"Well, I think all I need to do now is to be careful with the Daming Empire. "

For Li Chenggan at this moment, what he saw was these Daming soldiers in his eyes, and the spirit of these Daming soldiers in his eyes was no less than the elite soldiers in the major empires, and in Li Chenggan's opinion, the strength of the Daming Empire was very, very strong.

So what he needs to do as the prince of the Great Tang Empire is not to treat the Daming Empire well?

Be as careful as possible with the Daming Empire, because the strength of the Daming Empire is very strong.

In the face of Li Chenggan's words, Cheng Yanjin looked into the distance with a trace of extreme calmness.

As for the appearance that their crown prince Li Chenggan currently has?

Cheng Yanjin didn't say anything, because he also knew that Li Chenggan didn't know what happened at all, and the soldiers of the 24 countries of Daming at first sight that Li Chenggan belonged to these soldiers he now had in his field of vision, so the other party only needed to know that the strength used by the Daming Empire was very strong.

"I'm afraid that the whole of Kyushu is about to usher in a big trouble." "

Cheng Yanjin shook his head helplessly.

Daming and the Song Dynasty were married, and a princess from the Song Empire married the Emperor Daming.

The result of this is that the Daming Empire has become richer, and once the Daming Empire becomes richer, then it will naturally make the strength of the Daming Empire more powerful.

Then, as the general of the Great Tang Empire, Cheng Yanjin, he could naturally understand how great the harm to their Great Tang Empire was to this extremely powerful Ming Empire.

"Alas. "

Facing the sigh that Cheng Yanjin had, the crown prince Li Chenggan, who was beside him, could only choose to close his mouth: "Well, I think I should know what I should do." "

At this moment, the Great Tang Prince Li Chenggan's instructions to the current Cheng Bitjin, then what Li Chenggan needs to do seems to be obediently obeying Cheng Bitjin's words.

At this moment, while discussions were going on between Cheng Yanjin and Li Chenggan, the Daming soldiers in the border saw the Great Tang army that appeared in their field of vision at this moment.


Soon, one after another Daming soldiers appeared in front of this Great Tang Mission.

"What do you do?"

"What are you coming to the Daming Empire for?"

The Daming soldier looked at Li Chenggan and Cheng Yanjin with a vigilance in his eyes.

Facing the vigilance in the eyes of the Daming soldiers, Cheng Yanjin at this moment spoke so calmly: "We are the existence that your Daming Emperor specially invited to participate in your Daming Emperor's wedding. "

"However, since our Majesty cannot come to the Daming Empire in person, we will send the prince of our Tang Empire to your Daming Empire to attend your Daming Emperor's wedding on behalf of the emperor of our Tang Empire. "

Cheng Yanjin said so calmly.

For Cheng Bitjin's words, the many Daming soldiers who came to Cheng Bitjin were looking at each other at this moment.

"You, I remember you. "

"You seem to be that Cheng Yanjin of the Great Tang Empire. "

Suddenly, a soldier's eyes flashed a thoughtful look towards Cheng Yanjin.

He was one of the border armies before, so he naturally went to the territory of the Great Qing Empire to fight, and the most important thing was that they encountered the army of the Great Tang Empire on the territory of the Great Qing Empire.

Of course, today it belongs to the territory of the Daming Empire.

"That's right, that's me. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Faced with the words from this Daming soldier, Cheng Yanjin replied so lightly.

"You can let it go, this should be Cheng Yanjin from the Great Tang Empire, and the one next to him should be the prince of the Great Tang Empire." "

"Especially here to attend our Majesty's wedding. "

I saw that the current soldier said so seriously.

"This way. "

The surrounding Daming soldiers showed a hint of realization after hearing these explanations.

"Then let it go, Your Majesty should be waiting for this group of guys." "

One after another Daming soldiers said slightly.

"Let's go. "

Looking at this scene at this moment, a calm opening flashed in Cheng Yanjin's eyes.


Soon, the mighty Great Tang Mission began to sail in the direction of Daming Kyoto.

Looking at this mighty Tang Mission, the Daming soldiers in the border showed a thoughtful expression at this moment.

"How do I feel that 380 seems to be the gap between the Great Tang soldiers and our Daming soldiers seems to be getting smaller and smaller?"

A soldier said to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He looked at the team that the Great Tang Mission had, and he suddenly noticed that the gap between the two of them seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

Before, he found that there was still a bit of a gap between the strength of their Daming Empire and this Great Tang Empire, but now?

But now he found that the gap between their Daming Empire and the Tang Empire seemed to be getting smaller and smaller.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Under the leadership of Your Majesty, the strength of our Daming Empire must be getting stronger and stronger, and the gap between us and these other empires must be getting smaller and smaller!"

A soldier next to the Daming soldier who had participated in the Great Qing Campaign said so lightly.

"You have to believe that under the leadership of our Majesty, we will definitely become stronger and stronger!"


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