
At the same time that an incomparably powerful chakra power erupted directly from the chakra will of these two people, especially when the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha next to Naruto Uzumaki were constantly transporting Chakra and began to enter Naruto Uzumaki's body directly, the power that Naruto Uzumaki and Madara Uchiha in that sealed space now possessed was very weak compared to their main body, but the power that erupted at this moment was also not weak.

And in the face of these two powerful forces that erupted, the Nine-Tails, who was currently in the sealing space, trembled and looked at the two figures in his field of vision at this moment.

For the Nine-Tails at this moment, especially when he felt this long-lost breath, the Nine-Tails were really scared now.

God knows how strong his sensitivity to this aura is, so when this aura at this moment alone begins to explode directly, the current Nine-Tails will naturally be 40 and be extremely afraid.

At this moment, the Nine-Tails felt a burst of unprecedented fear, only to see that at this moment, so many other two wills came out in the sealed space in an instant.

"Boom la la !!"

At this moment, when the other two wills appeared directly in this sealing space, a burst of anxious words sounded in this sealing space.

"Don't let these nine tails out!"

Just when this burst of anxious words sounded like this, a voice full of playfulness replied so calmly: "Why can't you release the Nine-Tails?"

For this voice full of play, this will that had just recovered from the sealed space, that is, the former fourth-generation Hokage wave Feng Shui Gate, looked at Uchiha Madara, and the current wave Feng Shui Gate couldn't help but say: "This belongs to the Nine-Tails!"

"His strength is very strong, if this (adfh) nine-tails breaks through this sealed space like this, it will definitely cause a fatal crisis to the entire Konoha Village at that time, and this nine-tails must not be released." "

I saw that at this moment, a trace of anxious words flashed through the wave wind and water gate, and he spoke.

Then in the face of Bo Feng Shuimen's words at this moment, I saw that Madara Uchiha couldn't help but mock: "Konoha Village?"

"I'm sorry, it looks like you've been sealed for a little longer, and you don't know that the outside world has changed dramatically. "

"As for Konoha Village?"

"I'm sorry, Konoha Village has been destroyed, Konoha Village doesn't even exist anymore, not to mention Konoha Village, even the entire Fire Country is no longer there. "

"Even the entire ninja world has been unified, is Konoha Village still there?"

At this moment, I saw that the Uchiha Madara at this moment looked at the wave Fengshui Gate in front of him so lightly, and a trace of calm opened his mouth flashed in his eyes.

And in the face of the words from Madara Uchiha at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar beside Madara Uchiha nodded in the same way and said: "That's right, although I don't want to admit this fact either, but the current situation is so directly on the surface. "

"That is, Konoha Village no longer exists, and instead it belongs to the Ming Empire, and even the entire ninja world has been completely unified. "

"And I have a question, is this little fox very strong?"

"The strength of this little fox Nine-Tails is not very strong, you don't have to be so flustered. "

The Thousand Hands Pillar said with a hint of indifference at this moment.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, it is said that the strength of the Nine-Tails is very strong?

I'm sorry, he would be the first to deny it.

If the strength of the guy next to the Ming Emperor is very strong, then forget it, the other party really has a strong strength, but it would be embarrassing to say that the strength of the nine tails is very strong, and the thousand hands between the pillars must be denied that the strength of the nine tails is very weak, because the nine tails can't even beat him, is this called the strength is very strong?

Listening to the words spoken by the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, the corners of the mouth of the Nine Tails in the cage were slightly pulled at this moment.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar, no matter how aggrieved the Nine-Tails is, he has to admit that the power he has, maybe it looks very powerful, and even in the entire ninja world, the strength he has is a first-class strength, but when facing the Thousand Hands Pillar, it will be embarrassing, the strength he has is completely inferior to the Thousand Hands Pillar, and even the Thousand Hands Pillar can completely hang him up and fight without him having any defensive ability.

This is the difference in strength between the two sides, so in the face of these words between the Thousand Hands Pillar, no matter how aggrieved the Nine Tails are, they have to admit that this is indeed a fact that belongs to the Eight Classics.

And listening to the words spoken by the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha at this moment, Bo Feng Shuimen, who had just recovered in the sealed space, flashed a trace of strange eyes and looked at the two figures in front of him.

At the same time, the wave feng shui at this moment also realized one thing instantly, and from the words of Madara Uchiha just now, it seemed that the entire ninja world had undergone major changes.

Konoha Village has been wiped out?

Even the entire ninja world was completely unified by an existence called the Ming Empire?

At this moment, when Bo Feng Shuimen had a trace of weird eyes, he saw the whirlpool Jiu Sinai beside Bo Feng Shui at this moment, but he couldn't help but exclaim: "You are the first Hokage Thousand Hands Pillar!"


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