
Soon, all the armies in the entire Konoha Village also began to act at this moment, and at the same time as the troops in Konoha Village began to act, at this moment, Zhu Houzhao, as the emperor of the Ming Empire, came directly to a laboratory.

"See Your Majesty. "

Orochimaru's eyes flashed with a hint of respect.

Regarding Orochimaru's respect, Zhu Houzhao asked calmly, "How is it?"

"How's the research on these forbidden techniques?"

"Especially the reincarnation of the filthy earth, how is this research going?"

Zhu Houzhao said with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Regarding the ninjutsu possessed in this Hokage world, Zhu Houzhao doesn't particularly value it, but no matter how much he doesn't value it, the ninjutsu in this Hokage world still has a little merit.

For example, as one of the forbidden books, the reincarnation of the filthy earth, this is a serious ability that can resurrect the dead, although this ability is somewhat limited, can it make this ability more 150 better in his Ming Empire?

Not to mention that it can resurrect those who have been dead for a long time, but can the kind of guy who has just died be able to resurrect him?

Regarding this situation, Zhu Houzhao thought that it was very worthy of study, so Orochimaru was directly pulled over to study this filthy earth reincarnation.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, Orochimaru's eyes were filled with a deep smile at the moment.

"Your Majesty, I have already studied this thing, and now this one can completely resurrect some people, but it is difficult to say the existence of the world that resurrects Your Majesty, but it is still very easy to resurrect some people in our world. "

At this moment, Orochimaru's eyes flickered slightly.

Regarding this filthy earth reincarnation, Orochimaru had been studying this thing for a long time, so when he learned that the purpose of the Ming Emperor looking for him was to come over to study the art of reincarnation of this filthy earth, Orochimaru chose to agree without hesitation.

Because Orochimaru hadn't thoroughly studied this thing before, but now it's different.

Now there are sufficient funds and resources for him to study happily, and the most important thing is not to worry about any difficulties at all, because the emperor of the Ming Empire belongs to support him in researching this thing, and the corpses of those strong people can be used at will.

The corpses of those ninjas that the Ming Empire had when it captured Konoha Village were directly used by Orochimaru at will.

Therefore, in such a friendly environment, Orochimaru naturally directly studied the art of reincarnation in the filthy earth thoroughly, but only studied the one in their world thoroughly, as to whether it could be re-implemented in the Ming Empire?

Orochimaru was not sure, because he had not yet traveled to the Ming Empire to conduct experiments.

Listening to Orochimaru's reply, Zhu Houzhao had a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Very well, you can resurrect some guys first so that I can see them. "

I saw a trace of curiosity flashing in Zhu Houzhao's eyes.

Regarding this Filthy Earth Reincarnation Technique, Zhu Houzhao is really, very curious, this is the ability to resurrect people who have been dead for a long time again, and this thing is very, very worthy of praise no matter which world it is.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the big snake (adbe) pill's eyes only flashed with a smile at this moment and replied: "No problem, Your Majesty, then let me put on a show for you." "

"I wonder which guys Your Majesty is going to resurrect?"

Orochimaru asked slightly at this moment.

Regarding the resurrection, Orochimaru felt that he had to fully demonstrate his ability, so since he wanted to be resurrected, why not resurrect some powerful or even famous existences?

Anyway, he must not be attached to some nameless people, if he really resurrects some nameless people, will this Ming Emperor feel that his ability is limited?

So Orochimaru wants to know which guys the Ming Emperor wants to resurrect? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Facing Orochimaru's inquiry, Zhu Houzhao smiled and said, "It's very simple, I've been in your world for a few days, and I also have some understanding of some of the strong people in your world. "

"Then resurrect your Konoha Village's first Hokage Thousand Hands Pillars, I'm still curious about the Thousand Hands Pillars. "

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao said with a curiosity in his eyes.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's words, Orochimaru exhaled deeply at this moment: "Resurrect the original Hokage." "

"Well, no problem. "

"Totally give it a try. "

In this regard, Orochimaru said so seriously at this moment.

Before that, what he resurrected was basically some ordinary guys, and he really didn't attach to some powerful or even very famous existences, resurrecting a big man like the first Hokage, Orochimaru really didn't think about it.

But since Zhu Houzhao has already said it, no matter how difficult it is, Orochimaru will still try it.

He wants to resurrect the original Hokage Senju Pillar.

"Let's do it, I'm watching here. "

Zhu Houzhao said with a curiosity in his eyes.

"No problem, Your Majesty. "

Orochimaru nodded and replied so easily.

Soon, Orochimaru began to carry out some of the operations that he had before he was reincarnated.

Facing the fact that Orochimaru began to unfold the reincarnation of the filthy earth, Zhu Houzhao at this moment just stood aside and watched quietly.


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