"Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

At the same time, with the retreat of the Great Qing Eight Banners, they soon came to a city to cultivate.

Many generals looked at their emperor Qianlong with a heavy gaze.

Facing the gazes of many generals, Qianlong at this moment also revealed a deep heaviness.

What do they do next?

He didn't know what they were going to do next!

"What is the current domestic news?"

I saw a trace of seriousness flash in Qianlong's gaze, and he spoke to the spies beside him.

In the face of Qianlong's inquiry, the detective at the sticky pole beside Qianlong showed a heavy expression~: "Your Majesty." "

"In addition to the army led by the Daming Emperor who is engaged in a fierce battle with me and others, Cheng Yanjin of the Great Tang Empire is leading his army to capture one city after another, while the other armies of the Daming Empire are also attacking the territory of our Great Qing Empire."

The sticky rod roughly said about the crisis that their Qing Empire is currently facing.

In the face of the words of the spies at the sticky pole, many generals in this city lord's mansion and Qianlong immediately showed a heavy expression.

The army of the Great Tang Empire and the other armies of the Daming Empire are frantically occupying all the territory within their Great Qing Empire?

Under normal circumstances, they should have sent a large army to fight back.

But now?

They don't necessarily really have that power.

Because His Majesty the Emperor transferred most of the troops of the Qing Empire to them.

In other words, the main army of the Great Qing Empire is here, and their army here is dragged down by the army led by the Emperor Daming, and they have no extra strength to solve the attack of the Great Tang Empire and other armies of the Daming Empire.

Therefore, they can only watch as the territory of their Great Qing Empire is constantly encroached.

At this moment, Qianlong revealed a deep heaviness.

"Is the situation already so dangerous?"

A trace of heavy self-talk flashed in Qianlong's gaze.

He really didn't think that as the emperor of the Great Qing Empire before, he should have controlled the life and death of everyone in the entire Great Qing Empire.

But what about the results now?

His position as the Great Qing Emperor may not be able to continue to be maintained.

Maybe even when the Great Qing Empire will cease to exist, he, the emperor of the Great Qing Empire, will definitely be killed by then.

As soon as he thought of this frightening point, a deep anxiety flashed in Qianlong's eyes.

"How can this be broken?!"

Looking at the map in front of him, Qianlong had a deep despair in his eyes.

The map in front of him was a map of the Great Qing Empire, and what he was thinking about now was how to deal with the army led by the Emperor Daming himself.

Only by solving the army led by the Daming Emperor can they have extra strength to solve the army of the Daming Empire and the Tang Empire invading their Daqing Empire!


"Can you ask for help like the Great Yuan Empire?"

I saw Qianlong at this moment and asked the general beside him.

However, in the face of Qianlong's inquiry, the general beside Qianlong showed a look of embarrassment: "Your Majesty, the relationship between our Great Qing and the Great Yuan Empire is not very good. "

"I'm afraid that the emperor of the Dayuan Empire will not come to deal with us at all."

General Daqing replied helplessly.

Although they both belonged to the Kyushu Continent and the Dayuan Empire were a country founded by foreign races on the Kyushu continent.

Compared with the empires established by the other empires on the Kyushu continent by the Huaxia race, the empires established by these two alien races are particularly conspicuous, and according to normal circumstances, the countries established by these two alien races should be combined to jointly resist the attack of the other seven empires established by the Huaxia race.

But what about the real situation?

The real situation is that Genghis Khan of the Great Yuan Empire wants to destroy their Great Qing Empire all the time, and their Great Qing Empire also wants to destroy the Great Yuan Empire.

Because they have cavalry between each other, and even the cavalry between them can be regarded as a very powerful one.

For example, one mountain does not allow two tigers, unless one male and one female.

The Great Qing Empire and the Great Yuan Empire belong to each other, so how can they bow their heads?

So their relationship with each other has always been in dire straits.

Now let them go to the Great Qing Empire to ask for help from the Great Yuan Empire? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then the Great Yuan Empire will definitely not choose to agree, and even the Great Yuan Empire may probably take advantage of the fire and rob.

Listening to the words of the general beside him, a deep heaviness flashed in Qianlong's eyes: "Could it be that the Great Qing Empire will die in the hands of Xuan?" "

I saw a trace of deep despair flash in Qianlong's eyes.

Faced with the current situation, Qianlong really didn't know how to solve it.

Because it's a dead end.

He wants to get rid of the army led by the Emperor Daming to solve the attack of the Great Tang and the other armies of the Daming?

Then if he really did this, maybe he could really alleviate the problem of the situation, but the final result was that the army personally led by the extremely powerful Emperor Daming would probably directly hit the imperial capital.

Once the imperial capital falls, won't the Qing Empire be dead to some extent?

And whether they can get rid of the army personally led by the Emperor Daming is a big question.

And most importantly, if he really chooses to get rid of the army led by the Emperor Daming, his reputation will plummet by then.

Because he, as the emperor of the Great Qing Empire, he chose to flee in the face of the army led by the emperor of the Daming Empire, isn't this equivalent to taking the initiative to admit that he, the Great Qing Emperor, is not as good as the Daming Emperor?

Can he do that?

He certainly can't do that!

He is the emperor of the Great Qing Empire!

As long as the Great Qing Empire does not perish one day, then he is the emperor of the Great Qing Empire, one of the nine great empires!

"Conscript a man!"

"No matter what, you must carry the Daming Emperor's Tiger Roar Legion!"

"We must not back down!"

I saw Qianlong take a deep breath and ordered.

Since his million-strong army can't withstand the attack of the army of the Daming Empire, then recruit the people!

A million is not enough, then come two million, two million is not enough, three million!

Even if it is to pile with human lives, he must pile up victory in battle!

In the face of Qianlong's order, many generals beside him immediately replied respectfully: "Obey the order, Your Majesty!" "


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