"Maybe you can think about it. "

I saw Zhu Houzhao's eyes flickering slightly.

Maybe the ninjas in the Hokage world don't have a good path, and their future is at most an existence at the level of the Six Immortals.

A powerhouse of this level may be very powerful, and the powerhouse of this level is a benchmark for the Shattered Void Realm possessed in the Ming Empire.

But one thing is obvious, that is, the Ming Empire can have a broader path, because the Ming Empire relies on chat groups behind it.

Let's not talk about anything else, just by relying on Xu Xian and Li Xiaoyao in the chat group, the world behind Li Xiaoyao and Xu Xian is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Although the world behind Xu Xian may not belong to the real mythical world, at least the world behind Xu Xian does not belong to any ordinary world, and the world behind Xu Xian can be regarded as a relatively powerful world strictly speaking, and there are Jade Emperor Rulai and even various immortal gods that can only be possessed in mythology.

As for Li Xiaoyao's world?

Although it is said that the time period in which Li Xiaoyao's world is located has not appeared in the news of the Demon Realm Supreme Respect Building and the God Realm Heavenly Emperor Fuxi, it does not mean that there are no strong people in the world that Li Xiaoyao is in, and there are still many strong people in the world in which Li Xiaoyao lives.

It is precisely because of this, whether it is Li Xiaoyao or Xu Xian, which of the worlds behind them has a level that is not many times higher than this Hokage world?

Behind the Ming Empire is the chat group, and he belongs to the group owner in the chat group, so the future of the Ming Empire can be said to be very broad.

As for this Hokage world?

I'm sorry, the path that you have in the Hokage World is really not taken care of by Zhu Hou, Chakra cultivation method?

In Zhu Houzhao's eyes, it looked like it was just a garbage cultivation method.

But I have to say that at least in the martial arts cultivation methods of the Ming Empire at the same level, they are really not comparable to these so-called chakra cultivation methods in terms of people's livelihood.

The ninjutsu possessed in the Chakra cultivation method can simply surpass everyone's imagination in terms of people's livelihood.

Those so-called ninjas, not to mention the damage caused to the enemy by a ninjutsu, but if you put the power of these ninjutsu on construction, then you have to get it?

For example, if the cultivation avenue is built and the road is built throughout the country, the role of the existence of ninjutsu will be greater, and their ninjutsu can save I don't know how much time and even how much manpower, material resources and resources.

At the same time, there are also their water escapes, which can be said to belong to the dragon king for some arid areas.

The ninjutsu possessed by these ninjas seems to be quite lethal, but if it is put on the aspect of people's livelihood, it can only be said that the influence caused by these ninjutsu will be even greater.

It is precisely because of this advantage of ninjutsu possessed by these ninjas that the current Zhu Houzhao will look at these ninjas.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's gaze, I saw that the current ninjas didn't know what the emperor of the Ming Empire was thinking for a while, but it didn't prevent the ninjas at this moment from trembling slightly.

While all the ninjas were trembling slightly, Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly at this moment.

"Register all these ninjas, and need to know more about what kind of so-called ninjutsu and the like they know."

"This will play a very big role for the future Ming Empire. "

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao said with a calm expression in his eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's order, Li Anguo replied respectfully: "Obey, Your Majesty!"

After listening to Li Anguo's order, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

"Go to a place and spend a good time, and then we need to discuss the question of how to conquer this world. "

Zhu Houzhao said with a calm tone in his tone.

"'Yes, Your Majesty!'"

Serious words came from the mouths of Li Anguo and the many generals behind him.


Soon, a group of people led by Zhu Houzhao began to walk in the direction of the Hokage Building.

As everyone walked towards the Hokage Building, the group of ninjas from Konoha Village and the villagers of Konoha Village who knelt down on the spot looked at each other, and they all saw a deep tension in each other's eyes.

For this group of ninjas and these villagers at this moment, they can be said to be very, very nervous in their hearts now.

If nothing else, isn't this because the emperors of the Ming Empire have already appeared!

This is the emperor of the Ming Empire!

In other words, the existence of filial piety that they need in the future will be the emperor of the Ming Empire, how can this not make them feel trembling?

At least for the ninjas in Konoha Village and the group of villagers in Konoha Village at this moment, they all felt a burst of nervousness, because no matter how stupid they were, they could know that this was related to their future existence in the future.

"Maybe we can talk to Tsunade and see what the hell is going on. "

At this moment, Hinata Hinata said to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes.


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