"See Your Majesty. "

I saw that at this moment, Li Anguo, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, was respectfully paying homage to Zhu Houzhao at this moment.

Facing Li Anguo at this moment, the current Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a hint of satisfaction.

"How's the Kirin Legion's training?"

Zhu Houzhao asked with a calm look in his eyes.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, at this moment, Li Anguo, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, opened his mouth so seriously and reported: "See Your Majesty!"

"The strength of the Qilin Legion is all ready, although I am not sure that it can have the strength of the previous one, but the strength of the soldiers in the Qilin Legion is definitely not weak!"

In this regard, Li Anguo at this moment just opened his mouth with a serious voice and reassured.

Faced with the assurance from Li Anguo, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

And at this moment, looking at Li Anguo's figure, 03 Tsunade and Orochimaru in the main hall looked at the guy in front of them with a hint of thought at this moment.

"A shadow-level powerhouse. "

Orochimaru's gaze flashed with a hint of thought, and he looked at Li Anguo.

"The strength that this guy exudes is definitely not as simple as it seems. "

Regarding the power of the Great Grandmaster realm exuded by Li Anguo at this moment, Orochimaru said that although the strength exuded by the other party belongs to the shadow-level powerhouse, the threat caused by the other party to him at this moment Orochimaru seems to be definitely not an ordinary actor-level powerhouse, and the opponent who can have it is probably a top-level existence among the shadow-level powerhouses.

"Is this the strength that this Ming Empire has?"

In this regard, Orochimaru could only say, is this the powerful power of the Ming Empire in this other world?

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao looked at Li Anguo with a smile on his face.

"The next thing you need to do is very simple, is to lead the Qilin Legion to a world, to completely bring that world into the rule of the Ming Dynasty!"

"Do you have that confidence?!"

Zhu Houzhao looked at Li Anguo with a serious gaze in his eyes.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's words, Li Anguo's eyes only thought of a trace of seriousness at this moment, and replied: "Your Majesty, the last general will have absolute confidence that he can complete the orders ordered by His Majesty!"

For the current Li Anguo, although the command that their majesty has seems to sound a little unrealistic, after all, this has caused trouble in other worlds.

But nothing else!

That is, Li Anguo still has absolute confidence in the soldiers in the Qilin Legion, at least the strength of the soldiers in the Qilin Legion is really not weak.

After receiving the reply from Li Anguo, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, then you will follow him to another world, and when you have time, I will also go to that world, all you need to do is to bring all that world into the rule of the Ming Dynasty as much as possible." "

"What Da Ming needs to do is to unify the other party's world, if anyone hinders Da Ming from unifying the world, then all you need to do is raise the butcher knife in your hand!"

"No mercy!"

At this moment, I saw Zhu Houzhao at this moment looking at Li Anguo with a hint of murderous gaze in his eyes.

Regarding the Hokage world, Zhu Houzhao's attitude is very simple, if the other party is honestly willing to accept comrades from the Ming Dynasty, then he does not recommend treating the other party as the common people of the Ming Empire.

But what about rebellion?

I'm sorry, Zhu Houzhao said that he didn't belong to any kind of existence like the Holy Mother, since the other party was going to resist, then don't blame him for killing him.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's murderous words, the current Li Anguo felt a trace of unprecedented excitement.

What does this mean?

This looks like Li Anguo at this moment, this obviously belongs to giving him all the power!

Give him the right to kill!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

How can this not be satisfied?!

Anyway, Li Anguo at this moment is really satisfied!

And listening to Zhu Houzhao's murderous words, the current Tsunade showed an unprecedented heavy expression.


A hint of deep pain flashed in Tsunade's eyes.

Although he didn't know what kind of existence this so-called Qilin Legion belonged to, the other party was obviously a serious general!

This is from the generals of the Ming Empire, and the next thing will be to their ninja world, and then a war will break out in their ninja world, and the final result of that war is likely to cause their entire ninja 493 world to be completely ruled by the Ming Empire, and the most important thing is that the other party will carry out an unprecedented killing in their ninja world.

This is a little unacceptable for Tsunade, who is a medical ninja.

But it's a pity that only Tsunade doesn't have any right to speak.

"Go ahead and prepare the Kirin Legion. "

Zhu Houzhao calmly ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty. "

I saw Li Anguo reply respectfully.


Soon, Li Anguo left Zhu Houzhao's field of vision at this moment with an excited step.

Looking at the departing Li Anguo, Zhu Houzhao's gaze was at Naruto Uzumaki beside him.

"Get ready, the generals under my command will lead the army to your ninja world, and then your ninja world will usher in an attack from the Ming Empire. "

"The peace I promised you will come once and for all. "

Zhu Houzhao calmly looked at Naruto Uzumaki, and said lightly.


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