"Everyone, what do you think of marrying the Daming Empire?"

A trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of the Great Song Emperor Zhao Shu and said.

In the face of Zhao Shu's words, many ministers below looked at each other like this, and they all saw a trace of thought in each other's eyes.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense."

"We can completely marry the Daming Empire, as long as we can start a marriage relationship with the Daming Empire, once our Daming Empire is invaded, we can completely turn to the Daming Empire."

"The most important thing is that as long as we can reach a marriage relationship with the Daming Empire, I believe that the Daming Empire will definitely not refuse our help."

I saw that at this moment, Qin Hui spoke with a trace of seriousness.

In the face of Qin Huan's words, the many cultural relics and officials in the hall looked at each other like this, and they all saw a trace of approval in the eyes of Pi 24.

"Your Majesty, what the Prime Minister said is reasonable."

One after another, all the civil and military officials spoke in agreement.

For the Great Song Empire, as long as it belongs to the Great Song Empire, everyone in the Empire can understand a fact very clearly, that is, although their Great Song Empire belongs to one of the nine major empires, of course, it is now the eight major empires.

As one of the eight great empires, the Great Song Empire, although they said that they had the title of empire, their strength did not reach the qualifications that an empire should have.

Perhaps the Great Song Empire was very fierce during the founding period, and their name of the Great Song Empire was completely laid down during the founding period, but it is a pity that the current Great Song Empire completely lacks the strength that the empire should have.

Their Great Song Empire must be rich if they are rich, and their Great Song Empire is the richest empire among the eight empires today, but what is the strength?

That can only be said to be the weakest of the eight empires today, when it was once the nine empires, the Great Song Empire could still compete with the Great Qing Empire, but with the destruction of the Great Qing Empire, the Great Song Empire naturally became the weakest of the eight empires.

Then their Great Song Empire did not have the strength that an empire should have, but it was the richest empire among the eight empires.

Then they can only choose to join a relatively powerful empire, now it's good.

The Daming Empire itself was next to them, and then the Daming Empire destroyed the Qing Empire, revealing the strength of their Daming Empire.

At the same time, the main problem is that the emperor of the Daming Empire is young!

The 20-year-old Daming Emperor has not yet married!

Isn't this a natural ally?!

As long as they can marry the emperor of the Great Song Empire to the Daming Emperor, their Great Song Empire can naturally obtain the protection of the Daming Empire.

I believe that under the protection of the Daming Empire, at least there will be no big problems in their Great Song Empire, because if they want to make a move on their Great Song Empire, they have to consider whether they can withstand the anger of the Daming Empire.

Looking at the approval of the civil and military officials below, the Great Song Emperor Zhao Zhi, who was sitting on the dragon chair, couldn't help but nodded: "It makes sense, the idea of love among everyone is very correct." "

"Okay, then let Emperor Chengde go and marry Emperor Ji Daming!"

"Prime Minister, you will lead the group to the Daming Empire."

Zhao Shu's gaze looked at Qin Hui with a serious look.

In their Great Song Empire, the existence with a high enough status is only Qin Hui as the prime minister, so on behalf of their Great Song Empire to develop a marriage request to the Daming Empire, only Qin Hui has that qualification.

In the face of the order of the Great Song Emperor Zhao Shu, Qin Huan, who was the prime minister, replied with a serious opening on his face: "See Your Majesty, the ministers and others will definitely not live up to Your Majesty's instructions!" "

"The minister will definitely come back with good news!"

Qin Hui said solemnly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Listening to Qin Huan's words, Zhao Zhi instantly breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's okay, okay, retreat."

The Great Song Emperor Zhao Zhi waved his hand.

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!"

In an instant, the civil and military officials in the hall shouted loudly.

"Tread, tread..."

Soon, with the sound of footsteps, one after another the figures of civil and military officials left the hall.

At the same time as the figures of many officials left the hall, just when the entire Kyushu continent was discussing the Daming Empire occupying the Great Qing Empire, Zhu Houzhao at this moment began to walk in the capital Shengjing, the imperial capital of the once Great Qing Empire.

"Although this place is not as prosperous as Beipingcheng, the imperial capital of the Daming Empire, it is still quite prosperous as an ordinary city."

"At the very least, it's more than a lot of ordinary cities."

Zhu Houzhao looked at the many buildings on the surrounding road and said slightly.

Although from the perspective of the imperial capital, this Shengjing City is definitely not comparable to Beiping City, but if you treat this Shengjing City as an ordinary city, then this city can be regarded as very luxurious.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Zheng He, who was behind him, also nodded slightly and spoke: "Your Majesty is right, this place may be a major city of our Daming Empire from today onwards." "

At this moment, Zheng He looked at the surrounding buildings with a trace of emotion in his eyes.

This place is not suitable for being the imperial capital of the Daming Empire, but being a prosperous city of the Daming Empire is not a problem.

"yes, starting today."

"This is the new important city of the Daming Empire!"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the surrounding buildings, and said with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.


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