"See Your Majesty, everyone has been killed, this is the Great Qing Emperor Aixin Jue Luo Hongli."

I saw Li Anguo and Li Cheng'an with a serious look in their eyes and said to Zhu Houzhao.

In the face of the words of these two great generals, Zhu Houzhao at this moment turned his gaze to the Qing Emperor Aixin Jue Luo Hongli, who was captured in front of him, also known as the Qianlong Emperor.

"Old boy, you have finally been captured by Xuan."

"From now on, in the name of the Daming Emperor, Xu announces that the Great Qing Empire is completely overthrown, and the Daming Empire will take over the entire Great Qing Empire!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed a trace of seriousness and ordered.

Facing the emperor of the Great Qing Empire, Qianlong has been captured, is there still a possibility of restoration of the Great Qing Empire at this time?

At this time, the Great Qing Empire no longer had any possibility of restoration, and even the Great Qing Empire had completely ceased to exist.

Since then, the nine empires have become the eight empires.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's words, a trace of resentment flashed in Qianlong's eyes: "Alas, defeated." "

"The Great Qing Empire is destroyed."

A desperate word came out of Qianlong's mouth.

Looking at Qianlong, who flashed a trace of despair in his eyes, Zhu Houzhao waved his hand lightly.

"Press it down and press it into the heavenly prison of Beiping City."

Facing the order given by Zhu Houzhao, I saw Li Cheng'an with a seriousness in his tone: "Obey the order, Your Majesty!" "

"Occupy some other places in Kyoto, except for that place, don't get involved!"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the two Heavenly and Human Realm powerhouses who were fighting, and Zhu Houzhao shook his head slightly.


Li Anguo replied respectfully.


One soldier after another began to leave the palace for other areas.

As one soldier after another began to leave the Great Qing Palace for other areas, Zhu Houzhao looked at the ancestor of the Great Qing Empire who was fighting against Zheng He.

"Go, go and see the battle between them~."

Zhu Houzhao had a hint of curiosity in his eyes.


In the face of Zhu Houzhao's order, Li Chengan and Li Anguo replied so respectfully.

"Tread, tread..."

Soon, I saw Zhu Houzhao leading the two great generals of the Great Grandmaster realm to a roof and looking at the two sides that were fighting in front of them.

"In other words, how many more moves do you think this will take to end the battle?"

Zhu Houzhao asked with a hint of curiosity.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, Li Chengan and Li Anguo, who were behind them, looked at each other like this.

"This, Your Majesty."

"I really don't know how many rounds it will take for the two of them to fight before the battle ends, but what I can see is that the ancestor of the Great Qing Empire is obviously about to lose."

"His strength is very unstable, as if his current strength is purely forcibly promoted."

I saw Li Anguo say so seriously.

Facing Li Anguo's words, Li Chengan also nodded and said, "That's right, Your Majesty." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Maybe the battle was very fierce, but the strength of that ancestor from the Great Qing Empire is purely forcibly promoted, his strength is very unstable, and his realm has a feeling of falling down at any time."

"Coupled with this kind of fierce battle now, it should not be long before it is lost."

Li Chengan also said slightly.

They can be sure that the Tianren powerhouse of the Great Qing Empire is obviously forcibly promoted, after all, their strength also belongs to the realm of the great master of the Eight Classics, and it can only be said that it is one step away from the realm of Tianren, although it can't beat the Tianren strong, but it is still possible to understand some general things between the Tianren powerhouse.

For example, although the strength of the ancestor of the Great Qing Empire seems to be very strong, the strength of the other party is purely forcibly promoted, compared to the strength used by the ancestor of their Daming Empire, the strength of the ancestor of the Great Qing Empire is completely insufficient.

Facing the words of these two great masters and powerhouses, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a sudden realization.

"So that's the case, there is actually such a saying."

For this comment, Zhu Houzhao can probably understand what the battle between the ancestors of the Great Qing Empire and the ancestors of the Daming Empire will be like.

Just when Zhu Houzhao was watching the battle between the two Tianren powerhouses not far away, the battle between Zheng He in that battle and the powerhouse of the Great Qing Tianren at this moment was about to come to an end.

A trace of calm flashed in Zheng He's gaze and said, "~ You are defeated, there is no need to hold on anymore." "

"The Great Qing Empire has been completely destroyed."

A calm voice came out of Zheng He's mouth.

Just let the result of the battle between people on this day is also very important for the overall situation of the entire battlefield, but at this moment, all the soldiers in the entire Great Qing Empire have surrendered, and even the emperor of the Great Qing Empire, Aisin Jue Luo Hongli, has been arrested, and the most important thing is that most of the territory of the entire Great Qing Empire has begun to be occupied by their Daming Empire.

Let me ask, is there any hope for the Qing Empire at this time?

There is no doubt that the Qing Empire has long since completely lost any hope.

It can even be said that 100% of the Qing Empire will perish.

However, in the face of Zheng He's words, the eyes of the strong people of the Great Qing Heaven carried a trace of deep unwillingness: "As long as I am not dead, the Great Qing Empire will still be saved!" "

A firm word is spoken from the mouth of the strong (Nordic).

Perhaps at this moment, the Great Qing Empire as a whole has almost perished, but he thinks that as long as he thinks that the powerhouse of the Heaven and Human Realm in the Great Qing has not completely died, then the entire Great Qing Empire will not have any accidents.

He can completely support a guy with royal blood to re-establish the Great Qing Empire.

Then in the face of the immortal heart of the Great Qing Tianren powerhouse, Zheng He's gaze flashed a trace of calm and said: "Since you are still unwilling to bear this fact, then don't blame me for doing something to you." "

"It's time for this battle to end."

"The Great Qing Empire has completely perished!"

A firm voice came out of Zheng He's mouth.

"Brush brush brush!"

In an instant, Zheng He's figure instantly disappeared in place.


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