"Hey, guys."

"It won't be long before Xu will become a couple, and then the big guys will come to Xu to drink happy wine."

Zhu Houzhao said to the group friends in the chat group with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

For Zhu Houzhao, the group friends in the chat group can be said to belong to his friends, after all, he is only enemies and subordinates here in the Kyushu continent to some extent.

All the existences in the entire Kyushu continent either belong to the enemies of the Daming Empire, or belong to the existence that is likely to become enemies of the Daming Empire next, or belong to the subordinates of the Daming Empire.

On the whole, he, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, did not have any friends here in the entire Kyushu continent at all.

But it's different in chat groups.

In the chat group, he, the Emperor Daming, had friends.

Everyone in the entire chat group was a friend of him, the 24th Emperor of the Ming Emperor.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the originally calm chat group was completely lively at this moment.

"Oh, Your Majesty, are you going to be married?"

"Congratulations Your Majesty!"

Yue Buqun congratulated with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

The Zhengde Emperor in their chat group is about to become a couple, which is naturally a great news.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, when the time comes, I will definitely personally come to the world where Your Majesty is located to attend Your Majesty's wedding."

"It will definitely be!"

Yue Buqun said solemnly.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, several other people in the chat group also spoke curiously.

"Oh, I'm going to be married."

"I wonder who His Majesty married?"

Tony Stark, who is in the Marvel universe, asked directly with a curious tone.

Listening to the inquiry from Tony Stark, Zhu Houzhao replied with a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth at this moment: "The existence that Xu wants to marry next belongs to the princess from the Great Song Empire. "

"Although it is said to belong to a political marriage, after all, the other party is the first wife who belongs to Xuan, which is naturally a matter worth celebrating."

"It just so happens that the big guys haven't really met each other yet, so let's have a big party at Xuan's wedding."

"What do you think of that?"

Zhu Houzhao said to everyone in the chat group.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's thoughts, everyone's eyes in the entire chat group lit up slightly.

"That's a really good idea."

"I think that's a very good idea."

I saw that the ninth uncle in the zombie world nodded and spoke.

"I think we can go to His Majesty the Zhengde Emperor and have a good gathering."

"Although the big guys are in a chat group, the big guys really haven't met, so you can have an offline party."

Faced with the proposal from Zhu Houzhao, the eyes of the heroes in the Fengyun world shone slightly.

"I think this is good, this opinion is very thoughtful."

"That Emperor Daming, I will give you a major gift at that time."

I saw Xiongba say with a hint of seriousness in his eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The deal between him and Zhu Houzhao has not been forgotten by Xiongba.

The fire unicorn in their world, although this fire unicorn is not an ordinary existence, but when he thinks that he can use this fire qilin as a gift to give to Zhu Houzhao, it can be said that it is a double kill.

There was already this transaction between them, so if he directly gave this fire unicorn to the other party when the other party got married, wouldn't it give the other party face?

To give a long face to an emperor, Xiongba felt that the other party would definitely not skimp on some of the things he traded at that time.

Facing Xiongba's words, Zhu Houzhao replied with a hint of a smile in his eyes at this moment: "No problem, wait for it." "

And several other people couldn't help but nod their heads when they faced this remark at this moment.

Even the newcomers Xu Xian and Li Xiaoyao in the chat group couldn't help but agree: "I think this idea is good." "

"The big guys can get together."

Li Xiaoyao, who was in the world of Sword and Fairy, said with a slight in his eyes.

During this time in the chat group, Li Xiaoyao could probably understand what kind of existence the people in their chat group probably belonged to.

There are barbarians from overseas, but the quality of life of barbarians is exceptionally good, some are in ancient beings like him, their living conditions are basically the same, but they can practice martial arts in the world.

Not to mention that there is also a existence that knows how to do the Dao, and there are zombies and ghosts in the other world.

At the same time, the main 253 in their world is that there is also an emperor!

An emperor who controls an empire, and that empire is not an ordinary empire, according to Li Xiaoyao's understanding during this time, the Daming Empire controlled by that Daming Emperor is not weaker than the Tang Empire he is currently in, and it can even be said that the Daming Empire controlled by the other party's Daming Emperor is completely many times stronger than his current Tang Empire.

At the same time, the other party's Daming Empire has just occupied a Great Qing Empire, and the strength of the Daming Empire is extremely strong.

Then he will go to the wedding of the Daming Emperor now, then he can experience the food on the emperor's banquet.

That's the food on the emperor's banquet!

Who in the whole world has tasted it?

And he can.

This is such an exciting thing for Li Xiaoyao.

In the face of Li Xiaoyao's reply, everyone in the entire chat group chose to agree.

"No problem, we will definitely choose to go to the world Your Majesty is in at that time."

One after another, the existence has chosen to agree.


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