"Sister, that guy is not simple."

I saw Xiaoqing's figure appear next to Bai Suzhen, and Xiaoqing's eyes looked at the departing Zhu Houzhao with a serious look.

In the face of the words from Xiaoqing, Bai Suzhen at this moment also looked at the departing Zhu Houzhao with a deep gaze.

"I naturally know that guy is not simple, but that guy is really not an existence that we can do at the moment."

"The other party is the emperor."

"What do you think will be the consequences of doing something to the emperor?"

I saw Bai Suzhen's gaze with a calm opening.

For this emperor who didn't know where to pop up, Bai Suzhen was jealous from the bottom of his heart, and even Bai Suzhen was wary of Zhu Houzhao from beginning to end.

Because Bai Suzhen can understand very clearly what her identity is.

She is not an ordinary human woman, and even she does not belong to the human race, she is a serious demon race!

"One Four Zero", then this wedding between her and Xu Xian can be regarded as an existence that belongs to shemales.

Although her husband Xu Xian said that this was his friend, at least Bai Suzhen really didn't know where her husband jumped out of these friends, because she had never seen a connection between them, and as a result, it suddenly popped out on this knotty eye when they were about to get married.

The most important thing is that there is actually an emperor among them!

Where exactly did this emperor jump from?

Bai Suzhen didn't know, but it didn't prevent Bai Suzhen from guessing at the worst, that is, this emperor who jumped out of nowhere was not a good thing for her, and it was even likely to cause fatal damage to her.

Facing the heaviness contained in Bai Suzhen's eyes, Xiaoqing beside him couldn't help but speak: "Then shall we directly send some ordinary monsters to kill that emperor directly?" "

"As long as we don't personally make a move, then I believe that the emperor should be more honest."

At this moment, I saw a trace of killing intent flash in Xiaoqing's eyes.

The emperor can't be killed, even Xiaoqing can understand.

Because the emperor's body is connected with all the people up and down the entire country, if they really kill the emperor rashly, then it means that they have printed the causal line from all the thousands of people in the entire country.

Who can easily carry the causal line of all the people of a country?

I am afraid that only those righteous immortal gods can carry it, but even those righteous immortal gods cannot carry the causal line that all the common people in the entire country have, but the emperor can easily feel that he can carry it.

So if anyone dares to make a move against the emperor, then this will face the causal line from the entire country behind the emperor, who dares to contend with it?

There was no guy who was bold enough to dare to directly deal with the emperor.

Even Xiaoqing, who had been cultivating for hundreds of years, could understand this truth, so Xiaoqing decided that he might be able to seduce some ordinary monsters to solve that emperor.

Facing the words from Xiaoqing, Bai Suzhen shook her head slightly.

"No, if you really dare to induce some monsters to make a move on the emperor, then even if you don't make a move on the emperor on the surface, the cause and effect don't think so."

"At that time, you will also be affected, and the causal lines that a country has are not a small amount."

Bai Suzhen shook her head slightly.

She won't let Xiaoqing enter such a dangerous situation, at least Xiaoqing belongs to her sister!

"Just look at it this way, he probably won't choose to meddle in something or something."

"If the other party really interferes in the wedding between me and Xu Xian, even if the other party's identity is the emperor, but then I will definitely make the other party pay!"

A hint of murderous intent flashed in Bai Suzhen's eyes.

Although the other party's identity is the emperor's extraordinary dignity, if the other party really makes him unable to tie up this wedding, then Bai Suzhen is not a good stubble.

At the very least, Bai Suzhen is a thousand-year-old snake demon of the Eight Classics!

When the thousand-year-old snake demon encounters this situation, is it possible to break its teeth and swallow it into its stomach?

Excuse me!

Bai Suzhen will definitely not allow it!

And in the face of the words from Bai Suzhen, Xiaoqing next to him could only nod helplessly: "Understood, sister." "

"I must do it to them when the time comes!"

In this regard, Xiaoqing's eyes at this moment also looked at Zhu Houzhao in the distance with a trace of cruelty. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And at this moment, Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing were discussing the problems that were likely to arise next, and the group led by Zhu Houzhao had already appeared on the street.

"This is the world that belongs to the Eastern Song Dynasty."

When I saw Tony Stark looking at the streets around him like this, a deep curiosity flashed in Tony Stark's eyes.

Regarding the Song Dynasty, although it is said that this is a country that is not very strong, the economic strength of this Eastern Great Song Dynasty occupies more than half of the entire world in the same era!

A great Song Dynasty that is not very strong occupies more than half of the entire world in terms of economy, and the most important thing is that this Song Dynasty that does not seem to be very strong in military strength, but in fact, the real strength is not so weak as it seems...

For such a Song Dynasty, Tonis Dak at this moment naturally also had a deep curiosity.

Facing the words from Tony Stark, Li Xiaoyao, who was beside him, flashed a hint of curiosity and said, "Song Dynasty, is this an era behind the Great Tang?" "

Li Xiaoyao said that he did not understand this Song Dynasty, but he could probably know that this should belong to their Huaxia by looking at the clothes worn by the common people around him.

"Don't really say, this world is really quite prosperous."

I saw Li Xiaoyao's gaze flashing with a trace of emotion looking around.

This was his first time in another world, and when he first came to this other world, his first impression of this other world was very prosperous.

In the face of the words from Li Xiaoyao, Zhu Houzhao in it had a hint of a smile in his eyes: "That's right, this is the Song Dynasty." "

"The Song Dynasty can be said to belong to a very rich country, and the Song Dynasty can be said to have more than half of the wealth in the current world, so you can imagine how rich this country is."

"Even the Daming Empire is probably not as good as this country in terms of money."

Zhu Houzhao shook his head slightly.

For the Song Dynasty, even Zhu Houzhao had to admit that although he now occupies the Great Qing Empire, the overall strength of the Daming Empire today has increased a lot faster, but in terms of money, 0.7?

Sorry, Zhu Houzhao said that it is really not comparable to the Great Song Dynasty.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Tony Stark and Li Xiaoyao, who were next to him, had a general understanding of this Song Dynasty.

Because Zhu Houzhao, as the head of the empire, must be very familiar with how rich the entire country is, but now Zhu Houzhao now says that the Daming Empire is not comparable to this Song Dynasty in terms of money.

"Is this Song Dynasty so rich?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes, looking at the surrounding streets, especially looking at the vendors on the street, with a thought in his eyes.

"Yes, this country is really so rich."

"Let's go, let's take a good look at this richest dynasty."

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of a smile in his eyes.


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