Soon, the army of ninjas from Konoha Village soon appeared completely outside Konoha Village, and they saw the huge army that they had outside Konoha Village.

"Oh my God!"

"Where did this army come from?"

When some ninjas looked at the huge army they had in their field of vision, all the ninjas had a frightened and speechless expression.

If they only knew that there was an enemy outside Konoha Village, they really didn't know how powerful the enemy was.

But now it's different, now they have seen the sheer number that the enemy has.

That's right, the first thing that comes into their eyes is the sheer number that belongs to the enemy.

This overwhelming number of troops is more than the villagers of their entire Konoha Village.

"Is this really the enemy?"

"How do I feel that these are more than the number of villagers in our Konoha Village?" 03

One of the ninjas couldn't help but speak.

Regarding the words spoken by the current ninja, the ninjas around him couldn't help but nod their heads: "That's right, what is the situation?"

"Where did these enemies come from?"

"Why is there such a large number?"

At this moment, one ninja after another had a bewildered expression in their eyes.

For those ninjas who had the stunned expressions, the patriarchs of the major families looked at the Ming army in their field of vision with a heavy gaze at this moment.

While the ninjas from the Hyuga family looked at the Ming army they had in front of them, the ninjas of the Hyuga family showed a look of despair one by one at this moment.

One of the ninjas of the Hyuga family, who was close to Hinata Hinata, couldn't help but speak.

"Patriarch, are we really going to fight them?"

At this moment, the current ninja of the Hyuga family showed a solemn expression.

For the ninjas from the Hyuga family, they opened their eyes directly the first moment they saw the enemy.

It's just that after the ninjas of the Hyuga family opened their eyes, they suddenly found that the enemy didn't seem to have any chakra at all!

That's right, they found that there was no trace of chakra in the enemy soldiers' bodies at all, as if the enemy didn't belong to the cultivation chakra at all.

Although the enemy did not cultivate chakra, the powerful strength of the enemy soldiers was also detected by the ninjas from the Hyuga family.

The strength that every soldier possesses is all in the realm of lower forbearance.

The strength that a soldier has is all in the realm of lower forbearance, how many soldiers are there in that place?

After the ninjas from the Hyuga family looked at the enemy army that was overwhelming and even as if there was no end in sight, all the ninjas of the Hyuga family carried a heaviness, even a look of despair.

Is this really something they can defeat?

Is this really their enemy?!

This is an important question!

And at this moment, the patriarch of the Hyuga family, Hinata Hinata, was listening to the words of the clansman next to him, and at this moment, Hinata Hinata Hinata said in silence: "What we need to do next is to leave the battlefield. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No matter what, our Hyuga clan must not be sacrificed on the battlefield!"

At this moment, I saw Hinata Hinata at this moment open his mouth so heavily.

Although he didn't know where the enemy came from, this was not the point, the point was that if they really fought with the enemy, then the final result would be that they would be completely destroyed or even completely destroyed by the enemy.

This is not bragging!

This is mainly a point that Hinata Hinata can infer after looking at the amount used between the two of them at this moment.,Even don't speculate at all.,As long as you're not blind, you can see the gap between the two of them.。

Now that they can see the difference between the two sides, if they do fight, the result they use will be death, and he feels that he must save the entire Hyuga clan.

He must not let the Hyuga clan die on this battlefield.


Listening to the words from Hinata Hinata Hinata Foot, I saw that the clansman who was next to him nodded so solemnly.


At the same time, Hinata Hinata Hinata couldn't help but retreat a few steps slightly towards the 447 square behind him, and as soon as the battle started, he would leave the battlefield directly.

After a while, the Hokage Ape of Konoha Village, Flying Sun Slash, also came to the battlefield.

When Ape Fei Ri Slash came to the battlefield, Yuan Fei Ri Slash at this moment looked at the scene in front of him with a heavy expression.

"This, how can this enemy have such a huge number?"

When Ape Fei Ri saw the huge number used by the Ming army, there was a confusion in his eyes.

With such a huge number of troops, is it really something they can solve?

Regarding the confusion that Ape Fei Sun Slash had at this moment, Li Anguo, who was in the Qilin Legion, said lightly: "The Hokage of Konoha Village in front, I'll give you a chance." "

"If you choose to take refuge in the Ming Empire, you can survive, if you don't take refuge in the Ming Empire, then your end will be death!"

At this moment, I saw Li Anguo's tone looking at Ape Fei Ri with a hint of murderous intent.


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