
Regarding Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, Tsunade and Orochimaru didn't know what to say at this moment.

What to say?

They really didn't know how to reply for a while.

But the only thing that is certain is that there will be absolutely fewer killings by reunification than there would be without it.


Because Tsunade and Orochimaru have experienced ninja wars, I don't know how many times they have experienced.

The third ninja war has already happened, how many casualties have been in these three ninja wars?

Absolutely astronomical, I'm afraid.

So what if it's really unified?

If it is really unified, then the casualties in this ninja war are definitely not as many as the injuries in the three ninja wars.

Looking at the current expressions of Orochimaru and Tsunade, Thousand Hands Pillar couldn't help but speak: "Tsunade, you come and tell Grandpa." "

"What's going on here?"

I saw that at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar couldn't help but speak.

Regarding the inquiry that the Thousand Hands Pillar currently has, Tsunade at this moment replied helplessly: "Alas, grandpa. "

"I don't want to tell you, but it's a cruel fact. "

"Although I don't know what the casualties of the War of Unification were, the only thing that is certain is that the casualties caused by the War of Unification are definitely not as many as the casualties of the three wars that have broken out in the current ninja world. "

"There have been three ninja wars in the current ninja world, and the casualties in them are not only among ninjas, but also among ordinary civilians. "

"If it's really unified, then I don't know what the casualties used in this are like, but I can answer very clearly that the casualties in this are definitely not as many as those in the three ninja wars. "

At this moment, Tsunade's gaze replied with a serious opening.

In the face of Tsunade's reply, Orochimaru, who was beside him, couldn't help but reply at this moment: "That's right, the first Hokage-sama." "

"You died early, so you don't know that the ninja world behind you has broken out one ninja war after another. "

"There are definitely not a few casualties in this. "

"Although we have not experienced the battle of unification, and there has not even been a war of unification in the entire ninja world, the only thing that is certain is that the casualties of one battle of unification are not comparable to the casualties of three ninja wars. "

At this moment, Orochimaru could only reply helplessly.

If it is true that the entire ninja world can enter true peace, then Orochimaru feels that this seems to be not impossible.

Even this can be regarded as great news for Orochimaru.

He just took refuge in the Ming Empire, and he has even become a traitor, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't want real peace to come.

Once the entire ninja world is completely unified, will there still be battles in the ninja world?

No, no, no, the power possessed by the Ming Empire can definitely suppress any rebellion.

Since the Ming Empire has the power to suppress all rebellions, it means that there is probably no more so-called war in the entire ninja world.

In the face of Tsunade's reply and Orochimaru's reply, at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar fell into an unprecedented silence.

What should he do with this?

Feelings: After his death, so many wars broke out, and this is a war that has spread to the entire ninja world.

"But didn't I divide the tailed beasts among them, shouldn't we be afraid of the power they possess?"

"Why is there a war?"

The Thousand Hands Pillar is extremely incomprehensible at the moment.

Regarding the incomprehension that the Thousand Hands Pillar currently has, Zhu Houzhao continued to speak helplessly: "Although you have distributed tailed beasts to the other villages, the greed of life cannot be stopped. "

"You gave them Tailed Beasts, which means they have more power to fight. "

"In a way, you are increasing their ambition 0 ..."

"It's just that while you are alive, you have absolutely great power to suppress them, so they do not dare to break out into war while you are alive. "

"But if you die, it's different. "

"After your death, it didn't take long for the war to break out completely. "

"So that thought and action of yours is not right. "

"Now I will tell you that if you want real peace, then you must need unity!"

"Remember, if the entire ninja world is unified, then the entire ninja world will become a single force, so will the fights used in this force still belong to war?"

At that time, it will not be a war at all, then at most it will be a conflict between some ordinary people.

After all, how big can the fights between them be?

Any patrol squad can suppress them at will.

"Is this bad?"

Zhu Houzhao asked as he said to the Thousand Hands Pillar.

Faced with Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, Qianshou Zhuma was completely stunned all of a sudden.

Although there is a little bit of a virgin between the Thousand Hand Pillars, it does not mean that the Thousand Hand Pillars are the kind of obsessed existence, and the Thousand Hand Pillars can clearly understand that if the entire 0.5 ninja world really does not have any war, at most it is just a form of fighting.

This is the world he has in mind!

And now, what his grandson-in-law, as the emperor of the Ming Empire, is doing is to make this world come down completely.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's words, Qianshou Zhuma only thought about it for a while in his heart, and instantly understood that the world described in the other party's mouth was what he was pursuing.

"Go ahead. "

"War only, for reunification!"

"Go and start this battle for unification!"

At this moment, there was a hint of firmness in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar.

.............................. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

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