"Cihang Jingzhai's Holy Lady Concubine Xuan?"

"What did he come to Peiping City for?"

Zhu Houzhao's brows furrowed slightly.

For this holy girl of Cihang Jingzhai, Zhu Houzhao could be said to be completely too lazy to deal with the other party, but he did not expect that the other party actually came to his Beiping City.

Then Zhu Houzhao can't act as if nothing happened.

Although Cihang Jingzhai is just an ordinary small force in front of the Daming Empire, but he can't directly kill the other party completely, after all, the identity that the other party has in the Tang Empire is really quite powerful, once he kills the other party, then if the people of his Daming Empire say tens of millions of Tang Empire, 100% will definitely be targeted.

But the "five eight three" bias is not a good stubble, and this guy has a little problem with his head.

"Bring her here and see what this guy is up to!"

Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed a trace of calmness and spoke.

For this Cihang Jingzhai Holy Lady Concubine Xuan, Zhu Houzhao very much wanted to know what the other party's purpose was when he came to his Daming Empire, and if the other party's purpose in coming to his Daming Empire was to exercise the other party's ridiculous right to represent the Heavenly Chosen Emperor, Zhu Houzhao would definitely let the other party understand what a real emperor was.


The Blue Dragon Commander replied respectfully.

"Brush brush brush..."

In an instant, I saw the figure of the Blue Dragon Commander disappear in an instant.



"This is Beiping City, the imperial capital of the Daming Empire, although the prosperity here is not as good as the Tang Chang'an City, but the prosperity here is not weak at all."

Concubine Shi Xuan looked at Beiping City in her field of vision with a hint of interest in her eyes.

For Shifei Xuan at this moment, she found that the prosperity used in this Beiping City was really no worse than that of the Great Tang Chang'an City, and the Great Wall of the Great Tang used to belong to the most prosperous imperial capital in Shi Fei Xuan's heart, but when Shi Fei Xuan looked at this Beiping City again, she found that the prosperity used in Beiping City was really not weak at all.

"This is the situation outside the Great Tang Empire."

Shifei Xuan's eyes were so full of deep emotion.

And just when Shifei Xuan had a deep emotion in her eyes, one figure after another appeared in front of Shifei Xuan.

When the figure facing this Dao appeared in front of Shifei Xuan, the surrounding people directly chose to leave after looking at those figures.


Facing these figures who suddenly appeared in front of her, a trace of doubt flashed in Shifei Xuan's eyes.

"Daming Jinyiwei?"

Looking at the figures of these brocade guards wearing flying fish suits in front of her, a trace of doubt flashed in Shifei Xuan's eyes.

"I wonder what you're looking for me for?"

"I shouldn't have committed anything in the Daming Empire, right?"

I saw that Shifei Xuan looked at the existence in front of her with a trace of doubt in her eyes.

"The existence of the Grandmaster realm, could it be that this belongs to the commander of Jinyiwei?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Shifei Xuan's mind.

Facing the strong man in front of her, whose strength was very strong at first glance, and also flashed a trace of coercion, the other party's strength obviously belonged to the Grandmaster realm.

Shifei Xuan knows a little about the Jinyiwei of the Daming Empire, and it seems that there is no Jinyiwei in the realm of the Great Master, but there is no shortage of Jinyiwei in the realm of Grandmaster.

Then the strength in front of her is not an ordinary grandmaster powerhouse at all, this should be the commander of Jinyiwei who belongs to the Daming Empire.

In the face of Shifei Xuan's inquiry, the Qinglong command room in front of Shifei Xuan had a calm gaze. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"What for?"

"It's very simple, although you haven't committed anything illegal in the Daming Empire, your existence is a problem."

"Come with me, girl."

"Our Majesty has a request."

The green dragon commander said lightly.

Facing the words of the Qinglong commander, a trace of doubt flashed in Shifei Xuan's eyes: "Are you saying that the Daming Emperor wants to see me?" "

The current Senior Concubine Xuan spoke with a hint of doubt...

"That's right, Your Majesty has a request."

"Girl, don't embarrass us, come with me."

The green dragon commander said lightly.

"Okay, lead the way, I also want to talk to your Emperor Daming."

Concubine Shi Xuan nodded slightly.

For this emperor of the Daming Empire, Shifei Xuan had long wanted to meet him, but it was a pity that she was completely unable to face the Daming Emperor.

If she is in the Great Tang Empire, then her identity can completely meet the emperor of the Great Tang Empire, Li Shimin, this is the emperor of the Daming Empire, and the emperor of the Daming Empire does not bird them at all.

"Tread, tread..."

In this way, under the leadership of Jin Yiwei, Shifei Xuan honestly followed behind the commander of the green dragon and walked towards the direction of the palace.

Seeing Shifei Xuan following behind the commander of the green dragon, when those ordinary people on both sides of the road looked at this scene, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

"In other words, what big thing did this girl do?"

"I actually want to let the famous Jinyiwei commander personally arrest him."

One after another, the eyes of ordinary people 1.6 have a trace of doubt.

As the common people in Beiping City, since they can understand the difference between the flying fish suit of the Jinyiwei commander and the ordinary flying fish suit, that guy obviously belongs to the Jinyiwei commander.

The existence that can let the commander of Jinyiwei personally take action, what kind of big thing did that girl commit?


Many ordinary people had a doubt in their eyes.

And at this moment, Shifei Xuan didn't know that when she just followed the Qinglong commander to the palace, there was suddenly one more news in the entire Beiping City, that is, a beautiful girl who committed a big crime was arrested on the spot by the Qinglong commander.


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