Just when the news from the Daming Empire was transmitted to the remaining seven countries, the Song Empire and the Tang Empire, which were closest to the Daming Empire, had already begun to prepare for action, and the other empires also learned what happened in the Daming Empire at a moment.

When the most powerful Great Qin Empire learned what was happening in the Daming Empire, even the current Emperor felt a trace of unprecedented jealousy towards the Daming Empire.

"The marriage between the Daming Empire and the Great Song Empire has been married, and the Tianren powerhouse of the Daming Empire has broken through again. "

At this moment, a trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of Emperor Huan Zheng of Great Qin at this moment.

The strength possessed by the Great Qin Empire has always belonged to the most powerful existence in the entire Kyushu Continent, and of course, there is also a Great Yuan Empire.

But the strength of the Great Qin Empire has always belonged to the most powerful existence, even if the Great Qin Empire has absolute confidence in its own strength at this moment, but in the face of the current situation of the Daming Empire, the Great Qin Emperor also felt an unprecedented solemnity.

The strength of the Daming Empire itself is not weak, if the Great Qin Empire and the Daming Empire fight, then although the Great Qin Empire can win the Daming Empire in 863, the strength of the Daming Empire can also inflict heavy damage on the Daqin Empire.

And the most important thing is that the Daming Empire destroyed the Great Qing Empire, but with this move alone, it can already represent that the power of the Daming Empire is definitely the strength that can compete with the Great Qin Empire, and as a result, the Daming Empire at this moment actually reached a marriage with the Great Song Empire.

A princess of the Great Song Empire married the Daming Emperor, so the money of the Great Song Empire plus the combat power possessed by the Daming Empire, the strength of this Daming Empire was suddenly surpassed by the Great Qin Empire.

Although it is certainly impossible to achieve it in a short period of time, once the relationship between the Daming Empire and the Song Empire becomes deeper, then the strength of the Daming Empire may be likely to surpass their Daqin Empire.

"Trouble. "

"The Daming Empire is in big trouble. "

I saw a trace of solemnity flashing in Ying Zheng's brows at this moment.

Regarding the changes that the Daming Empire currently has, Ying Zheng has already regarded the Daming Empire as the biggest enemy of the Great Qin Empire to unify the entire Kyushu continent.

As for the Dayuan Empire?

Although the strength possessed by the Dayuan Empire is very strong, it is a pity that the power possessed within the Dayuan Empire cannot achieve true unity.

The Great Yuan Empire belongs to the foreign race of the Eight Classics, so the Great Yuan Empire is completely different from these Chinese races, at least the emperor of the Great Yuan Empire cannot really control all the power used by the entire Great Yuan Empire, if the power held by the emperor of the Great Yuan Empire shows a form of decay, then there will be a fight for power within the Great Yuan Empire in an instant.

When the strength possessed by the Dayuan Empire will not be put in the eyes of the Daqin Empire at all, then the current rise of the Daming Empire directly makes the current Yingzheng realize that the Daming Empire feels that it is a fatal crisis.

Their Great Qin Empire wants to unify the entire Kyushu Continent, then the Daming Empire is definitely an unprecedented stumbling block.

"Send more Black Ice Platform soldiers to the Daming Empire, and know every news from the Daming Empire!"

A trace of seriousness flashed in Ying Zheng's gaze and ordered.

The distance between the Great Qin Empire and the Daming Empire is separated by several empires, so even if the Great Qin Empire is the Daming Empire as the life-and-death enemy (CECB), but unfortunately, this distance between the two of them is firmly in front of him, and he can only send some soldiers from the Black Ice Platform to the Daming Empire to monitor every order given by the Daming Emperor and every movement of the Daming Empire.

"Obey. "

In an instant, an icy voice sounded in the air.

And when the Great Qin Empire regarded the Daming Empire as a life-and-death enemy, several other empires also noticed the Daming Empire.

Yang Guang, the emperor of the Sui Empire, the life-and-death enemy of the Tang Empire, noticed the current Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"In other words, can this be combined with the Daming Empire to completely divide the Tang Empire?"

Yang Guang's eyes flashed with a hint of thought and said to himself.

Regarding the power possessed by the Daming Empire today, all the beings in the entire Kyushu Continent knew how powerful the Daming Empire was, and it definitely belonged to the top level.

Then if the Daming Empire and his Great Sui Empire are united, then I am afraid that the Great Tang Empire will not be able to withstand the combined blow of their two empires at all.

Moreover, Yang Guang believed that the Emperor Daming must also have the idea of unifying the entire state of Kyushu.

"Maybe it can be done well. "

I saw Yang Guang's eyes flash with a thoughtful look of thought to himself.

In the face of Yang Guang's thoughts, as for the emperors of several other empires, they directly chose to ignore it at the moment.

They want to interfere with the rise of the Daming Empire, but unfortunately, the rise of the Daming Empire has become inevitable, and they do not have the ability to stop the rise of the Daming Empire.

For example

The emperors of the three major empires of Great Wei, Great Wu and Great Shu that were once divided into the Great Jin Empire at this moment did not have the ability to solve the distant Daming Empire.

Therefore, in the face of the rise of the Daming Empire, they can only add a more powerful enemy in their hearts.

However, one thing is certain, that is, the current Daming Empire has completely become an empire no less than Daqin and Dayuan.


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