"Could it be that it can't be done in Daming every day?"

At this moment, the princes of one empire after another showed a complicated expression to look at Zhu Houzhao riding the fire unicorn, and at this moment, the wedding of Zhu Houzhao was no longer paid attention to by the princes, because the target that the princes of various countries were paying attention to at this moment had become the fire qilin.

This is the legendary divine beast of the Eight Classics!

The Qilin representing Xiangrui is in the Daming Empire at the moment, which has to make the princes of various countries think blindly.

At the same time, the princes of various countries also realized a terrifying point, once the news of the Daming Emperor's mount Qilin spread, then I am afraid that the entire Shenzhou land will fall into an unprecedented wave.

Because this is not a joke of "four eight three"!

The mythical beast itself represents legitimacy to some extent, because the mythical beast represents the sky to some extent, and now the Daming Emperor actually has a sacred beast Qilin, then doesn't this mean that the Daming Emperor has received heaven's congratulations?

Moreover, the appearance date of this unicorn actually belongs to the wedding of the Daming Emperor.

For those ordinary people, this has to make them blind, they think that this should belong to the meaning of heaven.

The princes of various countries are also aware of this, so at this moment, the eyes of the princes of various countries have an unprecedented silence, even unprecedented solemnity.

"It's a big trouble."

One prince after another said to themselves with a silent look in their eyes.

Facing the silence in the eyes of the princes of various countries, I saw Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn at this moment, said with a smile: "Welcome to the Daming Empire to participate in the wedding of Xuan." "

"Here, on behalf of the Daming Empire, I welcome you."

I saw Zhu Houzhao looking at the solemn expression that the princes of the Seven Empires had, so he smiled and said.

For the words that Zhu Houzhao had at this moment, the princes of various countries had a silent silence in their eyes.

Because at this moment, the princes of various countries do not know how to solve this problem.

The princes of various countries had an unprecedented heavy expression in their eyes.

And in the face of the heavy expression used in the eyes of the princes of various countries, Zhu Houzhao still spoke: "Everyone, today is the day of the big wedding, why should you be so calm?" "

"Come and laugh."

"Pass on the dining room, banquet!"

As Zhu Houzhao's words fell, the group of guys in the imperial dining room soon began to take action completely.

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao continued to walk towards the Golden Luan Hall on the fire unicorn.

A short time later, when Zhu Houzhao rode the fire unicorn towards the direction of the Golden Luan Hall, Chengde Diji, who was the heroine of this wedding, also came to the scene.

Although Chengde Diji's dress is very, very bright at this moment, it is a pity that everyone's eyes are not on this Daming Imperial Princess, and the eyes of the embassies of various countries are closely focused on the fire unicorn that Zhu Houzhao is riding.

And in the face of the gazes from the embassies of various countries, the current fire qilin couldn't help but roar.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

When the roar from the fire unicorn reached the ears of the embassies of various countries, the members of the embassies and their princes and generals all showed an even heavier expression.

If they could still comfort this in their hearts before, this may not be fake, but at this moment, they are listening to this roar full of majesty, and when they face this roar, they can't help but feel an unprecedented trembling.

That tremor that went deep into their souls, this feeling made all of them understand that this was probably true.

"This, this, this is actually the real legendary divine beast Fire Qilin?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Prince Fu Su of Great Qin only flashed an unprecedented panic in his eyes at this moment...

This legendary divine beast Qilin actually appeared in the Daming Empire, and still became the mount of the Daming Emperor, this news is simply too explosive.

If someone else had told him, he would have thought that it was just nonsense, but unfortunately he really saw it with his own eyes now!

This Daming Emperor's mount is really the legendary divine beast Fire Qilin!

"This, this..."

Not only Daqin Fusu at this moment, but also the princes of several other empires also showed an equally heavy expression and looked at the fire unicorn they had in their field of vision.

At the same time that everyone's eyes were full of heaviness, the cooks of the imperial dining room had begun to serve all kinds of delicacies at this moment.

After the chefs in the dining room had already begun to serve all the delicious dishes, Zhu Houzhao, who had already arrived in front of the dragon chair at this moment, just smiled slightly: "Everyone, taste it." "

"This is something that is hard to obtain, and I believe you will not forget this taste after tasting it."

Zhu Houzhao said as he began to directly pick up his chopsticks and taste a piece of pork in front of him.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the princes and the embassies of various countries looked at each other like this, and they could only hold back the incredulity and silence in their hearts and began to pick up the food in front of them.

The moment the food entered their mouths, their taste buds looked at the food in front of them as if they had experienced an explosion.

But at this moment, they did not have any feeling of excitement, and their eyes still looked at the fire unicorn beside Zhu Houzhao with a heavy look.

I saw that this wedding of the Daming Emperor opened in a strange form.


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