At the same time that the Kirin Legion was preparing to attack, at this moment in the capital of the Fire Country, the Daimyo of the Fire Country was so deeply worried at this moment.

"Aiqing, do you think the Ming Empire will accept our management?"

At this moment, the daimyo of the Fire Nation didn't know why, he always felt as if something big was about to happen.

When he sensed that something big was about to happen, he called the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Fire Nation directly.

In response to the words of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, the current Minister of the Interior spoke comfortingly, "Daimyo, I don't think we need to be so worried. "

"Although it is said that the strength of the Ming Empire is indeed very strong. "

The Minister of the Interior just spoke to the daimyo of the burning country and comforted him.


"Daimyo, but one thing is a fact that belongs to the surface. "

"That is, no matter how powerful the Ming Empire is, their shortcomings are also very fatal!"

There was a seriousness in the eyes of the cabinet ministers at this moment.

Listening to the Cabinet Minister's words, the Daimyo of the Fire Nation looked at the Cabinet Minister with a puzzled gaze at this moment.

Obviously, the Daimyo of the Fire Nation also wanted to know what the Cabinet Minister was talking about the greatest shortcomings of the Ming Empire.

Facing the gaze of the Fire Country Daming, I saw the cabinet minister say with a serious face: "The Ming Empire has great strength, this is not wrong. "

"But do they have the money?"

"They can be said to be exactly the same as the previous Konoha Village, but this Ming Empire is much stronger than the Konoha Village, but no matter how strong they are, they still can't hide the situation they have, and there is no difference from the previous Konoha Village." "

"We just need to treat each other as if they were an enhanced version of Konoha Village, and we don't need to be so scared. "

"Our Fire Country can easily hold Konoha Village, and I believe that the Ming Empire can also be easily grasped at this moment. "

A voice of extreme confidence came out of the mouth of the cabinet minister.

For this extremely confident word, the Daimyo of the Fire Nation really believed it.

"What you said is very reasonable, no matter how strong the strength of the Ming Empire is, it still can't hide the situation they have. "

"We were able to control Konoha Village at the beginning, and I believe that we can also control this so-called Ming Empire at this moment. "

An equally confident voice came from the mouth of the Daimyo of the Fire Nation.

As for the strength of the Ming Empire?

The Ming Empire will not be accustomed to this behavior of theirs at all?

I'm sorry, whether it's the cabinet ministers of the Fire Nation or the daimyo who belong to the Fire Country, they have never taken this to heart from the beginning to the end, and it can even be said that they have never really thought about this issue at all from the beginning to the end.

Because in their opinion, the Ming Empire is really just an alternative version of some ninjas, how dare ninjas do anything to them?

It's an ironclad fact that ninjas can't do anything to them like nobles.

Soon, when the Daimyo of the Fire Nation and the cabinet ministers didn't take the Ming Empire seriously at all, the group of guys in the entire Fire Nation capital naturally didn't take the Ming Empire seriously.

However, just when the entire capital of the Fire Country entered a quiet and peaceful state, the mighty Ming army had already arrived outside the capital of the Fire Country at this moment.

"This country is such garbage, is this the capital of this country?"

When the Ming soldiers looked at the capital in their field of vision, all the Ming soldiers showed a trace of disgust.

They belong to the Kirin Legion, and the Kirin Legion belongs to the former Praetorian Guard, and the responsibility of the Kirin Legion is to defend Kyoto.

Therefore, the soldiers in the Qilin Legion all know the appearance of their Beiping City in the Ming Dynasty, although they don't know what the Kyoto of other empires is like, but compared to their Beijing City, it should not be too bad, after all, they are all one of the empires that belong to the Eight Classics, as for the Qing Empire that they destroyed?

Although Kyoto of the Qing Empire is not very good, it can barely see the past.

So in the eyes of the soldiers of these Qilin Legions, as the imperial capital of a country, at least it needs to be huge, grandiose and so on, but at least the city area must be huge, but what about the city they have in their field of vision?

In their vision, this is at most an ordinary small city, but it is the imperial capital of this country.

Then this will naturally cause the dislike of many Ming soldiers.

"'Forget it, don't care (the king's), since this is the so-called imperial capital of the Fire Country, then directly knock down this imperial capital to him!"

At this moment, I saw that the general in the lead opened his mouth with a serious face and ordered.

No matter how backward this imperial capital is now, what they need to do now is to completely knock down this strength, as for the rest, it seems that it is really not what they need to consider. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


In an instant, a trace of seriousness flashed in the eyes of one soldier after another.


The overwhelming shouts of killing echoed outside the Imperial Capital of the Fire Nation.


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