
"The Daming Emperor used a weapon that can destroy the city with one blow?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Great Tang Emperor Li Shimin.

Obviously, Li Shimin really felt a little unbelievable about the news that the bad guy had passed back.

"Is this true?"

"Emperor Daming used a weapon on the battlefield that can destroy the city wall with one blow?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

In the face of Li Shimin's inquiry, I saw that the leader of the bad guys, Yuan Tiangang, replied so respectfully: "See Your Majesty, this is the news personally transmitted by the bad guys on the frontline battlefield, and there is more than one. "

"This should be sure to be true~."

Yuan Tiangang replied directly and affirmatively.

Listening to Yuan Tiangang's words, a trace of deep doubt flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

"Emperor Daming actually has such a powerful weapon?"

"One blow can destroy the city wall, so will Chang'an City also be destroyed by that one?"

This thought came to Li Shimin's mind.

His idea is very simple, if the Emperor Daming has a weapon, and the most important thing is that he can destroy a city wall by himself, then Chang'an City, which is the imperial capital of the Great Tang Empire, will also be destroyed by unknown weapons?

This was a question that he had to think about as the Great Tang Emperor.

In the face of Li Shimin, who was thinking about it, the emperors of several other empires had also received this news.

That is, the Emperor Daming used an unknown weapon on the battlefield, and that unknown weapon was extremely powerful, and it could completely destroy a city wall just by himself.

When he got this news, who among the many emperors of the empire was the most excited?

Naturally, only Genghis Khan, the emperor of the Great Yuan Empire, was the most excited.

"Are you sure this news is true?!"

A trace of seriousness flashed in Genghis Khan's eyes.

In the face of Genghis Khan's inquiry, I saw that at this moment, in front of Genghis Khan, the head of the special agent who was an intelligence organization in the Great Yuan Empire directly said the news he had received so far: "Your Majesty, this is the news obtained on the battlefield. "

"Although it sounds a little surprised, this is indeed the weapon used by the Emperor Daming."

"The Daming Emperor directly destroyed one of the walls of the Great Qing Empire with only one weapon."

Facing the words of the head of the secret service at this moment, a deep heaviness flashed in Genghis Khan's eyes.

"From now on, no matter what!"

"Be sure to find out the weapon used by the Daming Emperor!"

"And the most critical things about how to build that weapon must be explored, and the treasury must be directly allocated silver!"

Genghis Khan's eyes carried a sense of determination.

As long as they can obtain the weapons of the Daming Emperor, then it means that their Dayuan Empire has the power to destroy the city wall.

The most powerful of their Dayuan Empire undoubtedly belonged to the cavalry.

But it is a pity that in the entire land of Kyushu, except for their Dayuan Empire, several other empires have thick walls.

Even the territory of the Great Qing Empire, which was ruled by a foreign race with their Dayuan Empire, had some thick cities, but only the most important territory of their Dayuan Empire was all on the grassland.

Therefore, the most important force of their Dayuan Empire basically belongs to the cavalry, and the cavalry is strong and strong, but if there is a siege, it will not be bad.

Therefore, if their Dayuan Empire can obtain the weapon used by the Daming Emperor, they can use that weapon to completely smash their city walls when they start a war against several other empires, and then their powerful cavalry can directly rush to the city in front of them to fight.

This is simply a gift from heaven to their Great Yuan Empire!

But first, you need to understand how the weapon was made and what the materials used to build it looked like.

In the face of Genghis Khan's order, the head of the special agent under his command who reported directly and respectfully replied: "Obey the order, Your Majesty." "

"I'll definitely find out the secret."

At this moment, a firm voice came out of the mouth of the head of the secret service. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

His next task was very simple, that is, to use all his strength to go to the Daming Empire to meet the weapon used by the Daming Emperor to find out.

"Stand down."

Genghis Khan said lightly.


"Tread, tread..."

With the sound of footsteps, the special agent investment of the Dayuan Empire left the place.

And at this moment, the emperor of the Great Song Empire, who was closest to the Daming Empire, also got the news.

"Is this news accurate?"

The Great Song Emperor's gaze flashed with a trace of doubt as he looked at the Imperial City Division in front of him.

Facing the Great Song Emperor's inquiry, the Imperial City Division replied with a hint of seriousness in his eyes: "See Your Majesty." "

"It is certain that the Daming Emperor really used a powerful weapon, although this weapon does not know what it is, but it is certain that the power of this weapon is very powerful!"

I saw that the leader of the Imperial City Division said so seriously.

Listening to the words of the head of the Imperial City Division, a deep thought flashed in the eyes of the Great Song Emperor: "It seems that you need to obtain the formula for this thing from the Emperor Daming." "

"The Great Song Empire must need this thing!"

I saw a trace of seriousness flash in the eyes of the Great Song Emperor.

For the Great Song Emperor at this moment, he can naturally understand where the use of this thing is.

Their Great Song Empire is notoriously weak, what if their Great Song Empire directly uses this weapon in the face of enemy invasion?

Then there is no doubt that their Great Song Empire can definitely defeat the enemy.

As for whether this weapon will be scarce?

Don't forget that their Great Song Empire is not short of money!

They have a lot of resources to build that thing.

"Go, go and contact the Daming Emperor."

"Let's just say that Xu intends to buy that thing, no matter how expensive it is."

"The Great Song Empire can afford it!"

A trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of the Great Song Emperor.

Listening to the words of the Great Song Emperor, a trace of respect flashed in the eyes of the Imperial City Division and replied: "Obey the order, Your Majesty." "

The emperors of the other empires also felt a burst of curiosity about the weapon used by the Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao.

Zhu Houzhao, who was in the territory of the Qing Empire, did not know at all, it was precisely because he used missiles that directly caused the rest of the other empires to become curious about the Daming Empire.


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