"Bai Suzhen."

Zhu Houzhao looked deeply at the woman beside Xu Xian.

For this thousand-year-old snake demon who was righteous, even Zhu Houzhao did not dare to easily despise the other party, of course, Zhu Houzhao was also sure that Bai Suzhen did not dare to make a move on him lightly.

And in the face of everyone appearing in Bai Suzhen's field of vision at this moment, Bai Suzhen looked directly at Zhu Houzhao and Zheng He after looking at everyone's figures.

Without him, among everyone, only Zhu Houzhao and Zheng He were the strongest.

Perhaps Zheng He's strength is normally the strongest, but the only one who has a threat to Bai Suzhen is probably Zhu Houzhao.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's figure, Bai Suzhen's gaze carried an incomparably heavy gaze.

At the same time that Bai Suzhen's gaze was extremely heavy, I saw Zhu Houzhao at this moment with a hint of a smile in his eyes and said, "Xu Xian, this is your wife, right?" "

In the face of the words from Zhu Houzhao, several other people beside him also looked at Xu Xian at this moment, and at the same time looked at Bai Suzhen next to Xu Xian.

"Yes, Xu Xian, this won't be your wife, right?"

At this moment, everyone's vision was filled with a deep envy.

For them at this moment, what they saw was the beauty and dignified atmosphere that belonged to Bai Suzhen, and when Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian stood together, then it could only be said that an idea emerged in their minds.

That's how good this guy Xu Xian did in his last life!

Can you actually marry such a beautiful wife?

Faced with the inquiry from everyone, Xu Xian's mouth flashed a smile and replied: "Everyone, that's right, this is Bai Suzhen, the wife below." "

I saw Xu Xian at this moment and said with a smile.

Facing the words from Xu Xian, the current Ye Man frowned slightly at this moment.

"Xu Xian, Bai Suzhen."

For the current two names, Ip Man suddenly felt as if he had heard of it somewhere, as if it still belonged to some myth heard in that kind of legend and so on.

However, in the face of Ye Man's frown, Tony Stark, who was next to him, smiled and said, "You are Xu Xian's wife Bai Suzhen, and here is my gift." "

"It's just your wedding gift."

At this moment, Tony Stark, who saw this moment, directly took out an attic made of gold.

Yes, a small attic was in Tony Stark's hands, and most importantly, it was made of gold.

Faced with the words from Tony Stark, especially looking at the attic made of gold held by Tony Stark in his hand, everyone's eyes had a deep emotion.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being a rich man selling weapons!"

For this gift taken out by Tony Stark, Ip Man next to him directly flashed a trace of deep surprise.

For Tony Stark, a serious arms dealer, Ip Man could understand how fast this arms group was making money, but when Tonis Lake really directly held out an attic made of gold, Ip Man still felt a burst of surprise.

And looking at a pure gold attic that Tony Stark took out casually, Xu Xian also had a deep surprise: "Ah, this." "

"Isn't that too precious?"

A trace of incredulity flashed in Xu Xian's gaze.

If it is an ordinary gift or something, then ceei can be accepted completely, the problem is that this is a loft made of pure gold.

That's a lot of money!

And gold is not something that can be seen casually in the other party's world, gold is also very valuable in the other party's world, but now the other party directly gave him this attic made of pure metal, which is too valuable for Xu Xian.

In the face of the gift from Tony Stark, Yue Buqun and Li Xiaoyao beside him all had an incredible gaze.

"This, this..."

They were really a little incredulous about this gift from Tony Stark. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And in the words from Xu Xian, Tony Stark smiled at this moment: "Don't care, money is just a number for me, and we are friends, since we are friends, then give a little gift or something but don't need to be so surprised." "

Tony Stark waved his hand slightly.

This attic made of pure metal may also be worth a lot in his world, but it looks average in Tonis Dak because he really has money.

The Stark Group has countless amounts of money, so giving away a loft made of free pure metal is not something from showing off or something, the main thing is that he really does not lack money.

And in the face of Tony Stark's behavior, Bai Suzhen, who was next to Xu Xian, also had a surprised gaze.

It has not been a day or two since Bai Suzhen came to the world, she can understand what gold represents for ordinary humans, and now her husband's friend actually gave such a precious gift, which made Bai Suzhen also feel surprised.

"You would have thought that this barbarian would value my husband's friendship so much."

Bai Suzhen's eyes flashed with a trace of thought and said to herself.

For Tony Stark's righteous barbarian appearance, Bai Suzhen was disgusted from the bottom of his heart, but the other party gave such a precious gift.

I saw Bai Suzhen looking at Tony Stark with a hint of satisfaction.

And in the face of this scene at this moment, Zhu Houzhao smiled.

"In that case, let's take out our gifts as well."

Zhu Houzhao laughed softly.

"Obey, Your Majesty."

Zheng He, who was behind him, spoke respectfully.


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