The ground shook and the mountains shook, the ancient Shaolin temples were shaking, and the temples and halls were trembling, as if they were in fear.

Many of the clay fetal wood sculptures were even shaken down from the altar, and this was only the result of the young Taoist priest's understatement.

It can be seen how terrifying Lin Xuan's great power is.

He is not a simple sword cultivator, but a fellow practitioner of martial arts and kendo, ~ taking into account both Buddhism and Taoism.

If he was just a simple kendo master, he would not be able to achieve Lin Xuan's world-shattering killing power.

Lin Xuan was able to do it, not only because of the cultivation of the great master of the sword path, but also because of the Qinglian Sword Sutra and the Pure Yang Wuji Gong, as well as the King Kong that had been tempered for many years.

Shaolin abbot Kongqing monk wants to use King Kong to suppress himself, which is tantamount to a fool's dream.

Many Buddhist monks and novices were shaken, and Na Kongqing also sank to the bottom of the valley after seeing this scene.

The young Taoist priest held the three-foot long sword, and in the void, wisps of cold cold air filled the air, with a little mist, cold and piercing.

The mountain wind reverberated and blew up the mist and smell of blood at the foot of the mountain, making the novices turn pale when they smelled it, and even many of the timid couldn't help but vomit.

Lin Xuan didn't make any extra moves, he stepped out, the cyan robe swished, the wind howled, the frost sword in his hand vibrate, and a high-pitched sword roar erupted, and in an instant, it resounded throughout Shaolin.

In the mountains and fields, the grass and trees trembled, and the birds and beasts let out terrible screams.

Before the long sword came out, there was such a vision, and you can imagine what a terrible sword it would be when he took out the sword.

The rivers and lakes are like this, today you kill me, tomorrow I will kill you, Shaolin has a feud first, and now Lin Xuan has come to the door, and no one has much to say.

It is nothing more than these bald donkeys with lotus tongues, vainly trying to reverse black and white, and trying to use the momentum of the righteous path to oppress people.

But how could Lin Xuan be the kind of person who cares about the difference between black and white, good and evil?

One step out, across the void, in the blink of an eye, it appeared twenty or thirty zhang away, this kind of means, not like mortal people, more like heavenly immortals.

In the Grandmaster Realm, he has already transcended ordinary martial artists, and has already touched a little bit of the power of land immortals.

The frost sword in his hand shook, the cold air soared, the rebates were endless, and above the sky, the clouds and mist were surging, and the originally clear sky instantly became covered with dark clouds.

The heavens and the earth dimmed, as if a hazy gray cloth was wrapped in the earth.

"Woo woo"

"Woo woo"

The wind roared, as if there were countless fierce ghosts screaming, the young Taoist priest took two steps in a row, the long sword in his hand shook, and a sword slashed towards the Shaolin abbot Kongqing monk.

This sword, without any moves and skills, is a sword slashed out on the head, and the frost sword Cui emits a rippling sword light.

Crossing the void, the sword qi roared, this sword, dignified, was a sword that condensed the spirit of his whole body.

With the method of drawing the sword, it can be called one of the strongest kendo in the world.

Just now, Kongjian saw that these four Shaolin King Kong Realm masters were damaged under this sword, and two were killed and two were injured.

Even the vajra physique that they had been cultivating for decades was extremely fragile under this sword.

The monk who witnessed that scene did not dare to have the slightest carelessness in his heart, let alone treat the young Taoist priest in front of him as a junior.

The Zen staff in the hand vibrates, the robe makes a rustling sound, and it is also a step out, and the Zen staff vibrates, urging King Kong not to break the magic power.

Up and down the body, glowing with scorching golden light, like a round of the sun, the qi and blood in the body surged, the internal force around the body was agitated, and the void trembled.

The golden internal force visible to the naked eye turned into ripples, spreading in all directions, the storm swelled, and the great monk was like an angry-eyed King Kong, stepping on the void and heading towards that sword light.


The brass Zen staff in his hand has a huge force of 10,000 catties, pick it up, and a Zen staff is smashed towards the sword light, under the blessing of King Kong's incorruptible divine skills, the great monk is like a fierce beast that came out of ancient times.

The surging qi and blood in the body even overflowed, contaminating the void, and the rolling qi and blood wrapped around the body, almost condensing into golden flames.

But after all, it's still a little bit worse, if you cultivate your physique to the extreme, you can condense the true fire of qi and blood.

And in Buddhism, it is another name, called karmic fire, which has many mysterious uses.

It's a pity that throughout the ages, there are very few people who can train their physique to the extreme.

As the abbot of Shaolin, the monk of Kongqing is on the same level as Lin Xuan's master, Wudang Zhenren Wang Chonglou, and it is not in vain that he is famous in the rivers and lakes.

The sword qi collided with the Zen staff, emitting a huge roar, and the terrifying qi wave rose into the sky, swaying upward, like wolf smoke.

The shock wave spread towards the surroundings, and everywhere it went, everything was razed to the ground, and the towering ancient trees the thickness of the water tank were torn apart by the aftermath of Lin Xuan and Kongqing's battle in a single shot.

"Bang Bang Bang"

In front of the gate of Shaolin Mountain, a few unlucky eggs were bombarded by the shock wave into a cloud of blood mist, not that the monk of Kongqing deliberately did so.

It was because Lin Xuan was too strong, and the pressure on him was too great, so that the monk of Kongqing couldn't take care of the disciples behind him at all.

"Back off. "

Other great monks shouted, leading many disciples to the mountain gate, leaving a place for Kong Qing to fight.

The sword qi shattered, turning into a rolling storm, submerging the radius of a hundred zhang, and the vermilion temple wall shattered.

"A strong King Kong is not bad. "

Lin Xuan opened his mouth, his eyes widened, his eyes were burning, and there was a fighting intent in his heart, and he saw that the four people, although their cultivation was good, they couldn't even catch his sword.

Playing with them is not interesting at all, and when Lin Xuan is in his current realm, there are very few people on the rivers and lakes who are qualified to fight him.

The empty monk in front of him was one, and the other party was also specialized in physical cultivation, which made Lin Xuan even more happy.


With a throw of his hand, the frost sword was sheathed, and the young Taoist priest let out a long roar and shouted: "Kongqing, today the poor Dao will not bully you with the way of the sword, but will kill you with your body, and break your Shaolin King Kong is not bad." "

Before the words fell, countless disciples and monks in Shaolin were furious, and they all scolded: "The devil is rampant. "

"My Shaolin's King Kong is not bad, and his magic skills are the best in Buddhism, but he can be compared to the dragon elephant, this demon really doesn't know whether to live or die. "

"Please also ask the abbot master to subdue demons and subdue demons. "

The green cow retreated to the side, eating the grass on the ground for a long time, not worrying about the safety of the young Taoist priest.

"Let's look at the poor road cultivation. "

Lin Xuan laughed, took one step out, rushed into the wind, and everywhere he went, everything was suppressed, whether it was a storm of sword qi or a surge of qi and blood, they were all crushed.

His hands reached out, the void shook, and he took another step towards the Shaolin abbot Kongqing.

"Die. "

The young Taoist priest spoke, three steps to catch the cicada, and in an instant, the empty monk just now shattered Lin Xuan's sword drawing technique, and the whole person was also shocked back, and just after he landed, he saw Lin Xuan slaughtering.

Seeing that the other party actually gave up the sword weapon and wanted to fight with his own body, the Shaolin abbot finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

No way

The main reason is that Lin Xuan's sword path is too domineering, and an understatement of the sword makes the great monk like a man.

Such a domineering sword way, the monk Kongqing has walked the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has never encountered it.

And Lin Xuan took the initiative not to use a sword, which was tantamount to using his own shortcomings to attack the strength of the void.

However, while breathing a sigh of relief, the monk of Kongqing was also a little annoyed, no matter how he said it, he was also a famous residence in the rivers and lakes, the abbot of Shaolin.

According to his generation and reputation, he is the same generation as Lin Xuan's master Wang Chonglou, but now he is so despised by a second-generation disciple of Wudang, no matter how honest and good a good person is, he will be angry, not to mention that Kong Qing is not a good old man.

"Well, since you are proud, even if the old man kills you today, no one will say anything on the rivers and lakes. "

Kong Qing thought so, and also rushed towards the young Taoist priest with a brass Zen staff, and the ground under his feet cracked, giving birth to dense cracks.

On the Zen staff, wrapped in the power of ten thousand jun, between the waves, the wind and thunder roared, and the void shook, as if there was thunder exploding next to the ears.

Such a fierce power made a group of Shaolin novice monks excited, and they waved their fists one after another.

"The abbot master is mighty. "

"Kill this adversary. "

Many monks did not dare to take it lightly, and their faces were solemn, staring at the two figures in front of the mountain gate that were about to clash.

"It's good to come. "

Looking at the brass Zen staff smashed by the split, Lin Xuan did not dodge or dodge, his body shook, his right hand reached out, and he pinched the fist mark.

The five fingers were glowing with the color of white jade, wrapped in a strong true qi, and a punch was blasted, and the fist roared.


The sound of a dragon's groan echoed, and the terrifying power of the fist extended into the void in front of him, like a torrent, rushing out and pouring out for thousands of miles.


The powerful fist shook and blasted towards the empty monk, and in the void, a circle of ripples bloomed.


The fist slammed into the Zen staff, and the brass Zen staff couldn't bear this force at all, and turned directly into powder.

Kong Qing's face changed greatly, and the whole person was directly shocked back, and the violent fist force came to his face, blowing the robe.

The white eyebrows danced wildly, the folds on his face hesitated, and the empty monk landed on the ground with his feet, separated from each other, clenched his palms with both hands, and swung forward violently.

The palm force and the fist force collided, and a crack appeared in the ground under his feet, expanding to the left and right.

"Bald donkey, your Vajra is not bad, and your magic skills are not very good. "

The joking voice echoed in his ears, and in the midst of the storm, the young Taoist priest clenched his fist again and threw a punch. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Under the navy blue robe, the muscles bulged, like a dragon, the qi and blood in the body were boiling, and King Kong's incorruptible physique was urged to the extreme.

Within the dantian, the Nine Rank Blue Lotus Platform bloomed, dripping and turning, and the majestic sword qi entered the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, wandering within the limbs and hundreds of remains.

The powerful fist turned into a dragon, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards the great monk of Kongqing.

The latter reached out with both hands, pinched the palm prints, and used the Great Compassion Palm in the Shaolin 72 stunts, and in an instant, the heavens and the earth were all layers of palm prints.


The dense palm prints blasted towards Lin Xuan's fist, and the two collided, and almost at the same time, Kong Qing and Lin Xuan both moved.

Without the slightest hesitation, he went towards the other party.


The collision of fists and palms does not have any skills, it is a collision of internal force, physique and cultivation.


Who would have thought that Kongqing, the Shaolin abbot, was directly shocked back by Lin Xuan's punch for more than ten zhang, and the young Taoist priest only took a few steps back to stabilize his figure.

For this scene alone, a judgment was made.

Who dares and who will go down, it goes without saying.

"It's too weak. "

0 begging for flowers

Lin Xuan pursed his lips, flicked his wrist, and shot out on his toes, like an arrow from the string, tearing the air.



Thunderbolts thundered in the clear sky, and a piercing whistling sound echoed in all directions, and no one could catch the figure of the young Taoist priest.

At this moment

The monk of Kongqing trembled all over his body, the crisis of death enveloped his whole body, and his body instinctively took half a step back.

It was this half-step that saved his life, Lin Xuan's fist smashed into the position he had just now, and smashed out of a ten-zhang deep pit with one punch.

The gravel was splashing, the earth shook and the sky shook, and the air clearer who had escaped the catastrophe had not yet come to breathe a sigh of relief, so Lin Xuan started again.

The five fingers pinched the claw, went straight to his throat, and Kongqing punched towards this claw, but at the moment when it was about to collide, Lin Xuan violently dispersed the claw momentum, pinched the fist print, and urged the nine layers of strength.


The fluttering fist landed on the empty fist, but before he could breathe, the Shaolin abbot of Kong Qing's eyes widened, and then retreated violently.

Lin Xuan's fist strength didn't feel anything strange at the beginning, but it directly penetrated through the King Kong Immortal Body and entered the empty body.

It directly injured the empty internal organs, and even the meridians and bones were slightly damaged.

"Die. "

The corners of the young Taoist's mouth were slightly raised, his sleeves were agitated, and he turned his fist into a palm and walked towards the empty clear.

Stepping on the seven stars, the magic law gives birth to lotus, and the speed of emptiness in front of him can't be slower.

Half a breath was caught up, and seeing that it was another fluttering palm print, the empty liver and gallbladder were about to split, so he could only stubbornly urge the strong Vajra palm and go towards Lin Xuan's palm.


The two palms collided, Lin Xuan's palm print was extremely gentle, and he didn't have any strength at all, but the empty strong Vajra palm was extraordinary.

After the palm, the young Taoist priest seemed to be shocked back by the empty palm, and retreated lightly, falling twenty or thirty zhang away.


With his feet on the ground, his hands behind his back, and his robes agitating, from beginning to end, it seemed like a leisurely stroll.

Dozens of zhang away, the Shaolin abbot Kongqing monk stood still, and it seemed that he had the upper hand in this palm.

"The abbot master is mighty. "

"The abbot master's powerful vajra palm is really domineering. "

"The abbot's cultivation is so strong. "

The Shaolin monks who didn't know why cheered for it, and with their eyes, they couldn't see what had just happened.

I only knew that Lin Xuan had retreated dozens of zhang, but his own abbot master had not retreated a single step.

"Senior Brother Abbot. "

Several monks rushed out of the Shaolin Temple, landed in front of the monk Kongqing, protected him behind him, and glared angrily at the young Taoist priest.

"Amitabha. "

Two more white-eyed monks came out, looking at the drooping old man, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

But the breath on his body is extremely dignified, like an abyss, not seeing the depth, hidden but not emitting.

Obviously, he has stepped into the realm of returning to the basics, and his cultivation is extremely high, not an easy person.

"It's worthy of Shaolin, and sure enough, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. "

The young Taoist priest's eyes fell on the two old monks, and he secretly said in his heart, raising twelve points of vigilance.

"Senior Brother Abbot, are you alright? "

The first seat of the lecture hall hurriedly asked, and his anxious look made many novices confused.

Didn't your own abbot master have the upper hand?

They didn't know at all that it would be fine if Kong Qing was shocked out by a palm, but he was not shaken out.

It showed that Lin Xuan completely smashed the nine overlapping strength of the Mian Palm into the empty King Kong Immortal Body.

And Lin Xuan retreated dozens of zhang by himself, but he completely unloaded the empty strong Vajra force.

His Nine Overlapping Strength was so terrifying, even if he cultivated into a Vajra without breaking his body, it would be difficult to withstand this palm power.

Sure enough, after two breaths, Kongqing's face changed abruptly, first flushed, then iron-blue, and then pale.

His face changed in red, blue and white, as if he had changed his face, and after five breaths, the golden light on Kongqing's body shattered, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of hot blood, accompanied by some fragments of internal organs.




King Kong's incorruptible body shattered, and dense cracks appeared, and blood arrows burst out from these cracks.

"Senior Brother Abbot. "

Several senior monks were anxious, and they supported Kongqing and crossed into the internal force, wanting to suppress the injury for him, but their internal force entered Kongqing's body and collided with Lin Xuan's palm force, which only aggravated the injury of the Shaolin chief.


Kong Qing spat out a mouthful of black blood again.

"Don't move. "

One of the white-eyed monks who was over the age of sixteen opened his mouth, pinched his flower fingers, and instantly pointed out dozens of finger powers, sealing the big acupoints of the whole body, especially the heart veins.

"His vajra incorruptible body has been broken. "

After doing this, the white-eyed monk dispersed his fingers, shook his head and said, "The internal organs have been severely damaged, and the meridians and bones of the whole body have also been shattered a lot. "

After that, he turned his head to look at the young Taoist priest dozens of feet away, and said, "What palm technique does Master Lin use?"

"Wudang Mianzhang. "

Lin Xuan chuckled: "It seems that your Shaolin's King Kong is not bad magic skill has been blown a little too much, and the poor Dao still thinks it is so powerful, but it is nothing more than that." "

"Lord Lin, what happened in the early years was my Shaolin's fault. "

Another white-eyed monk spoke?

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