"You are trying to stop the rise of the Ming Empire!"

I saw Yue Buqun just looking at Zuo Lengchan so tightly and shouting loudly.


In the face of Yue Buqun's roar at this moment, the current Zuo Lengchan instantly showed a bewildered~ expression.

When is he going to stop the rise of the Ming Empire?

He didn't do anything!

"No, no, no, no, how could Zuo prevent the rise of the Ming Empire, although Zuo belongs to a person in the rivers and lakes, but Zuo is also a citizen of the Ming Empire, how can Zuo prevent the rise of the Ming Empire?"

Zuo Lengchan just exhaled deeply and said.

"This damn guy!"

Although Zuo Lengchan's expression on the surface at this moment was panic, there was an unprecedented anger flashing in his heart.

Not for anything else, just because at this moment, in Zuo Lengchan's opinion, the situation that this guy Yue Buqun currently has is completely humiliating him!

If it weren't for Yue Buqun's identity as a Ming national teacher, he would definitely attack Yue Buqun directly, and he would definitely let Yue Buqun know what the result of humiliating him was.

But it's a pity that Yue Buqun is burdened with the identity of a great Ming national teacher, no matter how angry Zuo Lengchan is, Zuo Lengchan can only force the anger in his heart to the bottom of his heart.

He must not do this, otherwise the outcome faced by the entire Songshan faction at that time will be completely annihilated by the imperial court.

He couldn't do that!

He belongs to the head of the Songshan faction, and he must not let the entire Songshan faction be completely wiped out during the period he is in charge.

So at this moment, Zuo Lengchan hurriedly explained.

However, in the face of Zuo Lengchan's explanation, Yue Buqun just snorted coldly.


"Zuo Lengzen, you have to understand something!"

"These interests owned by the people in the rivers and lakes are all small things in the face of the rise of the Ming Empire. "

"As long as the Ming Empire can rise, then this will be great news for us at that time!"

"You have to keep in mind that we are all part of the Ming Empire!"

"If you dare to hinder the rise of the Ming Empire, then Yue will definitely report to Your Majesty at that time, and what your Songshan faction will face at that time will be an army belonging to the imperial court!"

"I just don't know if your Songshan faction can withstand the attack of the army from the imperial court. "

"Even if your Songshan faction betrays the Ming Empire, as long as you live, then the Ming Empire's pursuit of you will never stop!"

I saw that Yue Buqun's eyes were like this, and he said with an unprecedented seriousness.

His words were not to intimidate Zuo Lengchan.

What he said was true.

If Zuo Lengchan really dared to refuse, and the other party really dared to act directly against the imperial court like this, then what was waiting for the Songshan faction at that time would be an attack from the imperial court and a pursuit from the imperial court.

Even if Zuo Lengchan fled to the ends of the earth, Yue Buqun believed that with his assistance, then the Ming Empire could definitely become the most powerful country in the entire world, and it was not impossible to even become the overlord of the entire world.

Then will it be difficult to hunt down and want Zuo Lengchan at that time?

No, no, no, in Yue Buqun's opinion, there is no difficulty in completing it.

In the face of Yue Buqun's words, Zuo Lengchan also carried an unprecedented silence in the distance.

How should Zuo Lengzen reply?

At this moment, Zuo Lengchan really didn't know how to reply for a while.

Not for anything else, although Zuo Lengchan doesn't know what level of power the current Ming Empire has.

However, Zuo Lengchan can also understand that the current Ming Empire is the suzerainty of the surrounding countries that belong to the Eight Classics.

0 begging for flowers

Maybe the strength of the Ming Empire is not as strong as it was at its peak, or the strength of the Ming Empire today is not as strong as that of the Hongwu and Yongle periods, but the strength of the Ming Empire today is still the most powerful.

The Ming Empire is still the suzerainty of several surrounding countries, where did he flee to?

There's nowhere he can escape!

And he belongs to the Zheng'er Eight Classics and has grown up all the way from the Ming Empire, he naturally looks down on this country, because in Zuo Lengchan's opinion, aren't the surrounding countries a Zheng'er Eight Classics?

Let him go to the land of barbarians to live?

I'm sorry, if Zuo Lengchan is killed, he will not be able to go to the barbarian country to live. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Since Zuo Lengchan can't just go to the barbarian country to live like this at this moment, it seems that the current Zuo Lengchan can only listen to the words of Yue Buqun opposite him.

"Integrate the whole world?"

When Zuo Lengchan listened to Yue Buqun's words so quietly at this moment, Zuo Lengchan still had an unprecedented silence in his heart.

How should he choose?

Facing Zuo Lengchan's silence, Yue Buqun still spoke calmly: "Now Yue Mou gives you two choices. "

"The first choice is to join the court and become a part of the court. "

"The second choice is also very simple, the second choice is that you directly choose to fight against the imperial court with the Songshan faction you have. "

"Choose. "

"Hopefully, you'll be able to make the right choice. "

I saw Yue Buqun looking at Zuo Lengchan so faintly, and a trace of deep indifference flashed in his eyes.

Facing Yue Buqun's words and the dark gaze in Yue Buqun's eyes, Zuo Lengchan was instantly silent.


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