At the same time that one world after another began to develop separately, at this moment, Xu Xian in the world of the White Snake also touched the White Snake just like the original plot.

In the face of the unfolding of the plot, Xu Xian had no resistance at all and fell one after another.

"Madam, I thought I might be able to invite some of my friends over to our wedding."

I saw Xu Xian looking at Bai Suzhen with a sincere gaze.

Facing the words from Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen's eyes flashed a smile and said: "Xianggong, since it is Xianggong's friend, then naturally it is my friend, Xianggong can call those friends over to participate in our wedding." "

I saw Bai Suzhen's eyes with a hint of a smile in her eyes.

For Bai Suzhen at this moment, since she wants to marry Xu Xian, those friends of Xu Xian are naturally the people she needs to deal with in the future, so get to know each other first.

Facing Bai Suzhen's words, Xu Xian's eyes had a hint of a smile in his eyes.

"No problem, speaking of my 24 friends, he will also get married in a while, then I will take you to my friend's wedding."

Xu Xian said with a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Faced with the situation that Xu Xian was ready to actively introduce his friends to Bai Suzhen, Bai Suzhen's eyes had a hint of tenderness.

"Yes, Xianggong."

Receiving Bai Suzhen's affirmation, Xu Xian began to immerse his mind in the chat group.

"Zhu Houzhao, Yue Buqun, Tony Stark, Ninth Uncle Li Xiaoyao..."

I saw Xu Xian directly Aite one guy after another in the chat group.

"Everyone, I got married first, I wonder if you have time to come and attend the wedding in Xia?"

Xu Xian said with a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Facing the invitation from Xu Xian, I saw that everyone in the chat group instantly exploded at this moment.

Especially Li Xiaoyao.


"What's the situation?!"

"We joined the group together, didn't you have no object at that time?"

"Why do you even have a wife now?!"

Li Xiaoyao's gaze looked at Xu Xian's invitation with an incredulous look.

For the existence of this person who joined the chat group with him, Li Xiaoyao still belongs to the kind of interest.

When they first joined the chat group, they were all single, but how long has it been, and the guy who made a chat group with him is actually going to be married at this moment, which is naturally very explosive for Li Xiaoyao.

Faced with the incredulity from Li Xiaoyao, Xu Xian in the world of the White Snake smiled smugly: "Hehe, I don't know how to say this, this can only be said to belong to fate." "

"But I can only tell you clearly, I really didn't have a partner when we first joined the chat group, of course, it's different now."

"Now I really have a partner."

Xu Xian said with a smile.

Listening to the words from Xu Xian, Li Xiaoyao, who was in the world of immortal swords, looked at Xu Xian so deeply.

Although they are not face to face at present, Li Xiaoyao can probably understand what kind of smile Xu Xian is at present, which is a mockery of a single dog like them!


"You damn it!"

I saw Li Xiaoyao at this moment and roared.

And in the face of Xu Xian's invitation just now, Zhu Houzhao had a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Xu Xian is married, it seems that the guy from the Sun Serpent in the Heavens and Worlds is going to appear." "

For who is Xu Xian's wife?

Zhu Houzhao can already be sure that Xu Xian's wife in that world completely belongs to Bai Suzhen, and for this Xu Immortal who dares to be a snake, it can only be said that Xu Xian's prestige has long spread to the heavens and realms.

"No problem, it just so happens that Xu has nothing to do recently, so come to this wedding of yours."

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's words, Xu Xian replied with a hint of a smile: "Thank you, Your Majesty." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"At that time, I will definitely entertain Your Majesty well."

Xu Xian's gaze said with a slight glow.

For Zhu Houzhao to be willing to come to him to attend his wedding, Xu Xian thought that this was already a great thing.

You must know that Zhu Houzhao's identity is the emperor of the Eight Classics, and the empire controlled by the other party can be said to be abnormally large.

Facing the emperor who controlled such a huge empire to come over to attend his wedding, Xu Xian naturally felt a burst of excitement.

Faced with Xu Xian's excitement, several other people in the chat group helplessly replied: "If this is the case, then I can only apologize for the time being." "

"I can't get out of it at the moment."

I saw that Xiongba and Ninth Uncle both said helplessly.

Xiongba was preparing to try to capture the fire unicorn, and the Ninth Uncle was now on his way to the Maoshan Sect, and he couldn't spare time to attend this wedding.

Faced with the rejection of Ninth Uncle and Xiongba, Xu Xian fell 303 and did not feel the slightest surprise, because he also knew that these two people were very busy and busy at present.

"I might as well have seen what an ancient wedding was like."

In the Wing Chun world, Ip Man had a hint of a smile in his eyes.

He hasn't been busy lately, so Ye Man doesn't recommend going to Xu Xian's world to visit it to see what ancient weddings look like.

"I can also come over, then I will come to your wedding when the time comes."

Tony Stark also nodded and spoke.

"Then since His Majesty has gone to the wedding, then I will go too!"

Yue Buqun also spoke.

Soon, the chat group had already confirmed the existence of going to the wedding next.

Zhu Houzhao and Tony Stark, plus Ye Man and Li Xiaoyao and Yue Buqun at the same time, as for the female ghost Nie Xiaoqian?

Nie Xiaoqian didn't dare to leave at all.

So there are currently five existing chat groups participating in Xu Xian's wedding.

Facing these five people, Xu Xian said with a hint of a smile in the corner of his mouth: "No problem, I'm ready to prepare!" "

Xu Xian said excitedly.


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions".

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