Zhu Houzhao looked at the many brocade guards in his eyes, and Zhu Houzhao had a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Very well, it looks like you're not lazy in your comments, and I'm very pleased with your appearance. "

Zhu Houzhao's appearance of these brocade guards in his field of vision, especially the aura emanating from these brocade guards, really made Zhu Houzhao feel a little satisfied.

At least at the moment, the Jinyi Guard in his Ming Empire is still very powerful.

"For Your Majesty!"

One firm voice after another began to echo throughout the square.

Facing one firm voice after another, Zhu Houzhao waved his hand directly without ink.


In an instant, when a dark blue crossing door appeared in everyone's field of vision, the eyes of many brocade guards were looking at the thing they had in their field of vision with a hint of incredulity.

For these brocade guards at this moment, they really don't know how to describe what they see now.

Although these brocade guards didn't know how to depict the scene they were seeing now, it didn't prevent them from standing there honestly waiting for their majesty's orders.

Looking at the state of these brocade guards, Zhu Houzhao nodded.

"Let's go and follow me to other worlds!"

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand.


Listening to Zhu Houzhao's order, one after another Jinyi guards walked towards the dark blue crossing gate in their field of vision with firm steps, and there was no hesitation at all.

As one after another Jinyi guards entered the Gate of Passage, Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn, also entered the Gate of Passage.

Soon, everyone's figures disappeared completely into the palace.




In the Konoha Village in the Hokage World, a dark blue crossing door appeared directly in this Konoha Village.

Facing this dark blue crossing door, the remaining villagers in Konoha Village were looking at this door with a bewildered expression at this moment.

"What is this?"

One after another, the ninjas looked at the dark blue gate with a puzzled gaze.

At the same time that some ninjas in Konoha Village looked at this crossing gate with a puzzled gaze, one after another brocade guards poured out directly from this crossing gate.


When one after another Jinyi Guards poured out directly from this crossing gate, the surrounding Ming soldiers became more serious at this moment after seeing the figure of Jinyi Guard.

Because the appearance of the Jinyi Guard basically represents the arrival of their Majesty's will, and even this is likely to represent the personal arrival of their Majesty.

Sure enough, just as the figures of the brocade guards appeared one after another, Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn, appeared in this Konoha Village.

At the same time that Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn, appeared in this Konoha Village, the surrounding Ming soldiers knelt on one knee without hesitation at this moment.

"Bang la la..."

In an instant, all the Ming soldiers on the entire street knelt on one knee and shouted loudly: "See Your Majesty!!"

Serious shouts began to echo throughout the street.

In the face of this shout that resounded throughout the street, after listening to the words of the group of ordinary villagers on the street and those ninjas who used to be Konoha Village, they instantly remembered the words that Li Anguo had told them before.

That is, from today onwards, they will belong to the common people in the Ming Empire. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the future, they will be loyal to the emperor of the Ming Empire, and now those soldiers are shouting at an existence riding a fire unicorn Your Majesty, which means that the other party is the emperor of the Ming Empire?

Realizing this situation, one villager after another, as well as one ninja after another, knelt down without hesitation0 ...

"Plop plop..."

The villagers and ninjas knelt down without hesitation in the direction of Zhu Houzhao, and at the same time, they were also following the loud shouts of many soldiers: "See Your Majesty!"

In the face of the shouts one after another, Zhu Houzhao at this moment looked at the villagers of Konoha Village in his field of vision, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Very good, it looks like this Konoha Village has been defeated. "

"Very nice. "

Zhu Houzhao felt very good about the behavior of the soldiers in the Qilin Legion who had already knocked down Konoha Village as soon as they came to this world.

At least the strength of the soldiers in his Ming Empire is really not weak, this is just because he has just come to this world to have such an achievement.

And Li Anguo, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, after learning of the arrival of their majesty, also led all the generals to the street where Zhu Houzhao was located as quickly as possible.

"Whoa, 1.8!"

In an instant, under the leadership of Li Anguo, a group of generals and officers led by Li Anguo all bowed to Zhu Houzhao and said, "See Your Majesty!"

In the face of the worship that many Ming soldiers and the guys in Konoha Village have, some of the ninjas in Konoha Village just flashed a trace of curiosity at this moment and looked at Zhu Houzhao who was riding a fire unicorn.

"Is this the emperor from the Ming Empire?"

At this moment, one ninja after another in Konoha Village looked at Zhu Houzhao with a look of doubt and even curiosity.


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