daming Empire?"

Some ordinary people of the Huaxia tribe began to discuss it and said.

For these common people of the Huaxia tribe, if they were to choose, then they would be willing to become the common people under the rule of the emperors of the Huaxia tribe.

If nothing else, perhaps the life under the rule of the emperor of the Huaxia race may not be particularly good, but at least "eight seven three" is much better than the life under the rule of this foreign race.

They lived in this Great Qin Empire, and they could only be said to be very helpless and painful.

Because their status is unusually low.

The Jurchens who belonged to the Great Qing Empire could completely ride on their necks and, and as long as they dared to resist a little, then they would be directly sentenced to death.

No matter what, thousands of mistakes are the fault of their ordinary Chinese people.

As for those Jurchens?

Sorry, how could they be wrong, the blood of the Jurchens flowing in their stop means that they can't go wrong at all.

So if you let this group of ordinary people choose, they will not hesitate to choose to live under the rule of the emperors of the Chinese people.

At the very least, the status of their common people is equal, and they will not be inferior in the Great Qing Empire like them.

While those ordinary people who were members of the Huaxia tribe began to discuss like this, those Jurchens in the Great Qing Empire in Kyoto looked at the murderous aura that permeated the sky with a deep anxiety.

"What is the end of this war?"

One Jurchen after another discussed so.

For these Jurchens, they did not want to lose the battle.

Because the battle is lost, then it means that their Jurchens are likely to suffer an unprecedented major blow.

They could understand very well how cruel they were to what they did to those ordinary people of the Huaxia clan.

Their Great Qing Empire was defeated, and once their Great Qing Empire became the territory of the Daming Empire, then they Jurchens would definitely suffer a purge at that time.

They wouldn't think that the emperor of the Daming Empire would treat them well as the Jurchens, that was impossible.

So if they don't want to lose the good life they have and their superior status, or they don't want to suffer.

They could only hope that the emperor of their Great Qing Empire could lead the army of their Great Qing Empire to win the battle.

While the common people in the Qing Empire were so polarized, Qianlong had already begun to lead a million-strong army to attack in the direction of the Tiger Roar Legion.



"Boom boom..."

The sound of a mighty march began to sound across the ground.

When the mighty marching sound began to sound on the ground, I saw that at this moment, Zhu Houzhao directly ordered the army to stop moving.

"The whole army stops moving!"

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's order, the Tiger Roar Legion and the Great Snow Dragon Rider naturally did not dare to have any will to resist.

In this way, the Daming army stopped directly on that road.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

I saw Li Chengan and Li Anguo at this moment looking at their majesty with a trace of doubt.

Facing Li Cheng'an and Li Anguo's words, Yuan Zuozong on the side also looked at their majesty with a puzzled gaze in his eyes.

Facing the doubts in the eyes of the three generals, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed a bland faint wave of his hand: "It's okay, there is just news from Jinyiwei." "

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the three generals at this moment instantly became honest. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If he didn't have any doubts before, now they don't have any problems at all.

After all, they had just wanted to know why their majesty had stopped marching, and now they had no opinion directly after learning that it was Jinyiwei.

After all, the brocade guards are all dispatched, and it is obvious that something big is going to happen...

I saw that the figure of the White Tiger Commander appeared in Zhu Houzhao's field of vision.


In an instant, the figure of the White Tiger Commander rushed towards Zhu Houzhao at the fastest speed.


In an instant, when the figure of the White Tiger Commander appeared in front of Zhu Houzhao, the White Tiger Commander said so respectfully: "See Your Majesty." "

"According to the latest news, the emperor of the Great Qing Empire, Kangxi, is leading a million-strong army in the distance, and they are about to arrive at us."

I saw that the White Tiger Commander at this moment just said the information they had collected so far.

While listening to the words spoken by the White Tiger Commander, Zhu Houzhao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said, "When will they probably arrive?" "

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, I saw that the White Tiger Commander replied so honestly: "See Your Majesty, according to the current information, it will take two days for the Great Qing army to reach the place where His Majesty is. "

Listening to the words of the White Tiger Commander, Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

And the three generals beside Zhu Houzhao looked at each other like this.

"There are still two days, then it looks like this will soon have to fight with the main forces of the Great Qing."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Li Chengan's eyes flashed with a hint of killing intent.

4.5 For this main force of the Great Qing?

Li Chengan couldn't look at it at all.

Perhaps the Great Qing Empire belongs to one of the nine great empires, but in Li Cheng'an's opinion, the strength of the Great Qing Empire can simply be regarded as extremely weak.

Anyway, he is right to look down on this Great Qing Empire.

Listening to Li Chengan's words, Zhu Houzhao's slightly narrowed eyes opened so calmly: "The whole army pauses to rest." "

"Wait for the arrival of the Great Qing army."

"I want to fight the prestige of the Daming Empire in this war!"

"Let the other empires understand a truth, the Daming Empire has returned!"

"Then let this war tell them!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a serious opening in his eyes.


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