The sky is slightly bright, and Li Chengan and Li Anguo will begin to exercise in Yizhuang with halberds in hand.


Every swing can create a terrifying force.

In the face of the continuous swing of this halberd, the people resting in Yizhuang began to be woken up.

Ninth Uncle suddenly opened his eyes in his room, and at the same time noticed the hula sound coming from Yizhuang.

"Tread, tread..."

After a while, when Ninth Uncle came out and saw the two generals who were exercising, Ninth Uncle returned to his room again, only this time he used mana to block his ears.

Ninth Uncle could block his ears with mana, but the other guys in Yizhuang were directly woken up by this burst of sounds.

"Ah, morning."

"Who is it?" "Seven one zero" "So noisy. "

A flurry of complaining words came from a room, and soon a man with a dejected body walked out.

However, when this guy came out, he saw two generals wearing ancient armor and waving halberds in their hands.

"Brush brush brush !!"

The extremely sharp halberd was constantly waving in the clearing.

The hula sound all represents the power contained in it.

Looking at this scene at this moment, the originally confused man was directly awakened at once.

"This, this..."

"Who are these people?!"

"How could these people suddenly be here?!"

"How did these people pop out?!"

In an instant, an incredible voice came directly from the man's mouth.

Faced with this burst of incredible words, he saw a voice enter his ears: "You are called Wencai, right?" "

Listening to these words, the man who was full of frustration quickly turned his head to look at the place where the voice came from.

But when he turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from, there was a sense of confusion in his eyes.

"You you you..."

"You you you are?"

An incredible voice of words came out of Wen Cai's mouth.

He found that he had only slept for a night, and he was suddenly woken up during the day, and then found that there were four more guys in his Yizhuang that he did not know.

The most important thing is that two of these four guys are dressed like ancient generals, and the other two are wearing the same existence as ancient noble princes.

How does this not look like a modern person who belongs to the Eight Classics?

Who wears ancient clothes?

Of course, others may rarely see the presence of wearing ancient clothes, but the literary style is different!

He often saw those wearing ancient clothes!

As for who are those beings in ancient clothes?

There is no doubt that it is naturally those guys who are called ghosts!

Those who are called ghosts often wear some ancient clothes, because they are themselves ghosts born in ancient times.

Therefore, when Wen Cai at this moment looked at the existence in ancient clothes that Yizhuang had, a tremor and confusion flashed in Wen Cai's eyes.

Facing the confusion that flashed in Wen Cai's eyes, Zhu Houzhao at this moment smiled and said, "You don't have to be so nervous, Xu is not a bad person." "

"Xu and your master are friends."

Zhu Houzhao said with a smile.

For this literary talent that looks a little decaying, Zhu Houzhao misses it a little.

His childhood memories belonged to this group of guys, and now this group of guys who were alone in his childhood memories appeared in front of his eyes.

This is naturally nostalgic for Zhu Houzhao.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's words, Wen Cai's eyes had a sudden realization.

"So that's the case, you're my master's friend." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For Zhu Houzhao's words, Wen Cai must feel something strange.

If nothing else, because his master himself has friends from the north and south, it seems that it is not impossible for four guys in ancient clothes to suddenly appear now.

At the same time, Wen Cai suddenly thought that before this, there were indeed some guys who would suddenly come to the door only in the middle of the night, so in the face of him, this guy who obviously came to Yizhuang in the middle of the night, the confusion in Wen Cai's heart instantly retreated.

After understanding that this group of guys was not a bad person, Wen Cai looked at Qin at the two generals he was exercising.

"Boom la la !!"

The sound of the air being pumped reached Wen Cai's ears.


"If this is drawn, I'm afraid I have to die on the spot, right?"

Facing the seemingly very powerful force, a trace of deep fear flashed in Wen Cai's eyes...

Although Wen Cai's strength is not very strong, it does not prevent Wen Cai's vision from being there.

Looking at this training between Li Chengan and Li Anguo, Wen Cai thought that if an ordinary person was drawn like this, he was afraid that he would have to die on the spot, and even the whole person would be completely detonated.

"These two guys are really powerful."

Looking at the two generals who were constantly wielding their halberds, a deep surprise flashed in Wen Cai's eyes.

Just as a deep surprise flashed in Wen Cai's eyes, footsteps sounded outside Yizhuang.

"Crunch, crunch..."

As the gate was slowly opened, I saw a guy who had not woken up a little appeared in Yizhuang.

However, when he just appeared in Yizhuang, the sound of drumming and whistling instantly reached his ears.

Faced with this burst of whistling sounds, Qiu Sheng, who had just stepped into Yizhuang, directly glanced at it with a trace of doubt.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, this look directly startled Qiu Sheng.


Directly two guys dressed in ancient general costumes are holding halberds like this and are jousting, and the thumping sound undoubtedly indicates that they are really competing, not some flower rack.

The most important thing is that the murderous look, and the uproar 3.5 brought by each swing, represent the power contained in it.

Looking at this scene at this moment, Qiu Sheng was instantly frightened and stupid.

"This, this..."

A trace of confusion flashed in Qiu Sheng's gaze as he looked at the two generals in his field of vision.

Just as a trace of confusion flashed in Qiu Sheng's gaze, I saw a voice come into Qiu Sheng's ears: "Qiu Sheng, come to me quickly." "

Wen Cai looked at Qiu Sheng, who was standing in place, and hurriedly spoke.


"It's coming."

Facing Wen Cai's shout, Qiu Sheng trembled and began to walk in the direction of Wen Cai.

In that clearing, Li Chengan and Li Anguo were still exercising.

"Boom !!"

The sound of the halberd twitching began to erupt continuously.


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