Soon, as the Ninth Uncle prepared everything he needed, Li Cheng'an and Li Anguo, who were fighting, also stopped their fighting.

"Let's go."

As the Ninth Uncle spoke softly, Zhu Houzhao and the Ninth Uncle who followed began to go to the place where the tomb was located.

While accompanying his group to the place of the tomb, he saw Zheng He at this moment looking at the scene he had in his field of vision with a surprised gaze.

"Your Majesty, some things in this world are really quite strange."

I saw that Zheng He at this moment looked at the town in the distance with a hint of curiosity.

For everything above the distant town, Zheng He at this moment can only say that the life of the common people there really seems to be quite good compared to the life of the common people of their Daming Empire.

For Zheng He's words, Zhu Houzhao looked into the distance in the same way.

"They, for this world."

"You can understand that it belongs to a world hundreds of years after the Ming Dynasty."

"In this world, there is also a history that belongs to the Daming Empire, and even in this world there is a history that belongs to several other empires."

"It's just that the nine empires in our world are all in the same world, and the nine empires in the history of this world belong to the arrangement."

Zhu Houzhao said with a calm look in his eyes.

"And the Daming Empire belongs to the empire before the current era."

"Strictly speaking, this world belongs to the Daming Empire hundreds of years later."

Seeing this moment, Zhu Houzhao explained to Zheng He.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's explanation, a trace of curiosity flashed in Zheng He's eyes.

"Ah, a world hundreds of years after the Daming Empire."

"The nine empires on our Kyushu Continent actually exist in the form of an arrangement in this world?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Zheng He's gaze.

For the first time he came to this world, he actually heard such a surprised news, then Zheng He at this moment said that this is really a little amazing.

At the same time that Zhu Houzhao and Zheng He were talking, I saw Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, who were next to Ninth Uncle, couldn't help but speak: "Master, are they really emperors?" "

"Is there still an emperor in this year?"

A burst of curious words came from Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng at this moment.

For Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's curiosity, Ninth Uncle spoke so seriously: "There are some things that must be told to you, you only need to remember one thing." "

"That is, when facing them, you need to treat them like a teacher, and you must not provoke each other."

"If you really provoke each other, then even the master will not be sure that he can keep you at that time."

At this moment, Ninth Uncle said with a straight face.

If he provoked Zhu Houzhao, Ninth Uncle thought that he could also persuade him with the deal between him and Zhu Houzhao.

But what if you provoke a few other guys?

That's different.

For example, those two generals, those two generals are not good stubble.

Just by virtue of the anger emanating from those two generals, it was enough to mean that none of them knew how many people died on their hands.

They definitely belong to the existence of killing without blinking, if they really provoke them, it is not impossible for Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng to be directly killed on the spot at that time.

After all, in the face of this kind of murderous general, Ninth Uncle can protect himself in front of the other party, after all, his identity is here, and he and the other party's emperor belong to acquaintances.

But his two apprentices are different. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In order to avoid accidents with his two apprentices, then the Ninth Uncle at this moment could only tell his two apprentices to be careful.

In the face of the Ninth Uncle's instructions, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at the two faces behind them with a hint of murderous energy, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng couldn't help but tremble.

"Oh, okay, okay."

"I must understand."

"We definitely won't mess with each other."

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's eyes flashed a serious opening and replied.

They didn't dare to provoke each other, those two guys looked murderous, no matter how they looked like they belonged to ordinary people, they thought that although they said that they had cultivated a little bit of mana, they were a little stronger than ordinary people.

But in the face of this guy who looks not simple, they think they need to be a little more careful.

"~ That's right, you must be careful and careful."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to save you then."

Looking at the fear on Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's faces, Ninth Uncle nodded slightly and smiled.

Soon, under the leadership of the Ninth Uncle, the figure of everyone came to a cemetery, and in that cemetery, there were already people waiting for the arrival of the Ninth Uncle.

"Ninth Uncle, you are finally here."

"I've been waiting for a long time."

A rich man's eyes flashed with a hint of emotion and spoke.

In response to the words spoken by this rich man at this moment, the current Ninth Uncle said so seriously: "Don't worry, since I am here, then I will definitely be responsible for this matter." "

Ninth Uncle said so seriously.

In the face of Ninth Uncle's reply, the rich man breathed a sigh of relief in an instant.

"Ninth Uncle, then this matter will be left to you."

In this regard, the rich man at this moment said with such emotion.

At the same time, the rich man looked at the four guys beside Ninth Uncle like this, and a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

"I don't know these people?"

A word of doubt came out of the man's mouth.


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