"Roar, Roar, Roar, !!Roar, Roar, Roar, Roar, T

At the same time, a roar of rage began to resound in the area at this moment.

Listening to this burst of roars, Zhu Houzhao, who was standing on the platform, nodded with a sense of satisfaction in his eyes.

Maybe ordinary people will feel a panic when they listen to the roars of these zombies, but Zhu Houzhao doesn't have any problems.

Why should he panic?

These are the soldiers of his zombie army!

These are all soldiers in his Ming Empire, and all of them belong to the soldiers who are loyal to him, the Ming Emperor, so what he, the Ming Emperor, needs, doesn't belong to the excitement that he feels?

Bi "207" actually had such a powerful army loyal to him, so he naturally felt a burst of excitement.

But for the head of the Maoshan Sect beside him and the many Taoist priests used in the Maoshan Sect behind him, when they just looked at such a powerful army in their field of vision, all the guys trembled like never before at this moment.


"These are the soldiers who belong to the zombie legions. "

"This, is this what zombies look like when they become large?"

At the same time, when the Maoshan Daoists at this moment looked at the zombies they had in their field of vision, their eyes really carried an unprecedented heaviness.

They really never thought that the strength of these zombies would be so powerful.

"Senior brother, is this the power that belongs to these zombies when they form an army?"

At this moment, an ordinary Maoshan Taoist priest spoke directly to their senior brother Shi Jian.

Regarding the words spoken by this Maoshan Taoist priest at this moment, I saw that Shi Jian, the senior brother of the Maoshan faction at this moment, was looking at the zombie army he had in his field of vision blankly, and his eyes were also filled with an unprecedented silence.

"How do I know?"

In this regard, the current Shi Jian could only speak helplessly.

How should he reply?

It was the first time he had seen a zombie of this size.

Zombies are not a strange thing to them, because they often fight zombies, so zombies are really not a strange thing to them, and it is different if it is a zombie army.

The Zombie Legion is no ordinary thing.

No matter how stupid he is, they can do what the zombie army is, such as the 100,000 zombies in his vision.

Even if this is not a zombie, even if he belongs to an ordinary soldier, but even if it belongs to the ordinary army of Shiwan, it is not an existence that he can understand.

He hadn't seen an army of 100,000, so when the zombie army was displayed in front of him like this at this moment, Shi Jian, the current senior brother of the Maoshan faction, didn't know how to reply.

"Anyway, all we need to do in the future is to honestly become a courtier of the Ming Empire, and don't mess around with anything else. "

"Otherwise, when the time comes, this Ming Empire will definitely allow you to die without a place to bury. "

Seeing that the current Shi Jian raised his head to look at the power of the Ming Dynasty that he possessed outside the zombie station, Shi Jian said silently at the moment.

On the surface, this Ming Empire does not seem to have any cultivators, but the power possessed by this Ming Empire is not an existence that anyone can ignore.

Not to mention anything else, just rely on the group of warriors that this Ming Empire has. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The power possessed by this group of warriors that they had never doubted 0 ...

The power possessed by this group of martial artists seemed to be completely different from that of their group of cultivators on the surface, but once the power possessed by this group of martial artists really exploded in such a comprehensive way, the power they possessed was definitely terrifying.

That's why Shi Jian, the senior brother of the Maoshan faction at this moment, has such an attitude.

All they need to do is to honestly become the courtiers of the Ming Empire, and honestly serve the Ming Empire, and some ideas that should not be had must not be had.

Listening to Shi Jian's words, I saw that the current Maoshan Taoist priest just nodded and nodded in understanding.

"Okay, I see. "

In this regard, the current Maoshan Taoist priest said that he understood.

And just when the current group of Maoshan Taoist priests were discussing with each other, I saw Zhu Houzhao at this moment directly choosing Aite Ip Man in the chat group.

"Ye Wen, I have prepared the army of zombie legions here, are you ready there?"

Zhu Houzhao asked.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's inquiry, I saw that Ip Man, who was in Kyoto at the moment, looked at the 2.0 square of the place around him, and then saw Ip Man nodding slightly.

"No problem, it's ready. "

After listening to Ip Man's reply, Zhu Houzhao directly launched a crossover application to Ip Man without ink.

Faced with Zhu Houzhao's application for crossing, Ip Man just looked at the news that appeared in front of him, and Ip Man directly chose to agree without hesitation.

At the moment when Ye Q&A responded, Zhu Houzhao, who was in the Kyushu Continent, looked at the dark blue crossing gate that appeared in front of him, and Zhu Houzhao ordered with a serious look in his eyes: "The whole army obeys the order and goes!"

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand.


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