
In an instant, an unimaginably powerful force spread directly from Madara Uchiha's body and fiercely towards the surroundings.

In the face of the powerful power that erupted from Madara Uchiha's body, the daimyo of Shikoku behind him at this moment was directly stunned in front of this powerful force.

"Plop plop..."

In the blink of an eye, when the Shikoku Daming was completely stunned, the shadow of the four villages at this moment showed a heavy expression and looked at the Uchiban, who was like a god of war.

Especially at this moment, Tsuchikage Onoki is looking at the Uchiha Madara he has in his field of vision with a look of fear.

"This, this..."

In the face of such a powerful power erupted from Madara Uchiha at this moment, Tsuchikage Onoki really felt an unprecedented tremor at this moment, and the most important thing is that this powerful force directly evoked the memory that Onoki had in his heart, at that time he still met Madara Uchiha when he was a child, but the appearance of Madara Uchiha at that time can be described as ferocious.

Since that time, Madara Uchiha has completely become a nightmare existence in his heart, even if now with the passage of time, his strength is no longer the existence that can be compared at that time~.

His current strength is complete, and he can beat him as he used to be, but at this moment, Onoki really doesn't dare to fight Madara Uchiha directly.

Because Madara Uchiha had already become a nightmare-like existence in his heart, how could he dare to do anything about the nightmare he had when he was a child?

For the trembling that Onoki currently has at this moment, the other three shadows beside him just looked at Onoki with a bewildered gaze.

Although the aura emitted by Madara Uchiha is indeed terrifying, it is not so terrifying, is it?

At least they really didn't feel particularly terrifying, although the power exuded by Madara Uchiha was indeed terrifying, but at least they didn't feel anything particularly terrifying.

So when faced with the situation that Onoki currently has, they really felt a little confused.

For the confused feeling that the other three kages had at this moment, Madara Uchiha showed a hint of displeasure.

Although it is indeed a little embarrassing to say that this posture that Onoki currently has, but for Madara Uchiha, the posture that Onoki is currently showing is obviously an affirmation of his strength.

But what about the other three?

The attitude that the other three guys possessed seemed to be very unconvinced of him, and for Madara Uchiha, it was necessary for the three guys to understand how strong the power he had.

"Boom, boom..."

In an instant, an even more powerful force erupted directly in Madara Uchiha's body at this moment.

In the face of this even more crazy force, Onoki was still trembling like this at this moment, but the current Thunder Shadow Water Shadow and Wind Shadow, but when these three shadows felt the powerful power that Madara Uchiha burst out, a trace of deep incredulity flashed in their eyes.

"This, this..."

"Why is this force so strong?!"

At this moment, the other three moments seemed to understand why Onoki, who was the Tsuchikage, had such a posture, because the strength exuded by this Uchiha Madara was simply too strong

"Click, click..."

At this moment, Tsuchikage Onoki faced the more powerful power that Madara Uchiha erupted in, and his legs were directly twisted at this moment.

With this scene at this moment, the faces of the other three shadows changed dramatically in an instant.

"No, it can't go on!"

0 begging for flowers

"Be sure to resist this Madara Uchiha!"

At this moment, at this moment, there is a serious look in the eyes of one guy after another.

Because they understand that if they continue to resist, then I am afraid that in the face of this powerful force that Madara Uchiha has erupted in, they will really be killed directly!

There is no way, the main reason is that the powerful force that Madara Uchiha has erupted is too strong, and in the face of such a powerful force, no matter how much they can, they can tell that all they need to do now is to start resisting, otherwise they will really be completely beaten by Madara Uchiha at that time.

The most important thing is that their own strength is not weak at all!

Since their own strength is not weak at all, let's rise up and resist!


In an instant, an incomparably powerful force erupted directly from the thunder shadow body at this moment.

After this incomparably powerful force erupted from Thunder Shadow's body, the Water Shadow and Wind Shadow beside him also burst out one after another.

"Boom Rumbling !!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, all the forces began to erupt one after another, fighting against the coercion possessed by Madara Uchiha.

In the face of these three shadows and began to fight against Madara Uchiha, Ohnoki, who was still trembling at the moment, was secretly cheering in his heart: "No, I must defeat you!"

"Madara Uchiha, I'm definitely not weaker than you!"

Onoki shouted with a wave of anger in his heart.


"Madara Uchiha!"

Onoki shouted.


An equally powerful force poured directly from Onoki's body in all directions.

In this regard, the shadow of the four villages confronts Madara Uchiha.


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