
"The next step is to send you to a strange world, and in that strange world, all you need to do is to take down that strange world with the weapons in your hands. "

"Do you have that confidence?!"

After Zhu Houzhao looked at the excited appearance of the soldiers below, he saw that Zhu Houzhao asked his soldiers at this moment.

The Hokage World must be taken down early, after all, if you take it down early, you can have nightmares sooner.

In Zhu Houzhao's view, this thing purely belongs to the kind of feeling that he doesn't get it for a day, and he feels uneasy for a day.

So since this is the case, Zhu Houzhao is ready to directly let the army go to the Hokage World, and wipe out all the existences that the entire Hokage World will eventually use as quickly as possible.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, the soldiers below showed a trace of bewilderment at this moment.

"What's the situation?"

"What did I just hear?"

"I 03 just heard His Majesty say that we are going to fight in other worlds?"

One soldier after another looked at each other with a hint of doubt in their eyes, and they all saw a trace of unprecedented confusion in each other's eyes.

They would love to know what this other world that their majesty was referring to.

Is it the other world they understand?

Regarding the doubts that the soldiers had, Zhu Houzhao, who was standing on the high platform, did not answer the soldiers' doubts for the first time.

"Soldiers, do you want to know what kind of situation this other world I am talking about?"

Zhu Houzhao asked with a calm voice in his eyes.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, the soldiers and the generals one after another nodded slightly and replied: "Yes!"

In an instant, the words that resounded throughout the entire military camp began to echo throughout the Qilin military camp.

With the sound of words that resounded throughout the Qilin military camp, many soldiers looked at their majesty with a curious gaze in their eyes.

Regarding the doubts that these soldiers have, I saw the current Zhu Houzhao wave his hand.


A dark blue crossing door appeared directly in the vision of the Qilin Legion.

Looking at this dark blue crossing door, the soldiers in the barracks looked at the scene in their field of vision with a hint of bewilderment at the moment.

"This, this..."

"What's going on?!"

One soldier after another had a bewildered, even incredulous, gaze, which was the huge door they had in their field of vision, and most importantly, the color of the door was not transparent, but blue like a whirlpool.

This scene really made all the soldiers feel confused for a while.

For all the soldiers who felt stunned for a while, Zhu Houzhao's words continued to reach the ears of the soldiers: "Soldiers, you should have seen what this situation is. "

"Behind this door is a real new world. "

"And what you need to do before is very simple, that is, pick up the weapons in your hands and completely kill all the people who don't surrender!"

"All you need to do is another world that is completely under the rule of the Ming Empire!"

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Faced with the expression that Zhu Houzhao had at this moment, many soldiers looked at this huge crossing gate in their field of vision with a wave of excitement in their eyes.

If they didn't understand what kind of situation this belonged to just now, but now with this door that can travel to other worlds, plus the words from the mouth of their majesty, they can already roughly understand what kind of situation this belongs to.

Their Majesty has obtained the fairy fate!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Then their Majesty can lead them to another world, and their Majesty will spread the prestige of the Ming Empire to other worlds!

All they need to do is lead the soldiers of the Kirin Legion to explore other worlds.

When all the soldiers realized this result, the soldiers all looked at Zhu Houzhao with a fiery gaze in their eyes.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

In an instant, bursts of excited shouts began to echo wildly.

In the face of this burst of 690 crazy shouts, Zhu Houzhao, who was on the high platform, nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, it looks like you're ready. "

"Now that you're ready, let's do it!"

"Hold on to your weapons and follow your Marshal Li!"

"I will arrive in that world in the near future, and you will wait for me to come in that world!"

Zhu Houzhao ordered as he spoke.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's order, Li Anguo, as a marshal, and the generals one after another had no intention of refuting it at all.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

A firm voice came out of Li Anguo's mouth.

At this moment, Li Anguo can finally understand what their majesty is going to do, their majesty is going to lead them to open up other worlds.

"All-army action!"

"Expedition to another world!"

Li Anguo ordered with a wave of his hand.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill !!"


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