
"The Ming Empire has launched an attack on the Tang Empire?"

In an instant, when the Tang Emperor Li Shimin listened to the news from the border at this moment, Li Shimin's eyes were so confused and incredible.

In addition to this news from the border, most importantly, there is also news from bad people.

In the face of these two news, Li Shimin can say with certainty that this should be true news.

Leaving aside the news delivered at the border, the news delivered by bad people alone is enough to mean that the news is 100% true.

So for Li Shimin at this moment, but at this moment, Li Shimin realized that the Ming Empire really launched a direct attack on their Tang Empire, and Li Shimin's eyes were filled with an unprecedented anger.

"Mobilize the army, you must stop the army of the Ming Empire!"

At this moment, Li Shimin held back the anger in his heart so strongly, and then shouted so loudly.

For Li Shimin at this moment, although he had known about the changes in the Ming Empire before, he really didn't realize that the Ming Empire would directly attack their Tang Empire.

How powerful is the strength of their Tang Empire!

The strength possessed by their Tang Empire is one of the strongest in the Kyushu Continent, perhaps the power possessed by their Tang Empire does not dare to say that it belongs to the most powerful existence in the entire Kyushu Continent, but the strength possessed by their Tang Empire is definitely one of the most powerful existences.

As a result, the Ming Empire at this moment directly launched an attack on their Tang Empire, and for Li Shimin at this moment, this news can really be regarded as a very unusual news.

But since the Ming Empire has already launched a direct attack on their Tang Empire at this moment, what they need to do at this time is obviously to rush to counterattack!

Fight back against the Ming Empire!

Their Tang Empire must not have any accidents.

"Yes, Your Majesty. "

In the face of Li Shimin's order, I saw that the bad guy at this moment replied so respectfully.

Of course, it's not that this bad guy just directly attacked the Ming Empire, what this bad guy needs to do now is to call all the important ministers in the court today.

After a while, one after another important ministers in Xi'an City were directly called over.

While many important ministers were called over directly, their eyes were so serious that they had never been seen before.

Apparently, they had asked what this was before they came.

"Your Majesty, we must not watch the Ming Empire directly attack our Tang Empire like this, we must fight back now!"

I saw that Wuji, the eldest grandson of Zhao Guogong, spoke directly without hesitation.

"That's right, Your Majesty, we must now need to rush to fight back!"

I saw that the current Cheng Yanjin also nodded slightly.

"Take the army and destroy all the Ming army!"

"We have to let the Ming Empire understand that although the strength of the Ming Empire is stronger than before, the strength of our Tang Empire is definitely not something that can be solved by a mere Ming Empire. "

"Mobilize all the forces of the entire Tang Empire to deal a heavy blow to the Ming Empire!"

Soon, one after another began to make a constant noise in the main hall.

They have only one idea, that is, since the Ming Empire has already persuaded their Tang Empire to go to war without declaring war, what they need to do now is obvious, that is, they directly transfer the army to make the Ming Empire pay the price!

They must make the Ming Empire understand a truth, although their Tang Empire has not fought in recent years, it does not mean that the strength of their Tang Empire is weak.

Looking at the several important ministers who were screaming one after another to attack Daming, Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief in an instant.

These guys belong to the important ministers in his Tang Empire, and it can even be said that the scale that his Tang Empire can have is inseparable from these important ministers in front of him.

At this moment, Li Shimin just wanted to say that the Ming Empire would pay the price, but Li Jing at this moment said in silence: "'Your Majesty, we can't do this. "

"This attack of the Ming Empire is absolutely fatal to the Tang Empire. "

"We must not transfer all our forces to the battlefield of the Ming Empire. "

At the same time, I saw that Li Jing at this moment couldn't help but speak so directly.


Listening to the words spoken by Li Jing, who was known as the god of war in the Tang Empire, many generals showed a puzzled expression at this moment.

Even Li Shimin showed a trace of doubt at this moment. (Lee's)

Just with a trace of doubt in the eyes of many guys at this moment, Li Jing said in silence at this moment: "Everyone, have you forgotten the Great Sui Empire?"

"When the Great Ming Empire directly launched an attack on our Great Tang Empire, do you think the Great Sui Empire would be indifferent?"

"I'm afraid it won't be long before we receive news from the Great Sui Empire attacking our Tang border. "

"The Tang Empire is facing the attack of the two empires of the Ming Dynasty and the Great Sui, and the Tang Dynasty is in danger. "

At the same time, Li Jing, who was the only one, took a deep breath and said.


Everyone in the main hall instantly gasped.


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