1003 The first monster

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

"This reincarnation of the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky is worthy of being the number one monster in the Starry Sky."

"This strength has improved really quickly."

Heavenly Demon said.

"Well, after he completes his reincarnation and rebuilds his physical body, it will be time for him to return to the starry sky.

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

And in a valley in Zhongzhou, Beizhou.

Dozens of people gathered here. They were the reincarnation of Xiao Yifeng, the Great Emperor of Starry Sky, and a group of Star Guards and senior officials of Star Palace.

This group of people were all strong men who followed the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky to conquer the Starry Sky.

When the Starry Sky Great Emperor took them into the Starry Sky Secret Realm of 917, there was no news from them again.

Now they are back again.

"Palace Master, we are in trouble!!!"

This group of people knelt down in front of a young man and shouted respectfully.

"Thanks for your hard work!!!"

The young man said calmly.

"This is all what we should do."

"Palace Master, what are you going to do now?"

"The strong men in our Star Palace have now awakened, and their strength has also improved a lot."

"Should we now revive the glory created by the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky and recreate the glory (ahej) of the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky!!!"

A man wearing a black robe with a cold temperament spoke.

He is Zhao Yuntao, the deputy head of the Star Hall.

"Hide it for now and wait until I return to the starry sky."

The young man said calmly.

"Yes, Lord!!!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Palace Master, who is in control of this Star Order now?"

At this time another old man asked.


"The Star Palace is now under the rule of the Jiuxiao Sect, and the Star Order is controlled by the Tianhai Palace.

"And the relationship between Tianhai Prince's Mansion and Tianhai Clan is very good, we...

"Don't worry too much, Star Continent and Star Palace have the final say!!!"

The young man said indifferently.

"Yes, Palace Master!!!"

Everyone nodded.


Suddenly, check.

A meteor pierced the sky and rushed towards Beizhou.

With the arrival of this meteor, the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, like the twelfth lunar month in the cold winter.

A biting and cold breath swept across the entire Beizhou.

It seems as if summer has turned into severe winter in an instant,

Endless snowflakes danced down.

For a time, the entire Beizhou was shrouded in this cold atmosphere.

Everyone present was trembling.

In Beizhou Continent.

At this moment, there is a huge and simple palace located here.

And in this palace, there are dozens of strong men sitting.

They all exuded a terrifying coercion.

The strength of each of these people has reached the Emperor Monarch level.

These people are the leaders of all forces in Beizhou, and they are all powerful Great Emperors.

In front of this group of people were placed two Star Tokens.

Apparently it was due to the commotion caused by the return of the Star Great Emperor.

These two star tokens contain very strong star power.

Once refined it is absorbed.

Martial Artist's strength will definitely increase dramatically.

"Now that the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky is about to return from reincarnation, we must be prepared to face the enemy."

At this moment, the leaders of all the forces in Beizhou looked at these two stars and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry about this, the Starry Sky Great Emperor's strength has been completely eliminated."

"And this time the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky returned without summoning any powerful people."

"As long as we join forces, we can suppress it!!!"

"Even if he really awakens the memory of his past life.".

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