As the coffin was dug out, Ninth Uncle's gaze carried a sense of seriousness.

"Quack, quack, quack!!"

One by one, the crows in the distant forest constantly began to fly away towards the distance.

Facing this scene at this moment, the eyes of those family members were filled with a deep fear.

The crows themselves represent ominousness, and if the crows take off now because the coffin is dug up, it represents one thing.

That's the guy in the coffin they dug up, and the guy in it doesn't think it's simple!

Even the guys inside the coffins they dug up are likely to represent ominousness.

When they thought of this, everyone's eyes were filled with a deep fear.

If it weren't for Ninth Uncle here, I'm afraid everyone would probably have fled.

And when the current Old Master Ren watched this scene, his eyes were filled with a deep solemnity: "Ninth Uncle, can this tomb still be used?" "

"And there's no big problem with this, right?"

Old Master Ren's gaze flashed a dignified opening and asked.

For Old Master Ren, he now wants to know if there is any big problem with this, if this tomb can still be used, then he will directly bury it again, but if it can't be used, then he will directly find another way.

For Old Master Ren's words, the current Ninth Uncle spoke with a solemn expression: "Master Ren, my opinion is to directly burn this coffin plus Old Lady Ren on the spot. "

"Otherwise, there is a high probability that there will be a mutation at that time."

Ninth Uncle said with a serious tone in his tone.

For the words of the ninth uncle, Old Master Ren directly refused on the spot: "No, no, no, my father was most afraid of fire when he was alive, how can this be burned with fire?" "

"Can this be buried in again?"

Old Master Ren tried with a hint of rejection.

In the face of Old Master Ren's words, Ninth Uncle looked so deeply at the existence inside the coffin.

"This grave must be unusable, since you insist on burying it again."

"Then my suggestion is to put it in my Yizhuang and bury it again when I find a suitable grave."

I saw that Ninth Uncle's gaze said with a serious opening.

For Ninth Uncle's words, Old Master Ren thought for a while and finally nodded: "No problem, that father will be handed over to you." "

"If something happens, let me know."

I saw that a trace of seriousness flashed in Old Master Ren's gaze.

Due to the arrival of Zhu Houzhao, the ninth uncle was too lazy to talk to Old Master Ren about some other things at the moment, because the ninth uncle at this moment had also realized that Old Lady Ren in the coffin had completely turned into a zombie.

Since the old lady Ren in the coffin had completely turned into a zombie, Ninth Uncle felt that he might need to make a little preparation.

In the face of Old Lady Ren's words, Ninth Uncle nodded so gently: "No problem, if there is any problem at that time, then I will definitely notify you in time." "

"Then you can carry this to Yizhuang first, and I will solve it then."

Ninth Uncle said solemnly to the group of family members.

"No problem, I'll go right away."

After facing the words of the Ninth Uncle, the family members one after another nodded and spoke.

And at this moment, when the Ninth Uncle and Old Master Ren were talking like this, Ren Tingting, as the daughter of Old Master Ren, looked at Zhu Houzhao with a hint of curiosity at this moment.

"Who is this person?"

"This guy is that kind of breath that emits so powerful." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"This guy should be a big guy."

I saw that Ren Tingting at this moment looked at Zhu Houzhao with a hint of curiosity.

For Zhu Houzhao, Ren Tingting at this moment can only say that the information emitted by the other party is really powerful.

The most important thing is that Zhu Houzhao's own appearance is not ugly, and at the same time, coupled with the domineering feeling that permeates Zhu Houzhao's body, Ren Tingting feels that Zhu Houzhao is really not simple.

Facing this moment, when Ren Tingting looked at Zhu Houzhao with a curious gaze, as the captain of the security team at this moment, Ah Wei could only look at Zhu Houzhao powerlessly.

Doesn't Ah Wei want to make a move on Zhu Houzhao?

He wanted to, but the problem was that he couldn't!

That's right, although Ah Wei doesn't know what Zhu Houzhao's identity is, the current situation is here.

That is, the other party is definitely not an ordinary character.

The other party is absolutely right to belong to some big people.

After all, the two guys wearing ancient armor behind the other party, the aura emanating from their bodies made Ah Wei feel a deep trembling.

Ah Wei can be sure that the other party definitely belongs to the murderous kind, and it also belongs to the kind that kills like numb.

Because he had seen the existence of killing people, after all, he himself belonged to the captain of the security team, and he naturally caught some murderers.

But the murderers were like the difference between adults and children in front of the two guys behind them who wore no armor.

In the face of such a murderous guy who can only serve as a bodyguard for the other party, Ah Wei believes that the identity of the other party is definitely not an ordinary existence.

So even if Ah Wei looked at Zhu Houzhao with a hint of curiosity about his cousin, he was very anxious.

But he could only be anxious because he was afraid of Zhu Houzhao.

Just when Ren Tingting looked at Zhu Houzhao with a hint of curiosity, Ah Wei watched this scene with a hint of pain.

The conversation between Ninth Uncle and Old Master Ren was over.

"See you next time, then."

"Wait for me to inform you."

Ninth Uncle's gaze carried a seriousness.

"No problem, I'm waiting for your notice."

Old Master Ren also spoke softly.


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