
As the mighty army arrived at the place where the four ninja villages were stationed, many ninjas looked at the army formed by ordinary people in their field of vision with a curious gaze.

"By the way, are these armies really useful?"

"Can they really burst into power on the battlefield?"

At this moment, one ordinary ninja after another looked at the soldiers they had in their field of vision with a hint of disgust.

For the current group of ninjas, they don't think the guys they have in their sight are simply not able to burst out strong enough to defeat their enemies.

Although they had not fought with the soldiers of the Ming Empire, they could understand that the strength of the Ming Empire was still very strong.

The brothers are so powerful in the Ming Empire, it seems that only their group of so-called ninjas can 03 to compete with them, as for this group of so-called soldiers?

Can the strength of this group of soldiers really compete with the Ming Empire?

The current ninjas are extremely skeptical of such a situation.

The group of ninjas suspected that when the time came, there was a good chance that this group of so-called soldiers would be holding them back on the battlefield.

There is no way, the main reason is that the strength of this group of soldiers in the eyes of this group of ninjas is too weak.

Can such a weak soldier really defeat the Ming Empire?

For the suspicious gaze that one ninja after another had at the moment, the soldiers of many countries could only choose to keep their mouths shut.

Because for the soldiers of these four countries at this moment, they do not have the confidence to solve the existence of the Ming Empire.

The news that the Ming Empire has destroyed the Fire Country has already spread to the entire ninja world, and all the beings in the entire ninja world can understand the strength of the Ming Empire.

In the face of such a powerful Ming Empire, these ordinary soldiers naturally felt a burst of worry in their hearts, and they were all worried about whether they could solve the Ming Empire.

In the face of those ordinary soldiers from the ninja village who didn't like it, the shadows of the current four ninja villages and the daimyo of the four great powers gathered together directly in a conference hall.

As the two sides began to converge like this, the shadows of the four villages at this moment all looked at the guy standing next to the four great names with a hint of doubt.

Even they all saw that the four great names seemed to be somewhat extremely respectful in front of that guy.

This scene really made them feel incomprehensible.

As for the situation of the daimyo of these four countries, I am afraid that they can only say that they understand better than anyone else what kind of existence these daimyo really have.

Because they often came into contact with these daimyo in the past, they also had a little understanding of what the situation of these daimyo was like.

But this scene at this moment really made them feel a little confused.

Regarding the doubts that the shadow of the four villages had at this moment, Madara Uchiha, who was standing in front of the daimyo of the four countries, looked at the shadow of the four villages in his field of vision so calmly.

"From now on, the commander of the Ninja Alliance will be me. "

"From now on, all you need to do is to follow my orders honestly!"

Madara Uchiha's eyes flashed with a hint of seriousness.

Regarding the words spoken by Madara Uchiha at this moment, the shadow of the current four villages looked at Madara Uchiha with a hint of bewilderment.

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

"The command of the Ninja Alliance is yours?"

"Where the hell did you pop out of?"

"Who are you?!"

Ai stared at Madara Uchiha with a hint of oppression.

For this guy who was about to snatch their command as soon as he came up, Ai really had the idea of a grass and mud horse at this moment.

If the other party is a famous existence, then it doesn't matter, then he can't hand over their command to the other party, after all, the next battle is a matter of strength between the two sides.

If the existence of the other party is really something that resounds throughout the ninja world, then it is not impossible for them to hand over this command to the other party for the time being.

But now?

Who is this guy?

Ai said he had never met each other, and he didn't even know what their names were.

But in front of 250 to a strange guy, the other party directly came up and shouted for the command of their ninja alliance, as the shadow of Yunyin Village, he absolutely couldn't bear it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In response to Ai's anger, the shadow of the country of wind and water beside him also looked at Madara Uchiha with a gaze full of anger.

However, compared to the anger possessed by the shadows of the three villages, the shadow of the land country flashed a trace of fear at the Uchiha Madara in his field of vision.

As for the Uchiha Madara in his field of vision, Onoki may not have seen the identity of the other party clearly at the beginning.

But with the passage of time, Madara Uchiha's figure and aura directly overlapped with the existence in his memory, and the identity of the other party had been affirmed here in Onoki.

The other party is the fear that belongs to his memory.

"You, you, you, you're Madara Uchiha!"

At this moment, Onoki said with a fear in his heart.


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