
"Then I will announce one thing now, from now on, the princess of the Great Song Dynasty, Emperor Chengde, is the imperial concubine of the Ming Empire. "

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao looked at the princes of the major empires below with a serious look in his eyes.

Regarding the words of Emperor Chengde at this moment, the crown prince from the Great Song Empire was the first to agree at this moment.

The Great Song Empire congratulated. "

At this moment, the Great Song Prince smiled and said.

Although the crown prince of the Great Song Dynasty at this moment felt a little confused and incredible about the fire unicorn owned by the Ming Emperor, he still expressed unprecedented support in the face of this situation.

If nothing else, you must know that the existence of this marriage belongs to his aunt and uncle!

The existence of this concubine who has just become the imperial concubine of the Ming Empire belongs to his aunt, and his uncle is the current Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

There is still a relationship between the two of them, so how could the prince of the Great Song Dynasty disagree at this moment?

Then naturally choose to congratulate!

Facing the congratulations from the crown prince of the Great Song Empire, several other imperial princes also spoke up at this moment: "On behalf of the Great Qin Empire, I congratulate the Ming Emperor. "

I saw that the prince of Great Qin, Fusu, just spoke.

"I represent the Han Empire. "

"I represent the Great Wei and Wu and Shu Empires. "

"I represent the Great Sui Empire. "

"I represent the Tang Empire. "

"I represent the Great Yuan Empire. "

At this moment, the rest of the empires also congratulated Zhu Houzhao on behalf of their respective empires.

Listening to the congratulatory voices, Zhu Houzhao, who was on the dragon chair at the moment, smiled slightly.

"I accept congratulations from all the great empires. "

"Everyone, eat and drink well. "

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the princes of the Seven Great Empires could only turn their heaviness into appetite at this moment and began to taste the food in front of them.

Although they said that they had eaten everything, they said that they really hadn't eaten anything about the Ming Empire.

Without him, the main thing is that this thing is really delicious!

In the face of these delicious things, the princes from other empires, those generals and even those members of the mission can only start to eat and drink in large gulps at this moment, yes, drinks!

It's all from what Tonysdack has to offer.

The guys of the Seven Great Empires were eating while looking at the fire qilin on the main seat of the main hall with a heavy gaze.

This wedding began and ended in a strange form.



"On behalf of my father Emperor of the Great Sui, I have come to discuss a matter with the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. "

With the end of the wedding, the prince of the Great Sui did not leave at this moment, and the prince of the Great Sui came to the front of a brocade guard, and said with a serious expression on his face.

Listening to the words spoken by this Great Sui Prince, the Jinyi guards looked at each other at this moment, and they all saw an unprecedented seriousness in each other's eyes.

"Wait. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, a trace of seriousness flashed in Jin Yiwei's eyes.

For these Jinyi guards at this moment, they naturally knew that this guy in front of them was the prince who belonged to the Great Sui Empire, after all, after so many days, they could still understand what the identities of these guys in their Tang Imperial Capital were.

Now the crown prince of the Great Sui Empire wants to represent the emperor of their Great Sui Empire to meet their Emperor Ming, which is obviously another thing besides attending the wedding.

Then it is natural that this matter needs to be reported.

After a while, one after another Jinyi Wei quickly began to report the news to the commander, and in the face of the report from the Jinyi Guard, the Qinglong commander at this moment nodded solemnly: "You guys are ready to take precautions now, and you must not let anyone see the situation used by the Great Sui Prince." "

For the Qinglong Commander at this moment, since the prince from the Great Sui Empire had told the news like this, then what they needed to do now was to clean up all the suspicious characters around the Great Sui Prince, at least a quiet environment.


Regarding the order given by the Qinglong Commander, one ordinary Jinyi guard after another replied respectfully.


Soon, watching the departure of one brocade guard after another, the figure of the Qinglong commander rushed towards the direction of the palace at the fastest speed.


One after another, ghost-like figures rushed towards the direction of the palace.

Facing the figure of the Qinglong commander, the big snow dragon riders stationed in the palace and those brocade guards flashed a trace of doubt in their eyes at this moment.

However, for the Qinglong Commander, especially the Qinglong Commander's impatient appearance at this moment (Zhao Dehao), it was obvious that there was something big to report, so they didn't stop it.

Of course, the main reason is that the other party belongs to the Qinglong commander, and the other party does not belong to other people, if it is someone else, no matter how urgent the other party is, it must be honestly registered.

After a while, the figure of the Qinglong Commander appeared outside the hall where Zhu Houzhao was.

"See Your Majesty, Qinglong has something important to report. "

I saw that the Qinglong Commander said with a hint of respect in his eyes.

Listening to the report of the Qinglong commander, Zhu Houzhao, who was in the main hall, frowned slightly, but still spoke: "Come in." "


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