"What do you think the fate of the Shaolin Temple would be like if the Shaolin Temple intervened in this matter?"

I saw that the Shaolin abbot at this moment spoke so calmly.

When listening to the words of the Shaolin abbot, many elders beside him looked at each other, and they all saw a deep shock in each other's eyes.

"This, this..."

"This Cihang Jingzhai of the Great Tang Buddha Sect actually dares to do such a thing?"

At this moment, one Shaolin elder after another had a shock in their eyes.

They finally understood now why their abbot senior brother did not want to be involved with Cihang Jingzhai.

Who dares to get involved with Cihang Jingzhai?

If it is really related to Cihang Jingzhai's "eight five seven", then to put it bluntly, it is a rebellious thief who belongs to the Eight Classics!

Although it is said that the ancestor of Cihang Jingzhai is a strong person who belongs to the realm of heaven and man, but after all, it only belongs to the ancestor, and the Great Tang Empire is suppressed by a strong person in the realm of heaven and man.

This is the difference in the high-end combat effectiveness of the two sides, and at the same time, no matter how weak the major empires are, even the weakest Great Song Empire can pull out a million troops at any time.

Let me ask, when the high-end combat effectiveness of both sides is entangled, who can compete with the million-strong army of an empire?

A powerhouse in the Great Grandmaster realm?

The powerhouses of the Great Grandmaster realm are not absent from the major empires, so who can compete with the imperial court under the huge army strength of the major empires?

Anyway, relying on hard power alone, the rivers and lakes cannot compete with the imperial court.

Just like them, don't they want freedom? Could it be that they were willingly under the jurisdiction of the imperial court?

No, no, they didn't want to, but they had to.

Not for anything else, just because the strength of the imperial court is too strong.

The powerful strength of the imperial court suppressed them fiercely, and they did not dare to compete with the imperial court, because they understood that the result of confronting the imperial court 100 would belong to death.

But what?

Cihang Jingzhai from the Korean Empire wants to meddle in the issue of the emperor's succession, and actually wants to deceive a puppet emperor who obeys their orders?

And also boldly shouted this slogan on behalf of the Heavenly Chosen Emperor, can this slogan be shouted?

No matter which empire dares to shout this slogan, it will definitely be wiped out by its empire.

Cihang Jingzhai was a complete madman in the eyes of this group of Shaolin abbots.

What a real madman!

If this is not crazy, who can do such crazy things?

"Senior brother, it's good that you rejected that guy."

"Otherwise, if the imperial court knows that we have united with them, I am afraid that our Shaolin Temple will be completely destroyed."

One of the Shaolin elders patted his chest in fear.

He thought that their abbot had made the right choice, and fortunately their abbot had explicitly rejected the holy girl of Cihang Jingzhai.

Otherwise, there is a real possibility that their Shaolin Temple will be destroyed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For the words spoken by this elder at this moment, several other elders around also nodded and replied: "That's right, it's good that Abbot you just rejected the guy. "

"Otherwise, there is a real possibility that our Shaolin Temple will be destroyed by then."

One after another, the elders couldn't help but speak.

Fortunately, they did not have in-depth communication with that madman, otherwise once the imperial court knew that they actually had in-depth communication with the madman of the Great Tang Empire, I am afraid that the imperial court would think that they also had to do the same behavior as Cihang Jingzhai.

No emperor of any empire could stand the behavior of Cihang Jingzhai, and their Shaolin Temple would never learn Cihang Jingzhai.

"That's right, hurry."

"At that time, we can report this matter to the imperial court, I believe that the Jinyiwei of the imperial court should be monitoring us, I don't believe that the Jinyiwei of the imperial court is not monitoring us..."

The Shaolin abbot said with a calm opening in his gaze.

Regarding the behavior of the holy daughter of Cihang Jingzhai to help them, the Shaolin abbot directly chose to ignore it, anyway, he would not pull the entire Shaolin Temple into the water.

However, he believed that he must report this to the imperial court to avoid making the imperial court think that he did not know.

"It makes sense, when the time comes, we can go and report to the imperial court, then we just need to get rid of our suspicions."

Many elders agreed even more with this opinion of their abbot.

"Set off and arrive at Peiping City as quickly as possible."

At this moment, as the orders of one elder after another fell, the many martial monks of Shaolin Temple began to move towards Beiping City continuously.

And while facing the many monks of the Shaolin Temple who began to go to Beiping City like this, Shifei Xuan, who had talked with the Shaolin abbot before, frowned slightly at this moment.

"So where do I go now?"

A trace of doubt and confusion flashed in Shifei Xuan's eyes.

The reason why she came to the Daming Empire was purely because she learned that the Buddha Gate of the Daming Empire was served 0.6 by the Daming Imperial Court, and even all the sects of the Daming Rivers and Lakes were completely solved by the Daming Imperial Court, either choosing to submit to the Daming Imperial Court or directly choosing to be completely destroyed by the Daming Court.

Even their Buddhist sect was not spared, so Shifei Xuan came to the Daming Empire, and she wanted to use their Tang Cihang Jingzhai ability to help the Buddha Gate of Daming.

But it's a pity that the Daming Buddha Gate doesn't need her help at all, and even slanders their Cihang Jingzhai.

At this moment, Shifei Xuan really didn't know where she should go now.

"Oh, do you want to go to Peiping City?"

A thought appeared in Shifei Xuan's mind.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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