After a while, Zhu Houzhao at this moment rode the fire unicorn to the barracks of the unicorn legion.

At the same time that accompanied Zhu Houzhao's figure to the Qilin military camp, the soldiers in the military camp had already been prepared.


An icy breeze blew in the sky.

Facing this cold and biting breeze blowing in the sky, Zhu Houzhao had already walked to a high platform at this moment.

When Zhu Houzhao came to the top of the high platform and looked at the soldiers of the Qilin Legion below, Zhu Houzhao had a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Good. "

"Soldiers of the Ming Empire!"

"Are you ready~?!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of serious words in his eyes.

In response to Zhu Houzhao's words, the soldiers in the Qilin Legion below replied loudly at this moment: "Always - ready to !!"

Excited shouts began to echo throughout the barracks.

All the soldiers in the Qilin Legion looked at their majesty with an excited gaze.

For some of the soldiers, they have not forgotten how poor they had been before.

But since they joined the army, the day has changed dramatically.

Although it was a hard day of training, they were able to eat things that they couldn't eat before.

At the very least, the food tube is full!

And they get to eat some meat!

You know, it's meat!

Meat is usually only eaten during the New Year, as for the usual time?

I'm sorry, meat really doesn't belong to anyone who can afford to eat it, at least not for ordinary people like them to digest.

So when they joined the army, not only was the rice full, but most importantly, they could actually eat fragrant meat, and these soldiers had only one thought in their minds.

That is, they are going to die for their Majesty!

Their Majesty has fed them, so they naturally have to work for their Majesty.

If not for anything else, then you have to start fighting for being able to eat such delicious food in the future.

Therefore, the soldiers in the barracks can be said to be training and training every day and night, and all the soldiers know that sooner or later they will go to the battlefield to fight the enemy.

For this, maybe they were really a little flustered when they first joined the army, but now?

I'm sorry, all the soldiers in the Qilin Legion only have one thought in their minds, that is, when will they be able to fight, otherwise they will be a little embarrassed to continue eating!

Now it's finally good, their majesty is here!

So at this moment, the soldiers in the Qilin Legion can be said to be extremely excited!

Facing the excitement of the soldiers from the Qilin Legion, Zhu Houzhao, who was on the high platform, nodded with satisfaction at this moment.


"You are all the pillars of the Ming Empire!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction and praise to the soldiers below.

He didn't speak, in Zhu Houzhao's opinion, these soldiers can be said to be the pillars of the Ming Empire!

It is precisely because of these soldiers in the Ming Empire that the Ming Empire can become one of the eight empires!

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's appreciation, the soldiers' eyes were only a trace of unprecedented excitement at the moment.

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live the Ming Dynasty!!"

In an instant, one soldier after another shouted loudly.

While the soldiers shouted loudly one after another, Zhu Houzhao, who was on the high platform, still looked at all the soldiers below with a hint of satisfaction.

But at this moment, the three people from the Hokage world showed a look of shock.

0 for flowers0

Especially Orochimaru and Tsunade.

After Orochimaru and Tsunade looked at the Kirin Legion in front of them with a heavy expression, they instantly understood how huge the gap between them was.

"Is this the power that belongs to the Ming Empire?"

There was despair in Tsunade's eyes.

"Can the ninja world really resist the army of the Ming Empire?"

As for the strength of the soldiers in this unicorn legion, Tsunade has also sensed it.

The strength possessed by these soldiers is all at the lower ninja level.

An existence at the lower ninja level in Tsunade seems to be completely at the ant level that belongs to the Eight Classics, because on the real battlefield, these soldiers at the lower ninja level are completely cannon fodder belonging to the Eight Classics.

But the question is, what if the number of these lower ninja-level soldiers is unimaginably large?

Tsunade's gaze looked at the overwhelming soldiers of the Kirin Legion with a heavy look in his view.

"I'm afraid the soldiers here aren't 100,000 bases, right?"

Tsunade said silently.

Regarding the words spoken by Tsunade, the Great Snake Pill beside him couldn't help but speak: "More than that, the number of soldiers used by this Ming Empire is too huge. "

"This just belongs to a legion, do you think it is difficult to achieve it in the entire Ming Empire, only here are soldiers?"

"There are definitely more than one soldier in the entire Ming Empire, and the number of soldiers in the Ming Empire is probably beyond all of us imagined. "

After Orochimaru looked at the huge number of troops they had in front of them, Orochimaru realized that he still underestimated the Ming Empire.

The strength of the Ming Empire is still beyond his imagination.


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