In the face of Li Chengqian's incredulity, Cheng Yanjin could only helplessly reply: "His Royal Highness the Prince, this may sound a little incredible, but this is a real fact. "

"The power of the middle families in our Tang Empire is not inferior to that of the imperial court, and once the power of those families really riots, even the imperial court may not be able to solve them. "

Cheng Yanjin said with a heavy look in his eyes.

"But in the Ming Empire, it is different, there is no family in the Ming Empire, even if there are scholars similar to the family and those merchants and landlords, they belong to the weakened version of the family in our Tang Empire. "

In the past, they could also be regarded as belonging to the Ming Empire's version of the family to a certain extent, but today's Ming Emperor directly used the most incredible, even the most shocking power, to directly annihilate all the existences that endangered the interests of the Ming Empire in one fell swoop. "

"All the families, as well as all the merchants and landlords, were completely eliminated by the Ming Emperor. "

"This may have caused the entire Ming Empire to suffer a heavy blow, before that, the Ming Empire even had a little tendency to almost fail, but the Ming Empire still survived. "

Cheng Yanjin said this, with a look of incredulity in his eyes.

Regarding this thing done by the Ming Emperor, it can be said that it is an extremely incredible result among the eight empires.

Which empire was as reckless as the Ming Emperor?

It seems that there is really no empire that is as reckless as the Ming Emperor, because the power of the families in their empire is really very strong, even if the power of the imperial court is the strongest in their respective empires, but the power of those families is not weak.

Want to replicate the behavior of the Ming Empire?

It can only be said that it is impossible.

Listening to Cheng Yanjin's words, Li Chengqian's eyes flashed a trace of deep confusion and incredulity.

Looking at the appearance that Li Chengqian had, Cheng Yanjin could only continue to speak helplessly: "It is precisely because of the current movement of the Ming Empire that the power of the Ming Emperor is to some extent stronger than the power of His Majesty. "

"If the Ming Empire can support Your Majesty, then the power controlled by the Tang Dynasty can truly and completely crush those families. "

"Even if those families can't be wiped out, they can't maintain the court. "

At this moment, Cheng Yanjin just said the benefits they would get after marrying the Tang Empire and the Ming Empire.

Listening to Cheng Yanjin's words, Li Chengqian opened his mouth like this at this moment, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Before that, he really didn't know that the emperor of the Ming Empire actually held such a powerful power, he only knew that the emperor of the Ming Empire was about the same age as him, and he became the emperor of an empire and still held such a powerful power, and even the army controlled by the other party was also a well-known existence among the eight empires.

Of course, what Li Chengqian heard the most was that the Ming Emperor was very brutal, because the other party would really lead a large army to hack to death all the beings who did not obey the other party's orders.

Those scholars don't know how many were killed, it can be said that the act of Emperor Ming killing scholars in the entire Kyushu continent is still being discussed, and even think that Emperor Ming is simply a tyrant among real tyrants!

After all, the power possessed by the scholars does not seem to be particularly powerful on the surface, but in fact, the power possessed by these scholars can span the entire Kyushu continent.

The Ming Emperor who slaughtered the scholars will naturally suffer from the disgust and even common exclusion of all the scholars in the entire Kyushu, but it is a pity that their exclusion is of no use to the Ming Empire, because there are still a lot of people in the Ming Empire who are willing to work for the Ming Dynasty to carry out efficiency 0 ...

And all of this is all created by the Ming Emperor who is about the same age as him, this existence of the same age as him, before that, he was also the prince of the Ming Empire, but it is a pity that the other party's current identity is the emperor of the Ming Empire, and the identity of the other party is already the same level as his father's emperor.

Even the power possessed by the Ming Empire in the hands of the other party can make his father feel jealous, and even his father needs to see if he can get the support of the Ming Empire.

"Is this the gap between the two of us?"

At this moment, an unprecedented disappointment flashed in Li Chengqian's eyes.

Regarding the current situation, Li Chengqian at this moment has understood the difference between the Tang Empire, or he, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, and the Ming Emperor.

Although the ages between the two sides are said to be here, it is a pity that he, the prince of the Ming Dynasty, is completely inferior to the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

There is no comparison at all. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I didn't expect it to be such a result. "

At this moment, Li Chengqian, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, showed a deep disappointment.

Facing the disappointment of Li Chengqian, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, I saw Cheng Yanjin at this moment just open his mouth and comforted: "Your Royal Highness the Prince, 4.8 You don't need to be so disappointed, that Ming Emperor is a minority, and even there is only one in the entire Kyushu Continent, you don't need to worry so much." "

At this moment, Cheng Yanjin could only comfort Li Chengqian.

That Ming prince in the current Cheng Biting Jin does not seem to be an ordinary person, but a demon.

In the current era, there is absolute evil, and the existence in the same era as the Ming Emperor will be completely suppressed by the other party.

This has to be said to be the misery of everyone except the Ming Emperor in this era.


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