After eating and drinking, the little uncle wrapped himself in a cloak and slept on the ground beside the fire.

Lin Xuan ate some barbecue, held the long sword in his arms, and also leaned on the railing, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

The wind blew the snow in, spreading a thin white veil on the steps and wetting the ground.

"Whether the host chooses to fuse five years of pure internal force. "

"Fusion. "

Before the words fell, the majestic true qi appeared in the dantian, extremely pure, not losing the pure yang true qi.

Mobilize the mind and control this true qi to slowly enter the eight veins of the Qi Sutra, and every time it runs for a week, the pure yang true qi in the body will increase by one point.

Until all the true qi has been transformed, and at this time, his cultivation has also reached the seven great consummations of the innate nature.

Concentrate and calm the qi, control the true qi and begin to impact the innate eightfold, without any condensation, the pure yang internal force is in full swing, and it breaks through the three meridians and two acupoints one after another.


The innate eightfold is done.

The mighty pure yang internal force operates according to the eighth-fold mental mantra and does a weekly cycle.

It wasn't until a few weeks later that the breath was stable and the realm was firmly completed.

This is the benefit of a solid foundation, after breaking the realm, there is not the slightest vanity in the breath.

He opened his eyes, a stream of light flashed through his pupils, opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of turbid gas, rushed out three feet away, tore the snow apart, and then dispersed.

So far, breaking through a small realm is no longer enough to make Lin Xuan's state of mind ripple.

The right hand was raised, and the true qi surged, and the surrounding snowflakes converged, condensing a snowball in the palm of the palm.

True qi swallowed, snowballs scattered, and pieces of snowflakes were suspended in the palm of the hand, undulating.

The palm is flipped, the palm print is pinched, the palm is urged, and the triple palm strength is superimposed, and it is condensed but not hairy.

The snowflakes fell, and in the end, only a hexagonal piece of flying snow fell in the palm prints.

The palm of the hand pushes horizontally, and the three overlapping forces erupt, acting on this snowflake, and the flying snow is under the action of the palm strength.

Rushing into the darkness, the frail Flying Snow melted when it met the heat, but it was sharper than a sword at this time.

Tearing pieces of snow, flying out more than ten zhang away, hitting the trunk of a towering ancient tree, there was no movement.

"Not bad. "

He chuckled, flicked his robe, and his true qi exploded, setting off a strong wind and blowing towards the towering tree.


The lower half of the trunk shattered and turned into powder, while the top half of the tree fell and fell into the snow and became dusty.

The triple strength of the palm, just with a snowflake, more than ten zhang away, shattered the trunk.

This palm power can be called terrifying.

It has exceeded the limit of Mianzhang, and can even become Lin Xuan's hole card, used to play a surprise attack.

And this method of stacking strength can also be applied to other martial arts, such as swordsmanship, fisting, fingering, and even body skills.

The sound of the treetops falling woke up the sleeping little uncle, who got up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and asked in a daze, "Did the ground move just now?"

He said, "It's okay, you can go back to sleep." "

After that, he closed his eyes and began to pretend to sleep.

In the early morning of the second day, the snow was overwhelming, the fog was hazy, and the little uncle was woken up by the freeze, wrapped in a cloak, and rushed to the mountain in a panic.

"The woman under the mountain is a tiger. "

Lin Xuan couldn't help but mutter.

"Who do you say is the tiger?".

Xu Weixiong took the young man of the Xu family down from the mountain.

"Nothing. "

He shook his head: "You two don't stay on the mountain, why are you coming down the mountain? Explain in advance, as long as you step out of the mountain gate, the outside will not be under my control." "

"The co-author is still the same as that year, as long as you don't die in Wudang, right? "

Xu Weixiong had a cold face.

"That's right. "

He picked up a piece of dry wood and threw it into the fire, sighing: "No way, the poor road has limited ability, and he can only guard his own one-third of an acre." "

"Daoist Lin, you stayed here all night last night?"

The young man of the Xu family stepped into the pavilion.

"No thanks, if you have to take eight thousand taels to thank you, Poor Dao can only reluctantly accept it. "

"Second sister, is this really the Wudang Mountain Taoist priest you said who killed people without blinking?"

The young man rolled his eyes: "Except for the martial arts, I feel that you are not alone at all with the second sister." "

"I have never seen such a brazen Taoist priest in this world. "

"Probably I misremembered. "

Xu Weixiong glanced at the Taoist priest and said coldly: "He may have been so brazen in the first place. "

"Is that how you slander your savior?"

Lin Xuan was not angry.

"I'm just telling the truth. "

Xu Weixiong said: "Where did your little uncle go, I looked for a night last night, but I almost turned over Wudang and didn't find it." "

"Come on, if you dare to bully my eldest sister, this son has to beat him up. "

The boy rolled up his sleeves.

Lin Xuan didn't seem to hear it, and closed his eyes to himself.

"One hundred taels. "

The young man of the Xu family took out a silver ticket from his arms: "As long as you say it, this hundred taels is yours." "

"Hmph. "

The young Taoist priest opened his eyes with a look of disdain: "Just a hundred taels want me to betray my uncle, it's impossible." "

"Five hundred taels. "

Juvenile bid.

"The poor Dao is iron-clad, and the yellow and white things also want to mess with my Dao heart. "

Lin Xuan clasped his hands on his chest, and the old god was at ease.

"One thousand taels. "

The Xu family boy increased the price.

The young Taoist priests didn't look at him with the same eyes.

"Two thousand taels, no more. "

The boy gritted his teeth.

"Who is he?".

Lin Xuan was furious: "He is my uncle, my most beloved uncle, the whole Wudang, who doesn't know that I have the deepest relationship with my uncle."

Two thousand taels want Poor Dao to betray my uncle. "

"And what do you want?".

The young man of the Xu family gritted his teeth.

I thought that this young Taoist priest would flatly refuse, but the next moment, the anger on Lin Xuan's face dissipated, and he grinned: "I have to add money." "

Xu Weixiong couldn't bear to look directly at this scene, turned his head over, and looked into the distance.

"Add as much as you want. "

The boy raised his eyebrows.

"20,000 taels, the money is in hand, I can personally take you to arrest my little uncle. "

Lin Xuan blurted out.

"No way. "

Even if the young man of the Xu family is rich and wealthy, he usually regards silver as dung, and he will never be the head of this wrong.

"It's too much. "

"Who is he?".

Lin Xuan was dissatisfied: "That's my most beloved little uncle." "

"One price, three thousand taels, the success is successful, and if I don't do it, I will leave. "

The young man of the Xu family decisively.

"Okay, it's just three thousand taels, it is worthy of being the son of Beiliang, it is refreshing. "

Lin Xuan gave a thumbs up.

The young man took out a stack of silver tickets and handed it over, and after the young Taoist priest counted it, he stuffed it into his arms, pointed to the direction of the back mountain and said: "He just went up the mountain from the trail, you should be able to catch it at this time." "

"By the way, remember to keep it a secret for me. "

He didn't forget to shout to the departing sister and brother.

"Sister, why do you fall in love with such a person?"

On the trail, the prince of Beiliang was indignant, and before the words came out, he reacted and hurriedly covered his mouth.

Sure enough, as soon as he turned his head, he met the death stare of his second sister Xu Weixiong.

"Sister, I'm talking nonsense. "

The boy sneered.

"Daoist Lin, this son and you don't share the sky. "

A moment later, the sound of the teenager's scolding came from the back mountain path.

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