Sometimes brazen, sometimes cold and steady, decisive in killing, the two originally completely different personalities are not contradictory in this young Taoist priest.

Or is it that all that is shown is just his disguise?

Even if Xu Weixiong thinks very highly of himself and has amazing talent, he has to admit that Lin Xuan's body seems to be shrouded in a hazy fog.

At first glance, I always thought that I could see the inside clearly, but when I looked at it more, I felt blurred, like real and false, like virtual and real, and not real.

"It's a pity that there are thousands of elite riders."

The young Taoist priest sighed, "It would be nice if you gave it to me." "

He is at least eighty percent sure in his heart that this is a bureau, a bureau set up by Xu Rentu.

It is to bring out the traitors under his command and eradicate them in one fell swoop.


Xu Weixiong put away his thoughts and said lightly: "But if you really want it, it is better to go to Beiliang, let alone a thousand horses at that time, even if you let you lead ten thousand horses." "

"Haha, just kidding."

Lin Xuan laughed: "What do I want that thing for." "

"In time, one person and one sword will be able to defeat those thousands of troops."

Before the words fell, the two long swords were unsheathed almost at the same time, and the rippling cold light erupted in the night.

More than a dozen masters rushed out from all around, holding blades and rushing towards Lin Xuan and Xu Weixiong.

But the next moment, a strange scene appeared, and these masters seemed to rush towards the two sword lights.

"Bang bang bang".

Corpses fell to the ground, broken swords stuck horizontally and vertically on the ground.

"The response was good."

Lin Xuan and Xu Weixiong were back to back, the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a teasing smile.

"You're not bad."

Xu Weixiong narrowed her eyes, and the long sword stabbed out to the right, piercing the heart of a killer, and hot blood spurted out, but she didn't even frown.

"Kill them."

The cold voice was particularly harsh in the wind and snow, and more than a dozen figures came out and surrounded the two of them.

Wearing hats and robes, there are middle-aged swordsmen, swordsmen with knives, warriors with spears, and women with a pair of mandarin duck knives.

Each one of them is a master among the masters, up and down, murderous, introverted, and with divine light in his eyes.

"It's a big battle."

Although the young Taoist priest had an injury on his shoulder, he was not afraid, his calm gaze swept over these people, and he said calmly: "Two little grandmasters, seven or eight late congenital stages. "

Then he changed his words and said with a smile: "It's a pity that you are not qualified to be presumptuous in my Wudang." "

"Kill him."

Two figures walked out of the wind and snow, one holding a simple long sword in his arms, and the other holding a long sword with a sheath.

A man and a woman, a sword and a sword, are all innate nine major consummations, that is, the realm of the little grandmaster.

The man's gaze fell on Xu Weixiong's body: "It turns out that the second county lord of Beiliang is also there." "

"Let's live."

The woman holding the sword said in a deep voice: "The role of life is greater. "

"Then you have to live."

The man nodded.

They didn't know who the embarrassed little Taoist priest in front of them was, who seemed to be harmless to humans and animals.

Several masters of the late innate stage dispatched at the same time, three besieged Xu Weixiong, and the rest rushed towards Lin Xuan.

The spear came first, and under the cover of night and wind and snow, silently, went straight to his throat.

"Kill yourself."

The young Taoist priest spoke, the long sword in his hand shook, and the next moment, the figure disappeared.


A rippling sword light bloomed in this wind and snow, like thunder across the night sky, but it was fleeting.

The sword light dissipated, and the innate masters who rushed over were all stunned. One by one, they stood in place.

The wind was blowing, the snow was majestic, splashing, and catharsis was falling, and the seven or eight people stood in the wind and snow, all with their eyes wide open and their expressions frightened.

"What are you doing in a daze?"

The man with the knife in his arms spoke, his brows furrowed, and his tone was not good.


The steel spear broke in the middle, and the look in the pupils of the burly man holding the spear quickly dissipated.


Then fall backwards on your back.



One after another, the masters fell in the wind and snow, and without exception, all of them had their throats cut off.

A sword seals the throat

And it was the throat of seven or eight late-congenital martial artists.

The corners of Xu Weixiong's mouth twitched, and his heart was greatly shocked.

And the man and woman with the sword in their arms, when they looked at the young Taoist priest again, their eyes were already filled with horror.

With their innate nine great perfection cultivations, they couldn't even see the Taoist priest's swordsmanship clearly, and they only felt that the cold light flashed.

"I don't know who gave you the courage."

Lin Xuan held the long sword that was still dripping blood in his hand and slowly walked towards them, a murderous voice sounding in their minds.

"A group of miscellaneous fish, dare to be presumptuous in Wudang."

Without any warning, the sword was unsheathed, and the warriors of the two little grandmasters made a brazen move, wanting to seize the opportunity.

The sword light and sword qi broke through the air, tearing the wind and splitting the snow, the murderous aura came towards the face, and the wind was fierce, blowing the tattered Dao robe rattled.

The momentum was huge, and the cooperation between the two was extremely familiar, sealing the retreat around Lin Xuan and forcing him to face him head-on.

"The idea is good, but it's a pity that the strength is not good."

His eyebrows were raised, and he let out a chuckle, and the light condensing sword in his hand, which was full of the blood of the master, let out a low sword sound.

In an instant, the sound of the wind and snow was suppressed, and the next moment, a powerful sword momentum erupted and broke out of the body.


The qi machine was triggered, and the sword momentum was suppressed, and the two little grandmaster masters were shrouded by Lin Xuan's sword momentum, and they were caught off guard, and their bodies couldn't help but be stunned.

Although he reacted quickly, but the master made a move, life and death are often between the line, a distraction, a flaw, is enough to distinguish victory and defeat from life and death.

Lin Xuan's sword momentum was enough to resist the coercion of the Vajra Realm cultivation head-on, and it was used to deal with the two little grandmasters, which was simply a dimensionality reduction blow.


At the moment when the two of them were stunned, the young Taoist priest stepped out, his robe agitated, and the light sword in his hand urged a sharp edge.

A sword slashed out, and the cold sword qi bloomed in the wind and snow again, like a waning moon, exuding a faint light.

The Light Condensing Sword swept between the man and the woman, and after a while, Lin Xuan landed behind the two of them.



The long sword shook, the blood scattered, the sword was put into the sheath, and a set of actions flowed.


The sword light and sword qi shattered, the sword broke from the middle, the incision was smooth, and the bodies of men and women came to a sudden halt.

The half of the sword in the woman's hand slipped down, her expression was painful, her eyes were blank, and she wanted to raise her hand and cover her throat.

But before his hands were lifted into the air, the last trace of his body was emptied, and the whole person fell weakly.

The man also fell.

Goose feathers and snow fell from the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it covered the corpses with a thin veil.

A sword seals the throat

Even if they were two little grandmasters, they couldn't stop Lin Xuan's sword.

Xu Weixiong looked at the little Taoist priest with a pair of beautiful eyes, and he had mixed tastes in his heart, and there was an indescribable taste.

"See what I'm doing?"

After killing the many masters in ambush cleanly, Lin Xuan's expression did not change much, and he was still extremely calm.

It was as if it was not a human being who died under his sword just now, but a pig and a dog.


Xu Weixiong shook his head.

"Let's go."

Lin Xuan opened his mouth and walked towards the mountain gate.

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