"As long as the rivers and lakes within the Ming Empire are completely pacified, then the situation in the Ming Empire can be alleviated somewhat. "

At this moment, I saw Yue Buqun at this moment just speaking with a serious face.

And in the face of Yue Buqun's words at this moment, Zhu Houzhao, the Ming Emperor who was sitting above, looked at Yue Buqun with a thoughtful smile: "National Teacher, if I am mistaken, the Huashan faction seems to belong to the Jianghu sect before this, right?"

After listening to the words from Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty, Yue Buqun nodded and replied: "That's right, the Huashan Sect was indeed the Jianghu Sect that belonged to the Eight Classics before this. "

But after the minister's thinking, the minister found that the rivers and lakes were simply chaotic, otherwise the minister would not have led the Huashan faction to become a part of the imperial court. "

"Your Majesty, the minister wants to make the Ming Empire an empire that surpasses the Han and Tang Dynasties. "

"And now, as long as the current imperial court can completely calm down the rivers and lakes, it will not be said that it can completely alleviate the internal situation of the Ming Dynasty, but I believe that it can also alleviate some of the current situation within the Ming Dynasty. "

Yue Buqun's eyes just said with a serious word. 583 Listening to Yue Buqun's words, Zhu Houzhao, the Ming Emperor who was sitting above, looked at Yue Buqun so deeply.

"What the national teacher said is very true, so I don't know who to use to evaluate today's Daming rivers and lakes?"

I saw that at this moment, Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty looked at Yue Buqun with a calm face.

Regarding Yue Buqun's words, everyone knows that this must be the most correct choice, but the question is who will calm down?

Among the various sects in the Daming rivers and lakes today, it can be said that behind them are all officials in the court today.

This point, Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty can still understand it to some extent.

It is precisely because the current Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao can understand this to some extent, so at this moment he will say who will be used to calm the Ming rivers and lakes at this moment?

Regarding the words told by Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty, I saw that Yue Buqun at this moment just said with a hint of smile: "Your Majesty, the Huashan faction is willing to pacify the rivers and lakes!"

In an instant, I saw Yue Buqun at this moment just speak with a trace of serious words.

Regarding the words spoken by Yue Buqun at this moment, I saw the current Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao look at Yue Buqun so deeply: "Is the words of the national teacher true?"

"Is the Huashan faction really going to pacify the entire rivers and lakes?"

Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty said calmly, with a flickering meaning in his eyes.

If Yue Buqun really wants to lead the entire Huashan faction to pacify the rivers and lakes, then this is completely the greatest good way.

If the court really goes to pacify the rivers and lakes casually, then I'm afraid that 100% of the guys in the court will have a way to make the army that pacify the rivers and lakes have an accident.

Even his holy decree couldn't be issued, after all, if he wanted to do this, he first had to announce this matter in the court, but once he announced this matter in the court, how could the group of guys in the court support him?

After all, the group of officials behind the Jianghu sect are basically standing in the court!

How could those officials in the court watch the sect they had supported come out like this?

Absolutely not, so his holy decree could not be fulfilled at all.

But Huashan Pai is different!

The Huashan faction not only belongs to the sect that stands on his side as the emperor, even if the Huashan faction has become the country of the Ming Empire today, but the problem is that the Huashan faction belongs to the serious Jianghu sect!

Although it is said that the Huashan faction belongs to the state religion, doesn't the Huashan faction belong to the Jianghu sect?

The Huashan faction is a well-deserved sect of rivers and lakes!

Since the Huashan faction belongs to a well-deserved sect of rivers and lakes, then the Huashan faction can directly represent the imperial court to pacify this river and lake!

Therefore, when Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty listened to Yue Buqun's words at this moment, Zhu Houzhao's eyes carried a hint of deep exploration.

He wondered if Yue Buqun's words were true.

After listening to the words of Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty, he saw that Yue Buqun at this moment said with a serious face: "Your Majesty, the current Ming Empire must usher in changes!"

"The minister is willing to lead the Huashan faction to create a calm and stable Ming Empire. "

Yue Buqun said so seriously.

As for the various sects in the Daming River and Lake today?

I'm sorry, for Yue Buqun at this moment, he doesn't take that group of sects in his eyes at all.

If nothing else, the situation is just here.

The Huashan faction and those sects are no longer on the same level at all.

His Huashan faction belongs to the Ming National Religion of the Eight Classics!(Read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Since his Huashan faction belongs to the well-deserved Ming State Religion, how could he think that their Huashan faction and that group of Jianghu sects are standing together at this time?

It's not at all!

The Huashan Sect and the ordinary Jianghu Sect are not at all at the same level!

In this time, he doesn't want to lead the entire Huashan faction to sweep the entire martial arts!

He's going to destroy the whole world!


"Ask for flowers, ask for monthly passes, ask for rewards".

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