"Little Taoist, I'm not convinced. "

Xu Weixiong said: "Except for the swordsmanship that is not as good as you, you are not the opponent of this county lord in other talents." "

"Jianghu people, anything can be bad, but only swordsmanship can't be bad. "

The little Taoist priest retorted.

"It's a pity that the lord of this county is not from the rivers and lakes. "

Xu Weixiong was not to be outdone.

The sky was dark, dark clouds were overwhelming, and a gust of wind brought a drizzle, and the mountains were hazy.

The rain of the cold winter wax moon fell on the body, like ice cubes, and the rain curtain slapped against the bamboo forest outside the pavilion.

There was a crisp sound.

"Did you bring an umbrella?".

Lin Xuan looked at the girl.

"Nope. "

Xu Weixiong frowned and shook his head.

Standing at the railing of the gazebo, he stretched out his palm from his sleeve robe and stretched out, and the cold drizzle fell on his palm.

She said: "This rain is still not as cold as the rain in our Liangzhou." "

The time for the changing of the guard is approaching, the sky is getting hazy and hazy, and the senior brother on the mountain has not yet arrived.

At first, it was drizzling, but soon the rain became heavier and heavier, as if it was going to rain all winter in one night.



The rain dripped down the pavilion tiles, forming thin lines like beaded curtains.

"Look at this, the rain won't stop for a while. "

The little Taoist priest frowned, and his stomach gurgled non-stop.

"Are you hungry?".

The girl turned her head with a smile on her face.

"Sort of. "

Lin Xuan nodded.

After practicing the sword all morning, he was pulled by Xu Weixiong to fight in the afternoon, and he didn't even eat lunch, how could he not be hungry.

"Take it. "

She took out a piece of cloth from her bosom and opened it, revealing that it contained beef jerky.

Lin Xuan tasted it and praised, "It tastes good." "

"This is the beef jerky brought out by the county lord from home, and I ate some on the way, and now it is cheaper for you little Taoist. "

Xu Weixiong had a cold face.

"Won't you eat?".

He asked.

"Don't eat. "

The girl shook her head.

"That's right, I'll eat a little more. "

Lin Xuan quipped.

The latter's face couldn't help but twitch, but her strength was not as good as others, otherwise with her temperament, she would have to rush up and punch the little Taoist priest twice in the face.

Taking a deep breath, he turned around and looked at the mountains in the distance, the night and the rain were entangled, like a lingering haze.

The pouring rain poured down, and there was no sign of stopping.

Lin Xuan ate a lot of beef jerky by dividing it by two, took the rest and handed it to her and said, "Eat some." "

"I'm not hungry. "

Xu Weixiong's face was indifferent.

And then the next moment


Her stomach rattled, and her cheeks immediately flushed slightly, and she turned her head to look.

saw that the annoying little Taoist priest had a serious expression, but no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be holding back a smile.

She glared at Lin Xuan viciously, took the beef jerky from his hand and put it in her mouth, gritting her teeth and chewing it.

"You person, could it be that beef jerky has a deep hatred for you. "

The little Taoist priest teased: "You can use so much strength." "

"I want you to take care of it. "

Xu Weixiong snorted from his nose

"Good intentions are treated as donkey livers and lungs. "

Lin Xuan stretched his waist, and in the pavilion, he pulled out the stainless steel long sword and began to practice the sword drawing technique.

It's still the same as in the morning, taking out the sword over and over again, collecting the sword, and then continuing to play the sword, and the cycle repeats.

Except for this simple and unpretentious move, there is no second sword move.

The wind swept through the mountains and fields, sending out a deafening cry, and the birds and animals were extinct.

The stream under the small stone bridge swelled and hit the boulders with a loud noise.

The night was dark, as condensed as a stagnant water, and the girl sat by the fire, the faint light of the fire emitted a faint heat, dispelling the chill of the heavy winter night rain.

Xu Weixiong sat on the stool, tilted his head, and watched the little Taoist priest practice strange swordsmanship.

The rain was pouring down, the wind was howling, the heavens and the earth were silent, and only the sound of wind and rain was in the ears.

Suddenly, the little Taoist priest who was practicing swords shook the long sword in his hand, and the sword weapon shook slightly, and swept towards the girl.

"Bell, bell, bell".

The sword broke through the sky and slashed above the void, sparks flying.

The girl could see clearly, it was a row of pitch-black steel needles, silent, if it weren't for the little Taoist priest who blocked it with his sword.

I'm afraid that at this time, I have been pierced into a hedgehog by a steel needle.


Lin Xuan spoke, mixed with the agitation of true qi, but in the blink of an eye, the howling sound was drowned out by the sound of wind and rain.

Xu Weixiong reacted, grabbed the long sword beside him, and guarded left and right.

His face was solemn, his sword in his hand, and he looked around.

"Second County Lord, someone has come to you for trouble. "

Lin Xuan spoke, his tone low, revealing a look that should not be at this age.

At this time, the rain was majestic, the fireworks were useless, and the sound could not be transmitted far, obviously the other party deliberately picked the opportunity.


Xu Weixiong's expression was indifferent.


A cold light quietly appeared outside the pavilion and headed towards Xu Weixiong, the second county lord of Beiliang.

"Get out of the way. "

The little Taoist caught a glimpse of the corner of his eye, stepped out in two steps, the long sword waved, the cold light exploded, the sword blade slashed, blood splashed, and a black figure fell to the ground.

He slammed into the water outside the gazebo, his eyes wide open, and his expression was incredulous.

The right hand held the half-truncated sword, the left hand clutched his throat, and the hot blood dripped down his fingers.

After half a breath, the black-robed killer lost his breath, his pupils dissipated, and he couldn't believe it until he died.

He died at the hands of that harmless Wudang little Taoist, and the other party only had two swords from beginning to end.

The first sword slashed the black-robed man's sword, and the second sword slashed the throat of the black-robed killer.

It wasn't until this person landed that Xu Weixiong reacted in hindsight, only feeling creepy.

Two times in a row, if it weren't for Lin Xuan's support, I am afraid that I would not even know how to die.

"Now you know, I just need one win. "

The little Taoist priest beside him spoke, his eyebrows raised.

Xu Weixiong didn't speak, but just cheered up and didn't dare to be careless.

"Prevent a Jianghu Ranger from breaking into the mountains and gain half a month's pure internal strength. "

An inexplicable voice sounded in my head.

Lin Xuan ignored it, his body was straight, holding a long sword, and he protected Xu Weixiong, the lord of the second county of Beiliang, behind him.

He said in a deep voice: "A group of people who hide their heads and tails have not appeared quickly. "

He doesn't care much about Xu Weixiong's life or death, but he can't die in Wudang, as long as he is out of Wudang, it doesn't matter where he dies.

If the girl knows what he thinks in his heart, he is afraid that he will draw his sword now.

No one responded

Only the biting cold wind accompanied by the pouring rain.

"Wait a little more to make the movement bigger, not to mention letting the people on the mountain know, at least let the big snow dragon riders outside hear it. "

Lin Xuan said without looking back.

Before the words fell, several figures fell from the sky and landed in all directions of the pavilion, holding swords and slaughtering.

A faint killing intent permeated, mixed with the cold wind, and came towards him, making Lin Xuan shiver.



The long sword in his hand shook, and a sword slashed towards the two black-robed killers who rushed towards him, this sword was the essence of sword drawing techniques.

It was so fast that it was impossible to see the trajectory of the sword weapon at all, and the sharp edge bloomed.


A sword out

The sword broke, and the bodies of the two black-robed killers flew out upside down, their expressions shocked, and on their chests, a deep sword mark almost cut off their bodies.

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