"I think we can take this command at all. "

"If we give this command to that ninja, then whether those ninjas will obey our orders is a big question. "

"I believe what that ninja is like, you can figure it out every year. "

At this moment, I saw that the daimyo of the Water Country at this moment opened his mouth so seriously~ Dao.

Faced with the words spoken by the Daimyo of the Land of Water, the current Daimyo of the Land of Thunder looked at the other two Daimyo like this, and the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder fell into a burst of thought at this moment.

"By the way, are we really going to take this command - into our hands?"

I saw that after being silent for a while, the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder finally flashed a silent gaze and spoke.

For the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder at this moment, although he really wants to take this command in his hands completely, at least the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder is still a little forced in the depths of his heart, that is, the power that these Daimyo possess may seem to be very strong, but if you compare it with the group of ninjas, then the power that their group of Daimyo has is somewhat insufficient.

Since the power they possess can't compete with the ninjas, can this command really come back?

This is the question that the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder needs to elaborate on at this moment.

In the face of the words from the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder, the Daimyo of the other three countries just looked at each other, and they all saw a silence in each other's gaze.

Although the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder did not say anything crucial in detail, there were some things that did not need to be said in particular detail.

They could all understand what this thing belonged to in the mouth of the Daimyo of the Land of Thunder.

To put it bluntly, if they really want to take this command in their hands, then how should those ninjas deal with it?

Would those ninjas really willingly obey their commands?

This is a big problem.

Although they thought that the ninjas might be honest enough to follow their orders, it was just a matter of their willingness.

No one knows who those ninjas are or what their attitudes are, but they can be considered for the worst.

Those ninjas would never willingly accept their jurisdiction.

Since the ninjas would not willingly accept their jurisdiction, would it cause the anger of the ninjas if they were to take the position in their hands when the time came?

For the silence between the four daimyo at this moment, a figure appeared not far away.

"Hehe, is it necessary to be so troublesome?"

"Since they all feel so troublesome, then leave this matter to me. "

At this moment, the figure that appeared not far away, at this moment, there was a calmness in his eyes, and his body said with a disdainful gaze.


"Brush, brush, brush..."

In the blink of an eye, the figure that was not far away disappeared in an instant.

At the same time that the figure that he had not far away instantly disappeared in place, his figure had already appeared outside the conference hall where the four daimyo were when he reappeared.

In the face of this sudden figure, the soldiers under the command of a great name showed a trace of bewilderment, but then a trace of deep anger flashed in their eyes.

"Who are you?!"

"Damn it, enemy attack!"

At this moment, one soldier after another began to shout loudly.

In the face of the shouts of one soldier after another, the ordinary soldiers just picked up the weapons in their hands and were about to attack the suddenly appeared figure.

0 begging for flowers

Then, in the face of the attack of these soldiers, the figure that came to the outside of this conference hall at this moment only slightly twitched its eyes.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, one figure after another was directly and completely knocked away.

When the figures were completely knocked away, the remaining soldiers didn't realize what was happening, but an incomparably powerful force directly knocked their consciousness into the air.

"Boom la la !!"

"Heh, garbage. "

Looking at the many soldiers who had been knocked away by him, a disdainful voice came out of the mouth of the figure in the door of the conference hall.

With the flying of these many soldiers at this moment, the four daimyos who were in a state of silence in the conference hall looked at each other with a terrified gaze at each other at this moment.

"This, this..."

"Could this be a guy from the Ming Empire?"

"The guys from the Ming Empire are going to take us out?"

At this moment, the Daimyo of the Land Country showed an incredulous and even terrified expression, looking in the direction of the door of the conference hall.

Although he didn't know who the guy at the door of the conference hall was, the scene that had just happened at the door was enough to mean that the other party was obviously coming for them.

Then they had just formed an alliance to prepare to attack the Ming Empire, but there was such a situation at this moment, which had to make them think more.

Could it be that this is someone from the Ming Empire?

At this time, there was a fear in the eyes of one famous name after another.

A fluttering voice came from outside the conference hall.

"My name is Madara Uchiha!"


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, ask for automatic subscriptions."

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