"The most intuitive point from the invasion of the Japanese invaders is that it has caused the death of 35 million inhabitants of the entire land of Shenzhou. "

Tony Stark makes this point as simple as that.

"And the most important thing is that the damage caused by the guys above the Wako Kingdom to the land of Shenzhou is not just the death of 35 million soldiers and civilians, the damage they caused to the land of Shenzhou can be said to belong to hell. "

"At that stage, the land of Shenzhou can be said to be completely described as hell, and you can imagine how cruel it is~ a place. "

"At that time, the whole people fought the war. "

"All the beings in the entire land of Shenzhou have begun to fight against the Japanese Invaders, from the top to the most ordinary civilians below, all the existences in the whole country are fighting against the Japanese Kou. "

"Burning, killing, looting, and adultery, these things are just the most basic things for the guys above the Wako country. "

"You can even imagine how cruel it is that the group of pirates in the country of the Japanese enjoy killing as a pleasure. "

"Women, children, the elderly, and even some pregnant women have been dug out of their arms alive, can you imagine what the scene is?"

Tony Stark flashed a deep heaviness at this moment.

Although he hadn't experienced that war, he could understand what kind of beasts the slaughter was caused by the guys above the Wako.

Even if he is not a member of the land of Shenzhou, the actions of the guys in the Wako Kingdom are not acceptable to a human at all, anyway, he can't accept the actions of the guys in the Wako Country.

Listening to the words from Tony Dark, all the guys in the entire chat group, except for Ip Man, who is currently experiencing it, and Zhu Houzhao, who already knows the answer, all the guys showed an unprecedented anger.

Even Yue Buqun, who was cleaning up the entire rivers and lakes, took the time to enter the chat group, and then learned what the group of guys in the Wako Kingdom had done, Yue Buqun's eyes were filled with an unprecedented anger: "This damn Wako!"

"Don't let me catch them, or I'll kill them completely!"

"I have decided, after I have completely sorted out the power I have in the Ming Empire, I must report to His Majesty to clean up the entire Wako Country, and completely kill the entire Wako Country!"

At this moment, Yue Buqun at this moment just spoke with a murderous voice.

In the face of the words from Yue Buqun, several other people in the chat group also fell into an unprecedented burst of anger.

At the same time, Xiongba, who is himself the lord of one of the forces, also fell into a burst of anger.

"This damn Wako country, don't let me unify the entire land of Shenzhou, as long as I completely unify the entire land of Shenzhou, then I will definitely completely destroy the entire country of Wako!"

At this moment, Xiongba's eyes also carried an unprecedented anger.

Originally, his attitude towards the entire Wako Kingdom was basically ignorance, after all, the Wako Country was a barbarian in their eyes, but when he learned that this barbarian would actually cause such a tragic killing to their entire Shenzhou land in the future time, and actually did such a thing of animals, then don't blame him, the senior, for killing the Wako countries.

"That's right, this damn wreck!"

0 begging for flowers

"It's not a man!"

I saw that Li Xiaoyao at this moment also said with a wave of anger.

Although the world you are in now is not at all the world that belongs to the other people in the chat group, Li Xiaoyao really can't stand the actions of the group of guys in the Wako Country.

This is not to blame for the position, this can only be said to belong to the most basic thing of being a human being, and it just so happens that the guys of the Wako country have completely given up the most basic things that this person should have.

Regarding the current words spoken by Tony Stak, the current Ip Man nodded slightly: "That's right, what these guys in the Wako Kingdom are doing is simply the behavior of animals. "

"I can't stand it, it was okay when I didn't have the ability to stop it, but now I have the ability to stop it. "

"Then I will definitely not sit idly by!" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"So I exchanged some missiles, and I'm going to use these missiles to blow up the emperor and the high-ranking people in the Wako country!"

"Let them experience what it is like to die. "

At the same time, I saw that Ye Man at this moment just gritted his teeth and said.

"I may not be able to fully show the slaughter they have caused to the entire land of Shenzhou, but the group of high-level people in the Japanese Nation will be embarrassed. "

"I'm going to kill them all!"

"Not leaving one is my current attitude!"

I saw that Ye Man's eyes were like this, and he said with a firm expression.



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