"Lie to me. "

Mu Huanhuan puffed out her cheeks and said, "You must have said that to every girl." "

"You can eat indiscriminately. "

Lin Xuan said angrily: "You can't talk nonsense. "

After that, he sighed: "Sad, I didn't expect me to be such a person in Sister Huanhuan's heart." "

"It's sad. "

Mu Huanhuan scratched his soft flesh and said with a straight face: "Are you still sad now?"

"Sad. "

The young Taoist priest said, "And extremely sad. "

"Unless Sister Huanhuan kisses me, I won't be happy. "

"Whoa. "

"It was waiting for me here. "

Mu Huanhuan's eyebrows were raised, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You just say kiss or not. "

Lin Xuan grinned and said, "Don't worry, I won't peek." "

Immediately closing her eyes, the beautiful woman wrapped in a long white dress lowered her head, pecked him lightly on the face, and then quickly raised her head and looked into the distance.

"Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit. "

Lin Xuan opened his eyes and said, "I don't even feel it, Sister Huanhuan, kiss it again." "

"Don't. "

Mu Huanhuan said: "You are lying to me again." "

The young Taoist priest was not convinced.

"Don't. "

Mu Huanhuan's head shook like a rattle, and her pretty face was slightly red, which was extremely good-looking.

"It's getting dark. "

She spoke.

"Lie down for a while. "

Lin Xuan shook his head and pillowed on her thigh, reluctant to get up: "When I go down the mountain, there will be no thigh pillow for Sister Huanhuan." "

"When the time comes, I think about it day and night, but I don't. "

"Poor mouth. "

Mu Huanhuan's two white palms gently massaged his cheeks, and his red lips said lightly: "If you miss me, come back."

I won't run, anyway, no matter where you are, I'm waiting for you in Wudang. "

"Nine-three-zero" "Even if you can run, it's fine." "

He said: "No matter how far Sister Huanhuan goes, I will get you back." "

"Hmph, don't talk nonsense. "

Mu Huanhuan said angrily: "You mouth, every time I chat with you, you will mess with my Dao heart." "

That means your heart is not firm. "

He retorted: "This pot must not be buckled on my head." "

"Oops. "

"Anyway, you're not allowed to talk nonsense. "

Mu Huanhuan reached out and covered his mouth.

"This girl is a person who aspires to become the first female sword fairy in the world. "

She said, "I can't let you fool you in a few words." "

"If you don't say it, you don't say it. "

Lin Xuan muttered: "Look, after I go down the mountain, you will definitely miss me again." "

"I don't want to. "

She said, "When you go down the mountain, I will continue to go to Lotus Peak to practice swords with my uncle." "

"Don't want to?"

He blinked.

"I can think about it. "

Mu Huanhuan pondered for a moment and said softly: "But you can't think about it too much, you can only think about it a little bit." "

"It's just a little. "

The young Taoist priest was dissatisfied.

"A little is already a lot. "

She said: "If I miss you every day, wouldn't you Sister Huanhuan and I become a deep resentful woman." "

"And after you go down the mountain, there must be confidants everywhere, Senior Sister Li of Taibaicheng, the second county lord of the School Palace, and the purple-robed girl of Huishan, and Mrs. Shan of the Dongming faction. "

Mu Huanhuan said softly: "I'm afraid that the flowers will gradually become charming, and when the time comes, whether you have me in your heart or not is two words." "

"They are less than one ten-thousandth of Sister Huanhuan. "

The young Taoist priest pouted: "Don't you know about me?"

"Hmph, it sounds good, who knows what you think in your heart. "

She said.

The two stayed quietly at the bottom of the mountain until it was dark, and then walked side by side towards the mountain.

Three or five days later

The young Taoist priest packed his luggage and prepared to descend the mountain.

In front of the mountain gate

The young Taoist priest wore a hat on his head, wrapped in a cloak on the outside, and a set of cyan robes on the inside.

The green ox stood beside him, with a sheathed ancient sword and a large burden wrapped around his neck.

"When you go down the mountain, you have to be careful. "

Mu Huanhuan, who was wrapped in a cyan dress, came to say goodbye.

"Sister Huanhuan, rest assured. "

Lin Xuan grinned and said, "Good students are practicing swords at the mountain gate, waiting for my junior brother's good news to come." "

"The old man also said that he specially calculated the auspicious day of the zodiac for me, but it rained before he went down the mountain. "

He complained.

"This is called the Heavenly Washing Sword. "

Mu Huanhuan pursed her lips and said: "God deliberately rained to wash away the dust on your body, leaving only the purest edge." "

"Really, fake. "

Lin Xuan was skeptical.

"Of course it's true. "

Mu Huanhuan said: "Could it be that I still lie to you?"

"Then thanks to Sister Huanhuan's auspicious words. "

The young Taoist priest turned over and rode on the back of the green ox, and said loudly: "Sister Huanhuan, wait for me in Wudang." "

After that, he patted Qingniu's buttocks and said, "Benniu, let's go, let's go down the mountain." "



The green ox let out two disgruntled calls, but still stepped out of its hooves and slowly stepped down the trail.

"Senior brother, you must return safely. "

Mu Huanhuan stood on the steps and said openly.

"Don't worry. "

The young Taoist priest rode the green ox and went straight down the mountain, and after a short time, he disappeared around the corner.

Seeing her little junior brother leave, she retracted her gaze and turned towards the Zhenwu Hall.

Inside the main hall

Several Wudang seniors are here, the white-haired old Taoist, the alchemy Uncle Song, and Uncle Wang, as well as her master, Wudang Zhenren Wang Chonglou.

"Did he go down the mountain?"

Wang Chonglou spoke.

"Well, the little junior brother is gone. "

Mu Huanhuan nodded.

"Huanhuan, do you want to think about it again. "

Several seniors, one by one, hesitated, and finally Uncle Wang spoke.

"It's not your turn to do this. "

"The disciple has made up his mind. "

Mu Huanhuan shook his head: "The cultivation of Uncle Song and Uncle Song will definitely not be stopped." "

"And me. "

Uncle Wang said, "I'll come." "

"No, I can't. "

She said: "Uncle Shi must sit in Wudang, from the moment the disciple breaks into the Finger Xuan Realm, he has already made up his mind. "

"It's hard for you. "

Wang Chonglou smiled bitterly: "The great Wudang actually asked you a second-generation disciple to resist such a big thing." "

"The master can give up himself for Wudang, why can't the disciple?"

She smiled indifferently: "Besides, for him, I am willing." "

"You idiot. "

Wang Chonglou was helpless.

At the foot of Wudang Mountain

The green ox stepped on the river beach, slowly rising towards the distance, and the wind and drizzle, coming on, hitting the body, extremely cool.

"Before I got off Wudang, I entered the rivers and lakes. "

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "Stupid cow, follow Dao Ye this time, and make sure you eat fragrant and drink spicy food." "

The green ox exhaled two hot gases from its nose and gnawed away a green grass in the crack of the stone in one gulp.

I must have thought disdainfully in my heart, I am a cow, it is useful to eat and drink spicy food, it is better to have two more bundles of fresh grass.

"Hurry up, don't be slow. "

The young Taoist priest on the back of the ox scolded: "At your speed, when will we be able to leave Liangzhou." "

The green cow immediately trotted up quickly and stepped into the hazy smoke and rain. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After more than half a month, Lin Xuan walked out of Liangzhou and stepped into the boundary of Yanzhou, which is located in that hundred-mile desert.

It was here that he beheaded the three Vajra Realm masters of the Buddha Sect.

Revisiting the old place, but without much emotion, just lying on the back of the ox, covering his face with a hat, and sleeping with his hands on his head.

The green ox walked on its own, and along the way, many pedestrians saw this scene and were extremely curious.

did not go to Taibai City, but went straight to Shaolin.

Shaolin Wudang, the Taishan Beidou of the rivers and lakes, known as the world's martial arts, half out of Shaolin, half out of Wudang, is by no means a waste of fame.

In the past few decades, under the suppression of Longhu Mountain and Shaolin, Wudang's life has become more and more difficult.

But in the past ten years, Lin Xuan has risen at a comet-like speed, completely breaking this situation and slashing many masters of Buddhism.

At the same time, it also caused the beams of the two sides to become deeper and deeper, and it has reached the point where water and fire are incompatible.

Although the two sides have not fought openly in the past two years, they have fought secretly.

And this time, Lin Xuan wanted to get back to the field.

Out of the hundred miles of desert, all the way to the south, it is getting closer and closer to Shaomu Mountain, and along the way, there is no obstacle.

And Lin Xuan is not in a hurry, he rides the green ox every day to stop and go, leave at sunrise, and find a place to rest at sunset.

It's like a spring outing.

this day

Coming to the outside of Yuanzhou City, it is only 300 miles away from Shaomu Mountain, and it coincides with sunset, so it settles in Yuanzhou City.

At dawn on the second day, I rode the green ox out of the city leisurely, the grass was thick, and there were many pedestrians.

This is the busiest time of the year, with carts and many merchants carrying their loads.

There are also many people who rush to the market, carrying vegetables, fruits, melons and vegetables, even if they are tired and sweating, they don't dare to stay longer.

By noon, the sun was getting brighter, and the green ox slowed down and grazing as he went.

Finally, stop by a small stream and stare directly at the clear water, the meaning of which is self-evident.

"What a brute, it's really a lot of. "

On the back of the ox, the young man cursed, but he stopped and hid in the shade of the tree.

The green ox ran into the pool of water and squatted down, revealing only one bull's head, and as for the other parts, it was all soaked in cold water, which was very pleasant.

opened the wine bag, took out the dry food and ate it, and said to the green cow in the distance: "It's comfortable, let's go on the road." "


The green ox called, and its four hooves pulled the stream, close to the shore, and ate the grass.

After eating and drinking, Lin Xuan also lay on the grass, his hands on his head, and his eyes closed.

After resting for about half an hour, when he was about to go on the road, an uninvited guest came.

The woman in the long white dress walked on the graceful lotus steps, and came one by one, falling under the shade of the tree, with a green silk coiled up.

Covered with a long robe similar to a monk's robe, and carrying a sheathed ancient sword on his back.

The beauty of the woman's birth is moving, and her pretty face is also first-class stunning in the whole world.

However, between his eyebrows, he was quite plain and peaceful, and his body was filled with a dusty atmosphere, not like mortal creatures.........

is obviously only ten years old, but he is like a white-eyed old monk who has been sitting in the temple for decades.

Those eyes are extremely ethereal, like an ancient well pool, which can never ripple.

In the shade of a tree

Lin Xuan opened his eyes, glanced at the woman casually, then withdrew his gaze and shouted into the distance, "Stupid cow, it's time to hit the road." "

The green ox hid in the stream with great eyesight and refused to come out.

"If you don't come out again, Dao Ye will make a fire and roast you later. "

Lin Xuan scolded.

At this time, the woman in the white dress and monk's robe spoke, and her tone was soft: "Qingniu is so innocent, and he has a good nature, why do you want to force him to leave." "

"It's your business. "

He picked his nostrils and said disdainfully: "Which nun are you in the nunnery, dare to take care of the master's affairs, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Lin Daochang is by no means an innocent person. "

The woman said, looking extremely confident.

"Get out. "

Lin Xuan didn't raise his eyelids.

The woman was not annoyed, and said softly: "In Xia Cihang Jingzhai, the contemporary walking master Concubine Xuan, I have seen Lin Daochang. "

"Cihang Jingzhai?"

The young Taoist priest pouted: "This is the place where the self-proclaimed Buddha sect is a transcendent holy place?"

"I don't dare to be it, it's just a friend in the rivers and lakes. "

The woman smiled faintly.

"It's good to know it's lifting. "

Lin Xuan was unhappy: "Give you face, call you Cihang Jingzhai, don't give you face, what are you." "

Then he glanced at Concubine Xuan lightly, and the corners of her mouth raised: "The most important thing for people is to clear how many catties and taels they have, and don't care about things that shouldn't be taken care of, otherwise you will be burned." "

If you don't give face like this, you are clearly ridiculing and threatening Shi Fei Xuan and Cihang Jingzhai straight to the point.

Even in her state of mind, at this time, she couldn't help but give birth to a nameless fire from the bottom of her heart.

The young Taoist priest in front of him was too arrogant.

Shi Concubine Xuan took a deep breath, her chest rose and fell, forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart, and said without changing her face: "Lin Daochang's words are wrong. "

"The rivers and lakes should be less bloody and bloody, why bother to be obsessed with the matter of swords, it is better to meet with a smile and enmity, and it will be passed on as a martial arts story.

Moreover, Wudang, as Taishan Beidou in the righteous path of the rivers and lakes, should also contribute to the peace of Wulin. "

A sentence is extremely high-sounding.

The young Taoist priest said disdainfully: "Which green onion are you, and you are also worthy of preaching in front of the Taoist master." "

He didn't bother to waste his tongue with this heir of Cihang Jingzhai, the Buddha Gate bald donkey, the tongue bloomed lotus, and he had to subdue them.

Seeing that Lin Xuan's oil and salt did not enter, Shi Fei Xuan put away her thoughts and said, "How can Lin Daochang make peace with Buddhism and give up revenge on Shaolin." "

"I can do it, can you do it?"

He asked.

"As long as Concubine Xuan can do it, she will not refuse. "

Concubine Xuan's expression was resolute.

"Good. "

Lin Xuan's expression was playful, and his expression was playful: "It's very simple, I have heard that the Buddha cut meat and fed the eagle."

I don't want you to cut the meat and feed it to the eagles. "

He pointed behind him and said: "Dozens of miles away, there is a city, tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, as long as you take off your clothes and ride a horse around the city, I will make peace with the Buddha, and all grievances will be written off." "

"You. "

The pretty face of the concubine Xuanqi was cold, and her eyes were not ethereal, but replaced by a thick cold.

Those eyes, staring at the young 1.4 soldier, gritted their teeth, life.

"Why? Can't you even do that?"

Lin Xuan sneered: "Then what are you doing looking for me? Why do you dare to stop me? With your reputation as Cihang Jingzhai?"

"Please also ask Lin Daochang to change the conditions. "

Concubine Shi spoke.

"No, I don't change. "

The young Taoist priest shook his head: "If you don't agree, get out, otherwise you will be killed." "


The concubine was trembling with anger, thinking that Wudang would definitely take care of the face of the righteous leader a little bit.

But he didn't expect Lin Xuan to eat this set at all.

"Within three breaths, if you don't roll, you'll die. "

He narrowed his eyes, and in the dark, an invisible murderous aura emerged, enveloping Shi Concubine Xuan's body.

This heir of Cihang Jingzhai was placed under this faint murderous aura, and he only felt like falling into an ice cave.

There was a chill all over my body, and even my breathing was a lot shorter.


The ancient sword behind Shi Concubine Xuan vibrated and emitted a low sword roar, fighting against that murderous aura.

After three breaths, Concubine Xuanmeng's eyes widened, and her right hand quickly pulled out the long sword on her back and slashed it in front of her.

However, the speed at which she struck out was very fast, but Lin Xuan's speed was even faster, and her white palm pinched the palm print, and with a palm, it slapped towards her chest.

This palm seems to be an understatement, but it contains full power, if it is slapped on her body, she will definitely die.

Obviously, Lin Xuan was really murderous.

What kind of bullshit Cihang Jingzhai, when Buddhism chased and killed him, he didn't see them come out and fart.

Now after attacking and defending Yixing, they want to take action against Buddhism, so they jump out and uphold justice.

There is no such good thing in this world.

The trip to Shaomuro Mountain is bound to be won, the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddhas.

He already has the blood of many Buddhist masters on his hands, and he doesn't mind having another concubine.


The palm power roared, crossing the void, and the sword light collapsed at the touch of a button, landing on the long sword.

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