"You should know that just by virtue of the aura exuded by the strong man in my harem, it is no longer possessed in your world. "

Zhu Houzhao said calmly.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's reply, Tsunade opened his mouth at this moment to say something.

But Tsunade didn't know how to reply.

Because the words spoken by this so-called Ming Emperor are really true!

The powerhouses in the depths of the palace exude these powerhouses that don't belong to them at all in the ninja world!

There is no such powerful existence in their world!

But if this is a different world, then it is different, the situation in the other world is definitely different from the situation used in their ninja world, so it seems that there is a much stronger person in this other world than the strong man in their Hokage world, and it seems that it is not an impossible thing.

"The rest of the world, doesn't this mean that I can't ~ go back?"

In this regard, Tsunade's gaze carried an unprecedented hope.

Regarding the despair that Tsunade had at this moment, Zhu Houzhao smiled slightly: "Do you want to return to your ninja world?"

"Actually, it's not that difficult, after all, Naruto Uzumaki is still here, and since he can bring you to this world, then naturally he can also bring you back to the world that belongs to you. "

"One thing is clear, though. "

"That is, from now on, your identity will be the imperial concubine owned by the Ming Empire, and you don't have to think about going back. "

Zhu Houzhao looked at Tsunade with a calm look in his eyes.

And in the face of Zhu Houzhao's words at this moment, a trace of deep despair flashed in Tsunade's eyes.

"You, you..."

Tsunade really didn't know how to reply for a while.

How do I reply?

She didn't know either.

Because the words spoken by the other party are completely a reality that belongs to the Eight Classics!

Although Naruto Uzumaki can bring her from their world to this so-called Kyushu continent, it means that Naruto Uzumaki can also bring her back to their ninja world.

But the question is, would Naruto Uzumaki really do this?

Naruto Uzumaki took her from their ninja world to this so-called Kyushu continent, which basically means that Naruto Uzumaki will not be able to bring her back into their ninja world.

In other words, she can only stay in this Kyushu continent for the rest of her life from now on.

At the thought that she could only stay in this Kyushu continent from now on, a trace of unprecedented despair flashed in Tsunade's eyes.

And in the face of the despair in Tsunade's eyes, Zhu Houzhao smiled so easily at this moment.

In the end, Zhu Houzhao no longer chose to take care of Tsunade, and Zhu Houzhao looked directly at Naruto Uzumaki.

"Tell me, you brought this Tsunade to me, what do you want me to do?"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao asked directly and calmly.

He didn't believe that this Naruto Uzumaki had simply come to offer a woman to him, and the other party obviously had something to ask for. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, Zhu Houzhao was very satisfied with the woman Naruto Uzumaki appeared, and Zhu Houzhao didn't mind seeing what Naruto Uzumaki wanted.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Naruto Uzumaki exhaled deeply.

"Your Majesty, I have only one request, and that is to ask Your Majesty to help me completely bring peace to the entire ninja world. "

Naruto Uzumaki said with a heavy look in his eyes.

This is what Naruto Uzumaki really thinks, and his thoughts have only one thing from beginning to end, and that is to bring true peace to the entire ninja world.

Especially when Naruto Uzumaki arrived at the lives of the common people in the Qing Empire occupied by the Ming Empire, Naruto Uzumaki wanted to know even more about the methods that the Ming Empire had.

0 begging for flowers

The Ming Empire and the Qing Empire obviously belong to two countries, but after the Ming Empire occupied the Qing Empire, the people of the Qing Empire did not reject being ruled by the Ming Empire, which means that the Ming Empire really let the people in the two empires usher in an unprecedented peace.

Then since the Ming Empire can bring peace to the occupied Qing Empire, Naruto Uzumaki wants to know what kind of method this belongs to.

In the face of Naruto Uzumaki's inquiry at this moment, Zhu Houzhao didn't say anything, but the Orochimaru and Tsunade beside him looked at Naruto Uzumaki with a complicated gaze.

They thought that Naruto Uzumaki might put forward some particularly harsh conditions, but they didn't expect that the conditions proposed by Naruto Uzumaki were actually such a question, about when will real peace usher in their ninja world?

This idea, whether it is Orochimaru or Tsunade, they don't dare to think about it at all.

Because in their subconscious, they think that it is impossible for them to usher in real peace in the ninja world, at most they can only usher in a short-term peace, just like the era in which the ninja god lived, in the era in which the ninja god lived, the Thousand Hands Pillar directly suppressed an era with his strong strength, and then ushered in a short-lived peace in that era.

But except for that era?

There is no real peace when there is war going on almost all the time.

So the peace they couldn't think of was proposed by Naruto Uzumaki to the emperor of another world at this moment.

This had to make Orochimaru and Tsunade feel an unprecedented silence.

In the face of this big snake pill and the silence that Tsunade had, Zhu Houzhao shook his head slightly.

"You know what?"

"I taught you, but you forgot. "

Zhu Houzhao said disappointedly.


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