"Regarding this question, I can only reply to you clearly."

"This may be a big problem for ordinary people, but the problem is that you are an ordinary person?"

Zhu Houzhao said lightly.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's reply, Xu Xian's eyes flashed a trace of doubt and replied: "Your Majesty, is it possible that I am not an ordinary person?" "

A trace of doubt flashed in Xu Xian's eyes.

For the doubts in Xu Xian's eyes, Zhu Houzhao replied helplessly: "Although you are an ordinary person now, don't forget the characteristics of the chat group you are joining now." "

Zhu Houzhao said calmly.

For Zhu Houzhao's words, I saw that the members of the many chat groups beside him showed an expression of sudden realization.

"That's right, Xu Xian."

"Although you now belong to an ordinary human being, you may not be able to go after ~."

"You will definitely not be an ordinary human in the future, you may have more powerful strength in the future, then you will have more powerful strength in the future, so your wife is who wants this, what's the big deal?"

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all—ah."

Tony Stark replied indifferently.

For the words told by Tony Stark, I saw that the current Xu Xian opened his mouth like this, and he didn't know what to say for a while: "This..."

"You said this..."

In this regard, Xu Xian suddenly did not know how to reply.

After all, the situation is here.

If he did not join this chat group, then he will indeed be an ordinary person in the future, but the problem is that he joined this chat group, then he will definitely not be an ordinary person in the future!

Who are the ordinary people in the current chat group?

It can only be said that it seems that he and Li Xiaoyao are the only ones who belong to ordinary people at present, but what about in the future?

It will definitely be different in the future!

In the future, they will definitely no longer belong to ordinary people!

This can be said to be a fact on the surface.

They will definitely not be ordinary people in the future.

Since they are not ordinary people in the future, it seems that it is not impossible for him to take a snake demon as his wife.

"This, this..."

I saw that Xu Xian didn't know how to reply for a while.

How to reply?

Xu Xian didn't know.


"That being said, I really don't know how to solve this problem."

Xu Xian's eyes had a deep helplessness in them.

Although he said so, as long as his strength became stronger in the future, then he did not need to worry about whether his wife was human.

Even if he may be able to become an immortal in the future, it may not be certain.

After all, the chat group will definitely join more and more powerful people in the future, so it seems that it is not unrealistic for him to become an immortal in the future.

Since he will become an immortal in the future, does it matter whether his future wife is human? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It doesn't seem to matter either.

But the main thing is that Xu Xian at this moment is a little unacceptable.

Facing the current entanglement that Xu Xian had, many of the group of friends beside him said slightly at this moment: "Your current entanglement is a normal thing. "

"But after all, you are all married, and I don't think that Bai Suzhen belongs to some kind of murderous existence at present."

"If your wife Bai Suzhen is a particularly bloodthirsty existence, then she will not go outside to fight by herself, I am afraid that your wife Bai Suzhen will directly fight with that Fahai in this Lin'an City."

"But your wife Bai Suzhen didn't."

"From this aspect, we can understand that your wife Bai Suzhen is actually not a particularly bloodthirsty existence."

"In that case, I don't think it's really a big deal to be together."

I saw Yue Buqun at this moment slightly pondering the opening of his chin.

Yue Buqun's words also carried a deep silence in the eyes of Xu Xian beside him.

"Perhaps, it seems that this is the only way."

"So my future wife will be a snake demon?"

Xu Xian said to himself with an unprecedented silence in his eyes.

It is not a particularly unusual thing for Xu Xian to have such a reaction at present, mainly because he joined this chat group, and since Xu Xian joined this chat group, he understood that he was definitely not an ordinary existence in the future.

He will communicate with the existence of other worlds in the future, so since he will communicate with the existence of other worlds in the future, will he be an ordinary person in the future?

He will definitely not be an ordinary person in the future, and since he will not be an ordinary person in the future, the fact that his wife does not belong to human beings does not seem to be a difficult thing to accept.

Coupled with the fact that he had just married Bai Suzhen, this was the result between them, so it didn't seem to be a particularly difficult thing to accept for Xu Xian at this moment.

"That's right, manly husband, since you married Bai Suzhen, then you will belong to her husband in the future."

Zhu Houzhao said to Xu Xian with a serious look in his eyes.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, Xu Xian's eyes could only reply with a hint of helplessness: "It can only be so, then my future wife will be Bai Suzhen." "

"My future wife will belong to a snake demon."

Xu Xian replied helplessly.


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