Mo Yunzi didn't have the heart to quarrel, he was afraid that Murong Fu would kill him.

The poison of the marrow palm was quite powerful, and he never thought that one day it would hit him.

The five members of the Nakshatra faction soon disappeared.

Chen Youliang snorted and sandwiched a peanut, "Your name is Ah Zi, right, but you can fake a tiger."

Ah Zi looked Li Qing up and down, "You are Nan Murong, I have heard that you can grow a jade tree in the wind and know many kinds of martial arts." That's right, the beggars and the Shaolin dead people, did you kill them

?" "Guess what?"

"I don't think it's like that." "

What's not like it?"

"You're not ruthless enough. If I were you, I would have slaughtered those five dog things just now!" "

I have no grievances with your second senior brother, why kill him?"

"If it doesn't like the eye, you can kill it casually, how can there be so many whys." Ah Zi said, reached out and tore off a chicken thigh from the plate, and was about to leave with it.

Chen Youliang smiled.

"Ah Zi girl, just now my son-in-law saved you, you didn't even say a word of thanks, did you just want to leave?"

Chen Youliang is also a smart person, seeing that Mo Yunzi misidentified his identity, he said that Li Qing was Murong Fu.

Li Qing didn't explain, Chen Youliang secretly thought, maybe it was a false accusation.

Simply, I even changed my name.

Ah Zi turned his head, his eyes widened, and said: "Murong Gongzi didn't even open his mouth, what are you yelling at a retainer! Such a big person, you don't understand any etiquette

!" "You!"

"What are you! Dare to point at me! What a great character Murong Gongzi is, how can he care if I say a word of thanks or not? Besides, I didn't say it on my lips, but I have already said it in my heart, and I have said it four or five times!


little girl is really uneducated, rude, and forceful.

Li Qing took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "Then what if I want you to stay?"

Ah Zi leaned against the window and bent down.

"Then Ah Zi is naturally not as respectful as -"

Before she could open her mouth, she flew out along the window like a swimming fish

! Chen Youliang never expected that this girl would escape like this!

Li Qing got up and grabbed it, and Ah Zi only felt that her body had been patted, but it was light, which startled her and her body fell to the ground.

After touching her body and making sure she was okay, she looked up and smiled smugly.

"I'm sorry, Murong Gongzi, this girl is still busy, but she doesn't have time to accompany you! Nan Murong doesn't seem to be very good, it's not that I got out like this, say goodbye!" Ah

Zi said with a hippie smile, and hurriedly slipped into the alley on the side, slipping quickly.

Chen Youliang patted the window and scolded: "This little demon girl is really clever and eccentric! I don't appreciate it at all, and I was ridiculed by her, it's just unreasonable!"

Li Qing laughed.

"If you are angry with a little girl, she will take the initiative to come to me, don't worry about her for now. "

Why?" said Chen Youliang, puzzled.

Unexpectedly, Li Qing put a small black object on the table.

"Naturally, with this. "

This, this is ......?!"

Chen Youliang's eyes widened suddenly!

The two stayed in town for one night, and left after dawn.

Hurry up, and finally arrived in Wuxi City two days later.

The two of them went straight to the place where Dazhi divided the rudder.

When the two of them came over, Hou Tonghai was directing a few people to change the plaque.

Last night, the plaque hanging in this place was shot through

by someone from a distance of tens of meters! This is naturally also a warning.

Someone wanted to drive the beggars out of the boundaries of Wuxi City.

Hou Tonghai still had bandages on his arms, and he started the bloody battle.

Seeing that his senior brother was seriously injured, he immediately summoned his subordinates to fight the clamoring force.

The three teachers and nephews were killed one after another, and he was also seriously injured.

Sha Tongtian doesn't seem to have been in the beggar gang for a long time, and he is really loyal to Li Qing, the new master.

And all the people of the city shrank back, and they clung to one acre and three points of land.

And Sha Tongtian also lives here, saying that unless he receives an order, he will never run away like a lost dog!"

Hou Tonghai scratched his head, his head really hurt.

I also persuaded in private, it is important to save my life, and I will withdraw quietly tonight.

Although Li Dashao said that he was coming, it may be too late in time.

Unexpectedly, he was scolded by his senior brother one by one.

On the contrary, Sha Tongtian felt that this was an opportunity to show his loyalty.

Li Qing can let him take over a rudder of the beggar gang and let him be the helmsman, if he runs away in disgrace, he will be liquidated!

So, he can only grit his teeth and hold on!"

Hou Tonghai heard someone talking not far behind him, turned his head, and almost didn't cry when he saw the comer.

Take three steps and step forward.

"Li Dashao, you can be counted as here! My senior brother ......

" Li Qing nodded, "I saw the letter for help, you are doing very well here, do you know where those people live temporarily?" "I know, I know

!" Hou Tonghai nodded hurriedly


"Then you send ten coffins over, let them wash their necks and wait, and come here at noon tomorrow to make a break. "


Hou Tonghai had the confidence to do it now, and immediately called someone to do it.

Li Qing went straight inside.

Soon came to the place where Sha Tongtian rested.

He suffered internal injuries and a broken arm, which he is unable to move now.

"Let you come here to take over, can things go well inside the beggar gang?" Li

Qing told him to recuperate from his injuries, and then chatted.

"Back to Li Dashao, there was no internal harmony at first, after all, I am an outsider, and I can suppress this gang of people on the surface. But in fact, it looks like a god, but now it's okay, there are foreign forces making trouble, but it gives me a chance, although I lost and was beaten badly, but I won a lot of people's hearts. They now call me Lord of the Sand Helm, and that is a recognition of me.

Li Qing nodded.

"You have really paid for it, what you have done is obvious to all, follow me

, you will be rewarded for your merits, you will be punished for your guilt, and you will be rewarded for what you have done well!" "Say, what do you want?"

Sha Tongtian heard this, and his heart immediately beat fast!

Huang Rong was not his opponent before, but now with Li Qing's help, he has completely suppressed him.

"I want to ask for a martial art!"

Li Qing did not refuse, so to say, it was a promise.

"I'm a rough guy and get angry easily. Therefore, in terms of martial arts, I am better at fists and feet, and I want to seek a martial art with powerful fists and feet.

Li Qing pondered for a moment and frowned.

Sha Tongtian chuckled in his heart, and hurriedly asked: "Is it Li Dashao's fists and feet, is it inconvenient to teach me?" "That's

not it, it's just that I have two martial arts, which are too advanced for you, I'm afraid that with your current level, you can't practice it." In other words, if you have to practice, it is difficult to see improvement in two or three years. "


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